Thoughts (Pensee’s)


     Biden’s ’24 Victory
Biden could be bedridden
in a deep state coma
(and many think he is)
from now ’til Nov. 4th
and still win. 
Because that’s basically
how he won in 2020.
Americans throughout society
from media pundits to those
who watch them
still haven’t let it sink in
the impact of what
happened in 2020.
The Germans called it
The North Pole Syndrome
refusing to believe the obvious.
“The more we do to them, 
The less they believe we’re doing it.” 
“Remember, it’s not how many
votes are counted that’s important.
What’s important is 
who counts the votes.” – Stalin

Texas is America’s Dunkirk
November 4th is America’s 
Bastille Day

     The Caucus
Democrats say Iowa doesn’t matter
because it’s a Caucus process.  
What they’re protesting is 
the preservation of the power
of direct, individual voter choice.
And notice the GOP isn’t
demanding it replace
ballot harvesting and
voting centers. 

“It is better to give with warm hands
than with cold.”
– TV show Northern Exposure, Season 5, 
Episode 10, First Snow

     Trump the American Novalny?
Is Trump America’s Novalny?
History says he will be.
Insurgency paradigms ensure it.

God IS – and He’s everywhere:
     Raton Pass 
Driving back from Sturgis
2016 (the “Hangover” Rally)
climbing the interstate’s curve
around the Colorado
side of the mountain
and down the other side
into New Mexico.
Looking to my right
onto a vast, low-hanging,
gray-clouded pasture 
was a thick column 
of brilliant, golden sunlight
shining straight down onto 
the green grass 
and contentedly grazing cattle.
Looking ahead I saw raindrops
on my windshield
and looked left for
the anticipated rainbow.
I saw it completely
from end to end about a mile away
against the white granite of the hills.
But as I gazed in wonder
it suddenly moved toward me
and settled on the guardrail 
bordering the opposite lanes.
And stayed there for minutes
glistening so brilliantly
I could see each droplet of rain
coursing downward through
each band of color
almost alive with motion.
It was as if He was declaring
I Am!
I have rarely felt so close
to God.
Moses had his burning bush.
I have my Raton Rainbow.

     Noah in Africa 
I’ve walked this earth
in many climes and places
The Sahara, the Sudan,
jungles and mountains,
the Nile and Vietnam.
Lying on the ground
on the Kenya – Tanzania
border one night
nervous and anticipating
waiting, waiting…
I imagined I could smell
the creation of Man in the soil.
As morning rose and
we made our way back
through Hell’s Gate pass,
I looked back and saw the back of 
the Rock of Gibralter –
the broad, grassy plain
climbing to the narrowed top.
And saw a parade of African animals
going two by two up to
the storm clouded pinnacle.
It’s biblical beauty was spellbinding.
The only thing missing was the Ark
(and maybe it was in the clouds?)
No one else saw the animals 
but me.

Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) for President
2024 (just in case) but definitely 2028.

Words I want to hear from the President:
My first executive order as 
President of the United States will be
to abolish the government office 
that tells Americans when and for whom
the American flag should be lowered
to half staff.
     Our enemies exult in seeing our flag constantly
     Brave Americans died by the thousands
to raise that Flag throughout our History. 
To honor them that flag will never be lowered 
to half staff.
     There is a proper procedure for flag saluting
others who deserve national respect. 
Lowering it and keeping it at half staff
for days, weeks and months is not it.

     Mother Nature’s Warning
On June 8, 1794, Robispierre presided
over a “Feast of the Supreme Being” –
an attempt to establish a Rousseau-style, secular 
religion during the French Revolution.
Before 100,000 men, women, and children
assembled at the Champ de Mars (a Roman god), 
Robispierre, the mostly self-proclaimed embodiment 
of Virtue, applied a torch to the statue of Atheism
but an “ill wind” diverted the flame to the 
statue of Wisdom.” – Durant, XI:79
[It was about this time the American Congress
discovered its’ authority to get rich off
the people who elected them.]

     Blinkin the Mouse
Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s
manner is reminiscent of Topo Gigio,
the big-eared, mouse who appeared 
on the Ed Sullivan show
(see YouTube, Topo Gigio “Topo’s
Chicken Friends” on the Ed Sullivan
Not only does Blinken look like Topo
but their personalities and deferential 
demeanors are a perfect match. – Ligon

     Seeing the Light 
Physicists affirm that “light”
is not a naturally occurring 
state in Nature.
Darkness is.
Light must be Created.
Doesn’t that end the debate?
One might also avow
with equal veracity
that darkness is the 
natural state of Mankind,
and that Light in him 
must also be created 
(or accepted).  – Ligon 
[read Darwin’s Doubt by Stephen Meyer, June 3, 2014]

      “Civilization”? Really?
In the Introduction to Volume VIII,
Will Durant
, author of the epochal 
eleven-volume Story of Civilization,
defines “civilization” as “social order
promoting cultural creation.”
That is not what happens 
in Volumes 5,6,and 7
by any stretch of the imagination.
As I read the Durants’ Story of Civilization 
I shake my head in bewilderment, 
sadness, and repugnance at the
unimaginable brutality
humans commit against one another. 
How can such enduring and pervasive
barbarity be ascribed
the honorable title of “Humanity“?
How macabre to call such mayhem
What depth of Love the Savior 
has to suffer the anguish of an Atonement
for such undeserving souls as we. – Ligon

           Love Hurts
“It is far, far better to have loved and lost
than to have never loved at all.” 
Alfred Lord Tennyson, In Memoriam A.H.H.

     Puppy Love (to Sandra Key of Midwest City)
It was the first recess of the first day of school – ever.
Kindergarten was a new and lonely world to me.
Already bullied by older and bigger boys;
A pretty girl approached me on the playground
She said her best friend wanted me to play 
“Wild Horses” with her “herd.”
Tanned Sandra was the lead mare, dark brown eyes,
long, golden brown mane and a shy smile convinced me 
I was her cowboy.
Catching the “horses” meant a kiss for a brand
On the cheek cuz she hid her face
thwarting my best effort for a real kiss.
I chased only Sandra.
I kissed only her.
I took the beatings from the jealous bullies;
Recess was heaven compared to home.
I carried her Girl Scout cookies home for her.
It was the last time we saw each other. – Ligon

     To Kathleen P.  
“There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I’ve loved one woman with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.” – Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

       Truth Eternal
Regarding my 3-Volume Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, I have been asked how I determine facts stated in my discoveries of literary archaeology (the 5-Foot Bookshelf and other antiquities) are as True today – if not more so- as when they were written: 
1. I do not believe Truth is “relative” or “situational.” Those who claim Truth is “relative” are like mariners who only sail coastal waters and never venture out into the depths of the oceans; like explorers  who tread only the edges of unknown lands and rely on second hand tales for their opinions and perceptions of what lies deep into unexplored territory (like the Pilgrims disastrous dependence on Columbus‘ pamphlet).
2. Truth – like Freedom – has a “ring” to it. The sound of Truth rings in the heart and soul through eyes that see and ears that hear
3. Anyone who listens with “an open heart and a contrite spirit” can know Truth when they read, hear, or see it. This is what the Savior meant in James 1:5 “If any of ye lack wisdom,… .” If God’s children trusted in this scripture and asked God, there would be no need for over 500 different “versions” of the King James Bible or the obscene plethora of commercialized scriptural “aids” -many, as Erasmus declared- horribly wrong and totally absent the Holy Ghost
4. Truth, like music, conveys a feeling that words cannot describe.
5. Recognizing Truth is a universal God-given gift at birth that can be nurtured or starved according to each person’s choices – literally “Livin’ and dyin’ by the choices we make.”- George Jones
6. From the responses of my readers who see the application of my selections to current events, they agree. – Ligon

Karl Rove: GOP’s Biden; saturated in the status quo of Party politics; Gold merchant capitalizing on consumers’ fears.  – Ligon 

Some say “As long as there is Life
there is Hope.”
That is a tenuous assumption.
The sign above Dante’s Gate
reads “Abandon Hope
All Ye who enter here!”
There are many Hells 
on this side of the Gate.
Standing at any one of them
it is usually better to choose Life
than apply a permanent solution
to a temporary Hell. – Ligon

     Political Justice    
“About 664 B.C., Zaleucus gave to the Locri
their first written code of laws 
in the history of Greece.
The Locrians liked it so well 
that they required any man
who wished to propose a new Law
to speak with a rope around his neck,
so that, if his motion failed
he might be hanged with
a minimum of public inconvenience.”
Durant, II:167
This is one law that has not outlived 
its usefulness. – Ligon

Should I steadily pursue the 
path of Truth and Loyalty, or
follow in the wake of a 
corrupt government?
Should I court danger 
with outspoken words, or
fawn in false tones upon the 
rich and great?
Should I be pure and clean-handed
in my rectitude, or
an oil-mouthed, slippery,
time-serving sycophant?” – Ch’u P’ing, Durant, I:694

One of the cruelest things
a person can do
is to destroy the Hope 
of a better, happier Life
in an innocent and
trusting child.
     The next worse thing
is to teach them things
that will guarantee 
that despair. – Ligon

      Biden: America’s Brutus
“The day after Caesar was assassinated,
Marc Antony convened the Senate
and astonished all by his amiability and calm. 
     He accepted Cicero’s proposal for a general amnesty, 
and agreed that Brutus should receive a
provincial governorship. 
     The Senate, convinced of Antony’s sincerity,
acclaimed Antony as a statesman
who had snatched peace out of the jaws of war.” – Durant, III; 199 
     So what does our Senate call
their Brutus who repeatedly
snatches War out of the jaws of Peace?
     God give us an American Antony
to wreak vengeance on the corrupt
and restore our freedom 
and our Republic! – Ligon

     The Boy
Classical music has long 
been a source of therapy
against my travails in Life.
Classic FM, a British station
is a beacon of emotional salve
that makes Life just a bit more tolerable.
Today I read and listened to their Music News
article about a 9 year old boy’s response
to an symphony’s performance. 
It made me weep. It still does. 
It was such a pure, poignant moment.
In a world filled with ugliness,
His simple, innocent outburst of appreciation and joy;
and I sorrowed for the monumental Lack
of parents’ exposing their 
children to the beauty of classical music.
What a better family, society we would be
if all our children were soothed to sleep
by Brahms, Chopin or Lily’s Lullabye. 
If their days were nourished with 
Mozart or Beethoven.
If their studies were accompanied 
by Tchaikovsky or Grieg.
Against the cacophony of sewage 
killing their tender brain cells with 
hate, discord, rebellion and salaciousness. – Ligon

Ideas drive me nuts.
Especially when they wake me
in the middle of the night.
First one, and I have to rise to 
write it down.
Then another, and another
until the drip becomes 
a deluge
And I sit there knowing
I have to stay up 
and write it all down
before the sun rises.
Because a.m. is an abbreviation
for amnesia.
Oh, to sleep through the night! – Ligon

      I’m FOUR!
Seen on a precocious, 4 year-old boy’s T-shirt:
“I do all my own stunts!”
I bet he does!
God bless his sainted mother.

Golda Meir on Peace 
Gold Meir once said “There will be no 
Peace in the Middle East until the 
Arabs love their children more than 
they hate the Jews.”
America will continue to be a war-based
economy until Americans love their children
more than their defense contract paychecks;
And stop swallowing the political-military-industrial
swill justifying using a “Golden Sledgehammer”
instead of a stainless, steel scalpel against
threats that pose no danger of destroying America. – Ligon Law

Rush Lembaugh and the U.N. 
I lost a lot of respect for Rush Lembaugh
several decades ago after discovering he 
avoided the military draft with a medical
exemption for a pilonidal cyst. 
A pilonidal cyst is “an abnormal skin 
growth located at the tailbone that contains
hair and skin. It forms from lack of hygiene
and physical activity. It is easily resolved 
with a local anesthesia, incision, drainage
and packed with gauze for up to four weeks.
Rush Lembaugh, through his cowardice, has
more in common with the United Nations 
than the United States: 1. The U.N. is also cowardly 
in all its’ military virtue signaling, money-Making
“peacekeeping” missions around the world; 2. the U.N.
can be removed from the ass crack of America by some 
brave President of the U.S. administering his political 
scalpel and excising the U.N. from its comfortable
quarters in New York City; and draining it by removing
it to Paris or some other equally-minded, politically and 
militarily timid European Union country.

     Peace on Earth
Golda Meir once said
     “There will be no peace
in the Middle East
     until the Arabs 
Love their children
     More than they hate us.”
True. But I believe
     if we could discover
how doves remain
     monogamous for Life
without arguing
     there would be
Peace on Earth –
     or is that
why they’re mourning?

     Mike and Mike
“Hi, Mike! Whatcha reading?”
      “It’s a horror story written by an 
author known for his horror stories.
I don’t really like it because it has
a really horrible plot.”
“That’s a really colorful shirt
you’re wearing.”
     “Thanks, Mike!”
 “Where’d you find 
a shirt like that?”
     “I found it on the Internet.”
“So you intentionally sought
it out and bought it on purpose?”
     “Yeah!, I just like cats 
that eat sushi!”
     “I don’t like either one
of those.”
     “You must be a dog
and steak guy.
     “Yeah, I guess I am.”
And the world kept turning. 

The book Stolen Valor. 
     Says it all. Read it.
Clinging to memories
     many made up
fantasies of Walter Middys
     Holding on to 
the naive public’s pity.
      What would those who died
say to those imposters?
And to the real warriors
     who suffer in stoic silence?
“Get over it!” “Let it go!” Get on with Life!”
     “Cowboy Up!” “Ranger On!” “All the Way, Airborne!”
“Return [and live] with honor!”
     It’s the only cure. – Ligon

   “Any man who is willing to risk his life for his country deserves an even break. Nothing more, nothing less.” – Teddy Roosevelt.  

          Guilty Conscience?
I don’t want – nor do I need – your thanks for paying my debt as a citizen for serving in the military. I didn’t do it for you. Only the dead have the right to thank me. It is to them I owe being a good citizen. But I will accept your apology on their behalf for you not paying yours. – Ligon

Years ago I attended my oldest son’s
     Marine boot camp graduation.
A few short years later
     I attended my youngest son’s 
Even fewer years later 
     I attended my middle son’s
They ask the folks in the grandstands
    if they are current or former Marines
to stand and be recognized. 
     The first time I stood.
The second time
     I and my oldest stood.
The third time I, my oldest
     and youngest stood.
And I couldn’t help wonder two things
     as the platoons passed in review:
Where do we still get
     such fine young men?
And will I live long enough
     to stand with my sons again?
The answer to the first
     is from the ones who stand.
The answer to the second
     is in the clock of sand.

If some genius in physics
     could harness the Love
a man has for his children
     and their children.
If some enterprising soul
     could bottle the pride 
he feels hearing “Dad!”
     or “Grandpa!”
uttered from those he lived
     his life for
and lived to see them blossom
     into good citizens
and loving parents of the sweet,
    innocent children
they once were;
    that man would harness
more energy than the Sun
     has produced
in its’ entire existence 
     and still fall short.   – Ligon

Few, Fewer, Fewest
Few there are who seek the Truth
Fewer there are who recognize the Truth 
Fewest there are who choose to live it.

Few there are who seek Knowledge
Fewer there are who know its’ value
Fewest there are who use it for Good.

Few there are who love Music
Fewer there are who know good Music.
Fewest there are who appreciate what it takes.
Even fewer there are who try to make it.

Few there are who know Love
Fewer there are who give Love
Fewest there are who Love
     in the face of Hurt and Hate.

Few there are who know Gratitude
Fewer there are who show Gratitude
Fewest there are who are Grateful
     in the face of Ingratitude.

Few there are who know Respect.
Fewer there are who show Respect.
Fewest there are who earn Respect.

Few there are who know Reverence.
Fewer there are who Revere.
Fewest there are who know
     How and Whom to Revere.

Few there are who Worship.
Fewer there are who know the difference
     between Worship and popularity.
Fewest there are who sacrifice to Worship.

Fewest there are
     who will use all these things
To obey God’s will
     and reap the blessings
Promised to those 
     seeking all these things. – Ligon

  • Exiting the Ft. Huachuca, AZ Health Center, I encountered an old codger slowly using a walker up the sidewalk to the front door. He was wearing a black baseball cap with “USS Forrestal” emblazoned across the front. “Were you on the Forrestal?” I asked. “Yes, I was. 1967-68.” he answered. “Were you there when it caught fire?” I asked. “Yes, I was.” he said seriously. He began describing in detail how a 2.75 air-to-ground rocket had been armed on an aircraft “at the apron – which is wrong six ways from Sunday” and how it fell off and shot across the flight deck into the engine running A-6 Attack fighter piloted by John McCain. The rocket penetrated the fully loaded fuel pod beneath his aircraft resulting in an immediate inferno. McCain’s fighter jet also had a 500lb bomb attached beneath. “I’ve seen the video of McCain jumping off the nose of his fighter seconds before it blew up” I said. “Yeah, I saw him do that.” he said. “How many were killed or injured from that fire?” I asked. “134 sailors died fighting that fire.” he said sadly. “The video I saw showed a lot of sailors running toward the fire to help their comrades.” I said. Like the old mariner he is he said “There’s a book you should readSailors to the End“. I’m mentioned in it twice. There were pallets of 500 lb. bombs sitting on the flight deck beside the aircraft and the fire was getting close to them. I jumped on a forklift but the battery was dead. I got it started somehow and got a pallet of the 500 pounders up and away from the fire. A Chief told me to dump it over the side. I drove the forklift to the edge of the deck as fast as it would go and jumped off just before it went over the edge of the deck into the ocean.”  he said.  All I could do was shake his hand and ask his name -“Ashton” he said. “Thank you, Ashton.” Go Navy.    (see also: The United States Navy in World War II by S.E. Smith, 1967;  for inspiring, personal accounts from Pearl Harbor to the deck of the Missouri. A retired CPO loaned me his worn copy. The book is simply stories told by sailors who were there. It gave this Marine a much deeper respect and admiration for the Navy.) 
  • I often feel the more I learn about human nature the more I envy the catatonic. Then I see a youth baseball team flood into a fast food restaurant like they’re taking the field. I watch them running about getting food and drink as if they hadn’t already played nine innings.  The only girl on the team is, of course, taller than the others.  She has beautiful long brown locks and by her posture is clearly more mature than her fellow male teammates – and secretly adored by most of them. Boys of all sizes and colors sit side by side practicing high fives and cram to make room for more of their teammates at the tables. Their exuberance recharges me somehow. Perhaps there is hope for America.