Tax the Sun?

Re: Kevin Taylor’s 27 Oct letter in the Sierra Vista Herald regarding AZ Public Service’ attempt to tax the sun:  The bad news is that global companies are investing heavily in controlling access to any natural resource.  Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism pointedly states the collective aspect of Socialism is not a strategy solely of the Left.  The incest between Wall Street, big business and Congress loves monopolies as much as the Left.   Conservative fascism practices collectivism by lobbying Congress to enact laws favorable to corporations large enough to expel small private (and local) energy enterprises from the market.  They do this by feeding policy to elected officials through their revolving-corporate/legislative-door staffers writing regulations small business can’t afford.  Large corporations can afford to do so based on economy of scale.  This keeps the money funneled to the power elite.

It isn’t only solar.  It’s also why common sense solutions to reduce health care costs are not supported by politicians. The health industry has great interest in suppressing interstate competition.  The Chamber of Commerce contributes as much to immigration law “reform” (aka “abolition”) as radical groups like La Raza and MeCha who control the legislative dialogue.  Laws favoring monopolies and special interests are passed because our elected officials “don’t have the time” to read the laws they vote for.  Apparently the only thing they have time to read is the campaign donor list. This is why Nancy Pelosi said “you’ll find out about it after it is passed”.   She was only voicing a bi-party dictum.

Interesting NetFlix documentaries such as “Flow” and “Crude”” and “The Warning” expose mega-corporate efforts to monopolize natural resources.

Interestingly, Karl Marx, before his Communist Manifesto, began his journalistic career championing indigent rights to gather forest wind fall in order to stay warm in the winter.  Conservative Prussian monopolistic owners of the forests at the time made it a crime to do so. Based on historical evidence – and future trends- a strong argument can be made that the only effective solution is exactly what he recommended in his Manifesto five years later…without the overreaction by later ideologists.  Perhaps we need another American Lion to cut the corporate Gordian Knot.

Spiritually this is what happens when nations substitute the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with worship of the golden calf.   Secularly it is the continuation of Saint-Simeon, Hegelian/Marxist/Fascist doctrine by both parties….and those who elect them.  One leads to the other.  (Solzhenitsyn)

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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