Rubio’s “Latino Spring”

Lost in all of Rubio’s rhetoric is the fact all his assumptions for immigration “reform” are based on false premises.  Immigration law is not “broken” in and of itself.  Immigration law is not “unfair” by “separating families.”  Most of all, immigration law is not “racist”.  In war the truth is always the first casualty.  Immigration law is not broken, unfair or racist.  The immigration laws of the freest country on earth are the most liberal of any nation in the world.  Read “Alien Nation: A Common Sense Look at our Nation’s Immigration Disaster” by Peter Brimelow, a Canadian.  No other country in the world provides a path to citizenship as generously as the United States.  When politicians huff and puff about the “debacle”, “catastrophe” or “disaster” of immigration law they are really describing their own inability to resist vote grabbing strategies rather than act like statesmen.  They are describing their own institution – Congress.

It began long before Obama’s midnight pusche to not enforce the laws on the books.  Instead of catching illegals they are “observing” Tea Party rallies.  If this isn’t “brown shirt” Amerika I don’t know what is.  CBP officers at the Ports of Entry were brow beaten into ignoring their statutory authority to determine admissibility of each applicant for admission into the United States back in the late ‘90s.  Inspecting for proof of residence and employment in Mexico (the only criteria available for determining if the applicant has a reason to return to Mexico) was soon eliminated.  This was followed by extending the duration of permits to enter the U.S. from 48 hours to an automatic six months – regardless of purpose of visit.  It has been the decades long “Operation Pasale’ ” by Presidents, Congress and the State Department that mushroomed the numbers of illegal aliens living in the United States.

If Rubio really wanted to fix the immigration he wouldn’t be leading the charge to “fix” laws that aren’t broken.  He would be demanding those laws be enforced. And he knows that.  In addition to the well-known excesses of Affirmative Action, Rubio’s immigration bill has the potential to exacerbate those by enabling employers to preferentially hire “conditional status” Latinos ahead of American citizens because employers won’t have to pay ObamaCare premiums.  Rubio’s “reform” is actually aiding and abetting Obama’s demographic gerrymandering of the political system along racial lines.

Rubio’s actions are really an effort to create a Latino Spring for the 2014 -2016 elections.  If Rubio’s immigration law is passed it will result in even more racial politics than we have now.  Rubio’s Latino Spring will make Clinton/Gore’s “Citizenship 2000“  look like a block party.  “Border security first” is a false flag. Rubio talks out of the other side of his mouth in Spanish.  Congress has not insisted on border security since before World War II.  Rubio’s law will accelerate the economic / geographic tribalism that has been occurring within our borders since the last immigration reform act.  Rather than the United States becoming a “minority/majority” in 2043 it will occur much, much sooner.  Several radical Latino and black groups have been stating they are in a state of revolution against the United States for years.  They have begun to smell blood (hyenas are quick to detect weakness).  It is they who are pressing politicians for “reform” not ethnically diverse, un-hyphenated Americans. This is classic Leninist subversion.

It has become politically incorrect for anyone to remind Americans today that the Red “scare” of the ‘50s was a clear and present danger to the Constitution.  It is borne out by Congressional testimony and the published agenda of V.I. Lenin (“What Is to Be Done?” – 1917) which no subsequent communist leader has repudiated.  The execution of that plan by ‘60s radicals inserting themselves into America’s highest political, judicial, and education levels today is not even on the radar (“Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About the ‘60s” by the former leader of the SDS Peter Collier and David Horowitz).   The Long War baton has been picked up by radical race groups – New Black Panthers, La Raza, MeCha, etc. in the 21st century.  This is clearly articulated in Black Muslim preaching and “Occupied America: A History of Chicanos” by Rodolfo F. Acuna, a dedicated Marxist whose book – incredibly – is the most widely used Hispanic Studies textbook in America.

Their road map is clear.  As J. Michael Waller said in his book “Fighting the War of Ideas Like a Real War”, our enemies are doing just that.  Whatever final form Rubio’s “fix” is for immigration, prepare for a Latino Spring.  The Middle East was just a rehearsal

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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