PC Thought Police at Army’s Intel School

I was told last Friday by a “deputy chief” librarian – who, though born in America,  frequently brags about her dual citizenship and social medicine registry number in England – that she, Stephanie, and the chief librarian, Joan (who despises the military but cashes the paycheck while artfully bullshitting the command group), that they have recommended to the command group of Ft. Huachuca that military retirees be banned from using the only post library.  She said it with a shit-eating grin covering the subliminal innuendo that neither she nor Joan like my rebuttals to their accolades of Socialism ergo we are going to ban you from using the library.

When I looked to another librarian she nodded and said “Yes, I disagree with it but it appears its going to be approved.”  No sooner had I told Stephanie I was going to go to the top to investigate this than she literally leaped out of her chair behind the counter begging, pleading with me not to say anything about it – “or it could cost her her……. .”  She reached out to me with both hands.  I thought she was going to grab the front of my shirt in desperation.  It was very embarassing as there were several M.I. students enlisted and officers in the room with us.

Under Dr. “Vee”, the previous librarian, the library environment was warm and cordial to everyone.  As an instructor of 35F enlisted all-source analysts I demanded they go to the library and read at least one book during their 17 weeks of training.  As the only intel instructor to be assigned to teach aviators transitioning from rotary to fixed-wing platforms, I implemented a Special Forces-based country study practical exercise that required those cranky warrant officers to go to the library to obtain passwords for data bases that opened up a whole new world for them.  I donated my great uncle’s 1899 picture books about the Spanish-American War in which he was involved to the Ft. Huachuca library.  And, in my retirement, there are only two things I enjoy consistently each day: working out at the gym then going down the street to the post library to do research, read, email, etc.  – all the things a library has to offer.

But since Joan the Socialist was hired the library has turned into an insurgency of competing politics.  Whereas under Vee everyone could watch the Fox channel without ridicule or innuendo.  Now the TV is on CNN and a leftist clique has been established in the staff.  It’s disappointing that such radicals can bullshit a bunch of colonels.

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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