America’s King George, III

I was “pearl diving”  the sale rack at Hastings for cheap, good books a week ago and found another treasure: “Best Little Stories From the American Revolution” by C. Brian Kelly and Ingrid Smyer.  I’m always a little leery dealing with men who use only the initial for their first name.  It seems snobbish to me.  The book was OK for 99 cents extracting interesting anecdotes from primary sources but omits a few details like the fact that Robert Rogers (of Rogers’ Rangers fame) ended up fighting on the British side mid-way through the Revolution (see “War On the Run: The Epic Story of Robert Rogers and the Conquest of America’s First Frontier) – a fact today’s Rangers either don’t know (not known for reading books) or intentionally ignore.  Maybe the majority of Rogers’ life in service to the American colonies deserves the omission.  I don’t recommend either spending money or time buying or reading the “Best Little Stories…” book.  The reason I mention it here is the list of grievances aagainst King George III contained in the Declaration of Independence in the appendix.  For those educated in our public school system during the last 30 Years War (by Socialists on our schools), King George III was the last Hanoverian (German) king of Great Britain prior to and during the American Revolution (from Great Britain).  Indeed, it is accurate to say if it weren’t for the offenses committed by King George, III there would have been no American Revolution.

Every American who loves this land blessed by our Creator (so far-in spite of ourselves) should read the Declaration of Independence on all our historically significant holidays and at night in our homes in quiet solitude when we can reflect on its’ significance in the history of the world and its’ cost in patriots’ lives.  Almost exactly midway through the Declaration of Independence twenty-five specific offenses against King George, III are listed.  As we approach the end of the fourth (and hopefully last) year of King Obama’s reign, I realized he and King George have a lot in common.  Of the 25 grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence against a tyrannical King George, Obama has violated 13 of them.  These are the ones I feel he’s violated, you may add others from your knowledge of his reign:

1. “He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.”  Obama and his sycophants in the Senate have refused to submit a budget for four years.  This is unprecedented in American history.  Obama totally ignored the September deadline for his plan for the pending fall-back budget remedy of automatic spending cuts called sequestration.  Instead, in addition to ignoring a foreign security crisis unprecedented since Thomas Jefferson and the Barbary pirates, Obama is begging for political contributions in, of all places, Las Vegas.  How symbolic.

2. “He has forbidden his govenors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtainedf; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.”  Obama and his sycophants in the Senate have refused to even allow at least four budgets approved by Republicans in the House of Representatives to be brought up for debate in the Senate.  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) is the choke point in the Senate.

3. “He has refused to pass other laws for the accomodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.”  Translate “refused to pass other laws” to “refused to enforce  laws”.  Obama and his flack, Attorney General Eric Holder (who stated it was time HIS (black) people got THEIR due) amazingly have used the power and resources of the federal government to prevent Arizona from enforcing the same immigration laws written in Title 10 of the United States Code.  Arizona State Bill 1070 is an EXACT replica of the federal law.  I know.  I’ve read -and enforced- both.  While the media is preoccupied with fabricating reports SB1070 is “racist” and supports the U.S. Attorney General’s law suit, they -who have admitted to never reading it, are ignorant of the fact that the law includes a codicile prohibiting law enforcement officers from being sued for enforcing the law!  The world has indeed turned the scriptural upside down when “good is called evil and evil good.”  The socialist hit-man team of Obama and Holder also sue states for trying to eliminate fraud from registered voter rolls.  They are the wielded weapon of Move On financed by George Soros whose mission is to subvert the voting system within every state to win this November’s election for president of the United States.  And of course Obama and Holder cancelled an Assistant U.S. Attorney General’s investigation into the violation of federal law (it’s actually a CIVIL RIGHTS violation!) of the New Black Panther Party’s physical threatening of white voters who attempted to vote in Chicago for the 2010 federal elections.

5. He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.”  Obama has refused to enter into negotiations or any meaningful discussion to reach a compromise with the pleading Republicans in the House of Representatives on his much touted Health Care (ObamaCare) Initiative or any other fiduciary issue that will prevent the looming cloud of a ’20s era Depression.

6. “He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.”  By using a Leftist litmus test in nominating Supreme Court justices, Obama has adulterated the highest court in the land.  Rather than nominate a strict Constitutionalist, qualified jurist to the Supreme Court he and his sycophants in the Senate seated a Socialist political appointee who had help write the mysterious ObamaCare law – and then failed to recuse herself as a conflict of interest in hearing the case.  Obama, in obedience to his mentor Saul Alynsky, has created “Czars” for every political issue on their socialist agenda.  These are un-vetted, unelected positions with massive authority to alter the function of government.  Obama has boasted of accomplishing his agenda “even if it means going around Congress (our elected representatives)”!   This country is indeed undergoing more convulsions from within than I’ve seen since the radicals’ attempt of the ’60s to destroy America.

7. He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands.”  Obama, the Democrats and yes, the Republicans, all have worked the immigration laws to ensure their re-election.  Because America’s future is NOT the concern of our elected officials.  RE-ELECTION is.  And they have -and will continue to- sell their souls to the devil to retain the exalted position of elected office.  The military wing of Obama’s insurgency is right now signing up illegal aliens and others ineligible to vote in every voting district in every state in the union.  In violation of federal and state law they are demanding voting district configuration and representation based on the total minority population – versus the total legal eligible voting minority population.  The Attorney General’s office is responsible for ensuring compliance with the ’64 Voting Rights Act.  They turn a blind eye to this gross violation and subversion of the Constitution.

Despite his expulsion from two European countries and being denied admission into Saudi Arabia and Kuwait for his association and support of terrorist organizations, Tariq Ramadan, grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, has been allowed to tour the United States freely to lecture -and incite- students at universities across the nation.  Obama removed him from the terrorist watch list.

8. “He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”  Since the Left’s Declaration of Susquehanna, “swarming” has been a tactic of the left to disrupt conservative conventions, harass conservative leaders, and discredit conservative agendas.  Obama, in obedience to his mentor Saul Alynsky, has created “Czars” for every political issue on their socialist agenda.  These are un-vetted, unelected positions with massive authority to alter the function of government.  Obama has boasted of accomplishing his agenda “even if it means going around Congress (our elected representatives)”!   Obama’s avoidance of leadership in solving the nation’s mushrooming financial fiasco has drastically reduced the value of the dollar – in effect, “eating out our substance.”

9. “He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation.”  Obama, as Clinto and Carter before him, are more than willing to sublimate our Constitutional laws and rights to those of the United Nations and the World Court.  The danger in this can be seen in Afghanistan where our combat soldiers are subject to foreign commanders’ political agendas that are not America’s.  The insanely restrictive Rules of Engagement are not just the idiocy of our own State Department.

10.  “For cutting of our trade with all parts of the world.”  Obama has refused to support efforts for energy independence and allowed avowed enemies to profit from his policies.  Obama bends over backwards to enable Hugo Chavez to increase oil production in Venezuela while restricting it within our own borders.

11. “For imposing taxes on us without our consent.”  One word:  ObamaCare.

12. “For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury.”  Stating on national television Obama said  Trayvon Martin “would look like my son” – if Obama had a son.  And the cop who arrested a suspicious person who turned out to a reputable public figure was an “idiot”.  Mistrials have been declared over less.

13.  “For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our government;”  Obama was raised in an environment of mentors whose sole agenda in life is to fundamentally alter the forms of our government.  Obama said so in his campaign for presidency.  He has spent almost four years doing so.  His campaign to encourage everyone possible to receive welfare -eliminating the work requirement- to make the American people addicted to government largesse is an extension of the Clower-Piven attempt to bankrupt New York City the same way two decades ago.

Obama’s foreign policy has come home to roost with the attacks on our embassies abroad.  No surprise to anyone who’s been there …or has an ounce of good ‘ol American common sense.  Indeed, the error of appeasement goes back to our venerated constitution.  During the debate to seek more redress or cut ties completely with Great Britain, Benjamin Franklin said “If you behave like sheep, wolves will devour you.”           It’s time to kick the “sh….eep” out of office.

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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