Obama’s “Arab Lie”

I have studied counterinsurgency for several decades.   I’ve taught it for several years.  So when Obama began running for president of the United States I recognized familiar TTPs (Tactics, Techniques & Procedures) common to insurgents and subversives around the world.  Many know of Hitler’s propagandist’s famous quote “If you tell a lie often enough and to enough people they will come to believe it”.  Lenin, who was shipped to Moscow by the Naziis to organize the most recent -and ultimately successful- revolution, called those who believe the lie “Useful Idiots”.  Lenin also considered lying -he called it “AgiProp”- his most useful “scalpel” to be used first in spreading subversion and communism around the world ….even withholding military force in favor of it.  Regis Debray, a French communist who advised most of the Latin American communist insurgents including Che’ Guevarra (and see how that turned out) encourages subversives to respond to public inquiries about insurgent agendas with “dissembling”.  Debray is a genius at subversive literature and still alive -and indoctrinating- today in France – just recently a Socialist country.  The genealogy of Socialism’s lying to the public (or “masses” as they call it ….and sometimes a slip of the tongue by Democrats)is easily traceable to the Leftist’s attempts today to undermine the Constitution (read “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About the ’60s” by Peter Collier and David Horowitz (1996).  And it is well-documented how the arab Pasha collaborated with Hitler during WW II.  I reckon on the concept of using one infidel to kill another infidel.

So if you are puzzled by Barack Hussein Obama’s penchant for his version of “the most transparent administration in American history” – a version that has Judicial Watch straining resources to keep up with, simply remember that Muslim arabs lie.  This fact was known as far back as World War I.  One of my heroes, T.E. Lawrence (aka: “Lawrence of Arabia”) wrote about it in Seven Pillars of Wisdom.  Lawrence’s exloits in uniting the “bedouin” into a race called “arab” are well-known.  One may well say the West can blame him for giving them an identity and a cause.  Lawrence offered a post WW I map of the Middle East that would have provided at least a longer peace than we have experienced based on tribal affiliation rather than arbitrary geo-political aspirations of Western power-brokers.  It was ignored by the victors of WW I.  During the negotiations over the division of the Middle East one of the British negotiators remarked that all they received from the natives was “the Arab lie”.  They knew the cultural obligation of Muslims to lie to “infidels” and didn’t tolerate it.  Back then the West was under no delusion of political correctness and dealt with the arabs as they saw fit ….according to the West’s best interests.  Offending a Muslim was the last thing on Western leaders’ minds as they recovered from the devastating First World War in the history of mankind.

It should be the last thing on our mind’s as well.  Americans revolted at being left out of the loop regarding decisions that affected

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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