Democrat Rep. Joe Garcia “Communism Works!” – Not.

Florida Democrat Representative Joe Garcia’s quote “We have proved communism works” (OYM 30 May) was a stunning display of historical ignorance and cultural amnesia at best – or one of Putin’s disinformation “fellow travelers” at worst.  No other than Fidel Castro declared communism does not work during a Sep. 8, 2010 The Atlantic interview with Jeffrey Goldbloom.

America’s mass media has become Lenin’s “favorite scalpel” as the propaganda machine for communism cloaked in Progressivism.  Facts are pesky things but as Hitler’s propagandist said “Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.”  This is particularly true for a non-informed electorate (see movie “Idiocracy”).

Few actually read Marx’s The Communist Manifesto or Lenin’s “What Is to be Done?”  much less Bush’s Patriot Act to compare them with the Declaration of Independence or Bill of Rights.  Neo-communists ignore Marx’s lifelong inability to financially support himself and his family.  Engels capitulated his ideological purity to work at his father’s textile mill.  This, and but for this, enabled Engels to support Marx and his family (and their governess whom Marx impregnated) for the rest of his life.   Lenin took a little longer to be discredited by economic reality.

The international best seller Black Book of Communism was written by devout communists – until actually living under Socialism.  They successfully warned the French public of the danger of another Socialist government.  They detail the myriad horrors of economic collectivism in Russian and China resulting in 100 million deaths (compared to 25 million under the Nazis).  Four million Ukrainians and 2 million others starved to death in the famine of 1932-1933 alone.  If that’s not incentive to remain independent I don’t know what is.  Cannabilism occurred in China and Russia in great numbers during both countries’ New Economic Programs – so much so as to be a trademark of Socialism.  Pearl S. Buck’s first hand observations of communism are written in her book The Good Earth. In it a peasant wife cooks dirt so her family will have something to eat.  A ‘60s U.S. satellite photo of an immense field outside Beijing appeared to be crop failure to analysts. It was actually the dumping ground for people who had starved to death.  Suicide by drowning in the Yangtze River is so prevalent mini-cartels charge families and CEOs to turn floating bodies face up for recognition.  South Korean presidential palace guards identified approaching North Korean infiltrators dressed in ROK uniforms by the mal-nutritious pallor of their skin.

At the conclusion of Eikmann’s trial in Jerusalem, Helen Arandt said the only reason he should hang is because he expended great effort ridding the world of people he and his ilk didn’t want to live with.  Ergo the people of the world should not have to live with him.

Today’s Progressives adhere to Eichmann’s eugenic principles and are equally successful through Planned Parenthood and Obama Care.  The Bible for Progressives is the 1922 book Civilization in the United States: An Inquiry by Thirty Americans.  “Most of the contributors were Harvard men driven by resentment who went to Europe “to free themselves from organized stupidity, to win their deserved place in the hierarchy of the intellect.  They felt their status in America’s business culture was grossly inadequate, given their obviously exceptional intelligence and extraordinary talent.  Their simmering anger at what they saw as the mediocrity of democratic life led them to pioneer the now commonplace stance of blaming society for their personal failings. …they found the leveling egalitarianism of the United States an insult to their sense of self-importance.” (The Revolt Against the Masses:  How Liberalism Has Undermined the Middle Class by Fred Siegel)  Blaming society’s ills for the conduct of criminals began with the Scopes “Monkey” Trial and the trials of Sacco and Vanzetti in which the defense was based on countering the “idea of America. To instill a reflexive loathing of the United States and its people.  To undermine the myth of the Land of Opportunity, the United States would be shown as an almost insanely xenophobic place, murderously hostile to foreigners.” (p. 60)

Further Progressive scripture can be found in H.G. Wells’ (yes that H.G. Wells!) The Modern Conspiracy touted as a modern version of The Communist Manifesto:  “…the highly competent [intellectual elite] would create a freemasonry of the highly competent as the new ruling class giving meaning to their [otherwise meaningless] lives by subjecting society to the great processes of social reconstruction.  ….allowing the intellectual elite to escape from the distressful pettiness and mortality of individual life.”  (p.68)  In a 1932 article for The New Republic Edmund Wilson wrote “A genuine opposition must….openly confess that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are due to be supplanted by some new manifesto and some new bill of rights.” (p. 74) This subversion is occurring today by our federal government surrendering our sovereignty to globalized government.  So when did treason and subversion cease to be a hanging offense?

Jesus taught in parables so sincere seekers of truth could associate common practices with  spiritual concepts.  So, Rep. Joe Garcia, if the abundant literature debunking communism/progressivism seems too daunting try Aesop’s “The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg or “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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