Obama’s Inaugural / State of the Union

Being nice in war and politics doesn’t cut it.  It’s time the National Tea Party get some real gonads and start exerting some real pressure on Obama and his cult of Socialists.  If this Tea Party is to be anything substantively like its’ namesake it is time to start using the escalation of force used by the party of our Founding Fathers.  A good beginning would be a major demonstration at Obama’s inauguration.  Follow that up with a group walk-out during his State of the Union address.  Invite the Supreme Court justices to do the same – those that don’t panic in the face of opposition.  Quit being nice.  Be rude.  Be BLATANTLY RUDE!  Despite the co-optation of the press by the Left, how can the mainstream media ignore an anti-administration protest during a presidential swearing in?  How can the cameras miss a significant number of the audience at the State of the Union address getting up and walking out in protest?  The leader of the demonstration and walk-out should have a list of grievances printed out to give to the media who would have to ask why.  Posters at the demonstration should say “Where’s YOUR Transparency?”,  “Voter Fraud!” “Enforce the Laws of the U.S.!”, “Stop Muslim Infiltration!”, etc.  Before they walk out of the State of the Union Address they should yell out the same questions in the middle of Obama’s speech.  The leader of these protests should begin each interview with this comment: “Barack Hussein Obama has lost the moral authority to preside over this congress and the citizens of the United States of America by failing to faithfully execute his oath of office – in that (list of charges follows – as in the Declaration of Independence)   ………….”         Let’s start conducting legal disturbances that will embarass Obama and  undermine his much touted positive media image.  The squeaky wheel gets the grease.    In my opinion it is the only way to prevent a third and fourth term by this monster.  In the words’ of Colonel Parker at Lexington, “If they mean to have a war, let it begin here!”


About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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