Glenn, Rush, Original Sources and the GOP

I’ve noticed a pattern between the two iconic, conservative political commentators.  Neither have the life experience to make them experts in politics – or life- or to convince me they earned their conservative credentials by character-building.  However, I am grateful they have chosen to be the mouthpieces of constitutional truths at a time when our nation’s most sacred document (next to the Bible) is at so much risk.  I used to think of Glenn Beck as the “Elton John” of political commentators….until he started accessing the website that has monitored anti-American organizations for at least a decade.   and perused “The Black Book of Communism” and other original sources of truth about the evils of communism, socialism, and Leftist/Anarchic ideology.  That’s when Glenn became a serious truth teller.  And, as opposed to Rush, Glenn’s sidekick doesn’t interrupt him to tell him to “back off” when he hammers the unvarnished truth about those specific threats to the Constitution.  Glenn is truly an unabashed truth speaker with access to credible and original sources who expose the lie of the Left.

I think of Rush like a parent thinks of an obstinate child.  Rush is my age but doesn’t come near the life experience  the average my generation have.  That would be impossible for someone who has spent their life “talking into the can”.   I take points away from Rush after reading his bio in which I learned he avoided military service because he had a “piloidinal cyst” – an affliction between the buttocks from sitting too long that could have been easily removed with out-patient surgery.  I began listening to Rush in the late ’80s on my car radio during lunch at Ft. Bragg.  I turned the volume up loudly so the liberals could be offended.  But I noticed Rush changes the subject very quickly when someone calls about the military (i.e. elimination of the gay policy, etc.)  About ten days ago I called the “Excellence in Broadcasting” network to comment on Rush’s reporting of Obama’s speech to the U.N.  I had read Beck’s “The Blaze” report of the U.N. Resolution 16/17 prohibiting “demeaning, and besmirching language about any religion”.  This was a resolution submitted by the Arab League (read Muslim Brotherhood) to eliminate free speech and telling the truth about radical islam.  In counterinsurgency this is called targeting the enemies’ ‘historical narrative’ by exposing it as a lie.  It is the most effective way of defeating insurgents and radicals of all stripes.  This was most effectively written about in the book “Fighting the War of Ideas Like a Real War” – which the Bush administration should have read before invading islamic countries.  America’s historical narrative is the Revolution of 1776 and the Constitution – and it is under attack.  So I was absolutely shocked, …..shocked!…. when Snerdley answered my call with “I’m sick and tired of you “tin-hat” conspiratorialists calling in!”  Snerdley continued such a tirade I couldn’t get a word in to explain what I was going to say about Obama using dissembling to talk out of both sides of his mouth when he gave his speech.  I thought I had called the Democratic National headquarters by mistake as I listened to Snerdley’s viciously, hostile response to my idea.  I finally hung up on him.  So I was not surprised to hear Rush today abruptly switch from the “Why?” of Benghazi to the “Black bubble around NFL Black quarterbacks.  Rush was actually getting to the core of the truth about why the attack on Benghazi was allowed to occur by following former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton’s “ideology” rational given to Greta Van Susteren last night on Fox.  Rush actually was conducting a logical rhetorical syllogism that based on the evidence, it was the Socialism of Hillary and Obama that prevented anything being done about the attack when they knew in real time the attack was occurring.  Rush actually mentioned “Socialism” twice before he stopped talking …..listening to Snerdley over the headphone….then switched the subject to the black bubble around NFL black quarterbacks.  So beware the man behind the man behind the microphone.  Rush is guided by his desire for the truth ….according to Snerdley.  Glenn is guided by Glenn’s desire for the truth.   BUT, I will recommend  everyone do what all American citizens should have been doing for the last several decades:  read original sources.  I attended a Tea Party meeting this last Monday.  Someone asked the guest speaker what he thought of the Patriot Act.  The speaker, a  pseudo-spy catcher, couldn’t answer because he didn’t know what it was.  So, the questioner asked me what I thought.  I had an opinion but I answered with “Have you read the Patriot Act?”  No one in the audience had but expressed great umbrance at the “intrusion of the government into our personal lives”.  How could they know that if they hadn’t read a law that was required to be published for public review prior to its’ passage?  It’s on the internet!  Don’t be a blind conservative.  Because I have seen professional “conservatives” who are really paid employees (read “lobbyists”) of the National Chamber of Commerce and other organizations that have historically led the nation to extreme measures favoring profit over people …..the truly elite and uncaring …aka  the GOP.

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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