NSA Lynching

I’m comforted by the fact that some conservatives aren’t misled by the fear mongering of conservative, low- information politicians and pundits decrying the NSA surveillance.  But the numbers should be higher.  I agree Obama and his henchmen/women are way past the definition of treason and impeachment but let’s examine the NSA.

Last week my sister in Atlanta and I (in Arizona) were discussing our upcoming trip to Italy over our cell phones.  Sis told me it was better to buy train tickets in-country than over the web because it was easier and more flexible “….unless someone blows up the train.  ……Mike?  You still there?”  “Wait for it, sis…..”  “CLICK!”  “Did you hear that, sis?”  “Yeah, what was it?”  “That was the NSA vacuum cleaner triggering when you said three words……”  Sis began apologizing to the NSA over the phone.  And you know what?  I’m GLAD the NSA computers heard those words and began doing what they are very good at – identifying potential threats to our national security.  Our hostile enemies – heck, even our friendly enemies – salivate with joy when we cannibalize ourselves like this.

The last time I checked Google, the NSA has three of the five most powerful computers in the world.  The other two are probably burning up on Wall Street trying to decipher derivatives.  You can see photos of the old Cray computers on the web.  And you know who programs those computers?  AMERICANS from M.I.T. and Stanford, well, a majority are probably Chinese foreign students but, hey, we all live in the same world, right?  Not. (Read “Friendly Spies.”)

The reason the dirtbag who “leaked” that NSA is surveilling Americans is a criminal is because he did two things: 1. He violated the contract he signed when he was “read on” to that level of classified information – which says to keep his damn mouth shut.  2. Intentionally or not, he –and those who took the bait – created a rear guard action distracting the public and congress from nailing Obama and his agency sycophants’ posteriors to the barn door for actual IRS crimes against American citizens.

What the dirtbag did not do is:  1. So far, he hasn’t stated specifically that the NSA has targeted Americans for political reasons or in any other way violated FISA regulations – as the IRS has violated its charter.  He hasn’t presented a credible case that the algorithems of the NSA have been construed to target anyone other than potential threats to national security.  If they have, all the intelligence committee members have to do is look at the algorithems!  The NSA is conducting surveillance on American citizens?  Have you heard of Ft. Hood, the Boston bombing, Times Square bombing, Little Rock shooting …..domestic terrorism (er, I mean work place violence)?  Believe it or not there are pseudo-Americans who want to harm American citizens.  We could start with the Congressional Socialist Caucus chaired by Arizona congressman Raul Grijalva, CAIR, and glean the rest from DiscovertheNetworks.org.

I don’t know where Americans got the idea what they say or do on any electronic means emanating outside their homes contains a right to privacy. Even before Alexander Graham Bell uttered “Watson! Come here I need you!” at the invention of the telephone, the Marconi wireless was being monitored by our government. Western Union and Bell Telephone cooperated with federal law enforcement safeguarding national security for over a hundred years.  Few remember the Zimmerman Telegram intercepted by the U.S. government.  It exposed the Germans’ efforts to entice Mexico to side with them during WW I.  The public outcry (and experience) convinced Mexico it wasn’t a good course of action to take.  The two Polish men who invented what later became the Enigma Machine used by the Nazis did so to enable international banking transactions be conducted without eavesdropping by foreign countries’ long before WW II (the Brits weren’t interested in granting it a patent).  Signal intelligence (SIGINT) – consisting of COMINT (voice) and ELINT (electronic impulse) is the most direct, accurate and effective method for locating, identifying and targeting enemies of our nation.  It was SIGINT that enabled us to “read Hitler’s mail.”  It was SIGINT that enabled us to read the intentions of the Japanese navy prior to the Battle of Midway – a battle that turned the tide of the Pacific war in our favor.  How many lives did that save?  Many of those complaining wouldn’t be here without it.  It was SIGINT that enabled national intelligence assets to monitor Osama bin Ladin’s cell phone conversations – until the New York Times published that fact.  Think how much shorter the life of OBL – and the misadventure in Afghanistan- would have been.   The NSA is closely monitored for FISA violations by two bi-partisan congressional committees.  Would that we had the same for the IRS! The NSA is less a threat to our security than commercial organizations that enable merchants to know how much your house costs while talking to you on the phone.

I believe anyone who watches reality TV, Tweets or both political parties’ election machines whose algorithem’s can tell if you are an undecided voter or not are more of a threat to our privacy than the NSA.  The dedicated professionals at NSA are occupied looking for threat indicators in the galactic ocean of electronic emissions permeating our planet.  They don’t have the time – or the inclination – to read your sexting or anything else not a significant threat to your security. According to the ratings, much of America could learn from them.

As credible a source as former KGB chief Putin’s assuaging “You can have it both ways: security and privacy” is nothing more than more gleeful disinformation stoking the fire.  Over a hundred years of insurgency experience dictates that some rights have to be curtailed until the threat is gone.  I didn’t think the Patriot Act was necessary.  It’s as redundant and political as Homeland Security.  But the NSA is doing as good a job as they can.  Politicians, pundits, and the dirtbags who publicize our capabilities should be hung by their brass appendages above the door of the puzzle palace.

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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