Barack’s Bastard Presidency: Advice to the Tea Party

The following is a response to my suggestion to a local Tea Party representative that the National Tea Party should organize a protest during His Exalted’s inauguration and stage a Walk Out during His State of the Union message next month:

“Glad to hear of the 39% non-politicians entering the beltway.  I hope they’ve been innoculated against the Beltway Virus of Imperialism.  That seems to have the trend for the last two hundred years.  But what does “we are not going to let [anyone] make it about anything BUT the Constitution” mean?

I regress a moment to your comment regarding persons “sitting on their computers believing it is participating”.  I agree 110% with that.  That’s why I joined the Marines, Special Forces and fought the fight on the border for ten years -before requesting to serve my country again during this latest incursion as a voluntarily mobilized retiree.  My professed bias is against those armchair quarterbacks who avoided military service (or chose “safe” jobs in the military) simply because they feared dying for their country.  That includes Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and hundreds of millions of other “men”.  I’m also biased against those who complain without investing any effort in reading our historical narrative documents or the actual laws / executive orders that are passed – as was the case recently at a TP meeting when rantings against the Patriot Act  occurred but no one – not even the elected representative present – had actually read the Act.  I’ve lived by Teddy Roosevelt’s creed “The Man In the Arena” my whole life.  So, I agree that “sitting on a computer” in not participation.  Neither is avoiding service to one’s country.  But, on the other hand, as our Founding Fathers concluded, Committees of Correspondence go only so far.  When those committees finally realized that King George was not only not listening but responded with even more repressive measures, they resorted to more direct approaches – beginning with boycotts.  That is NOT “giving in” to progressive communists” – it is resorting to measures to prevent their success.  It’s called escalation of force.  I have the doctrinal pyramid of insurgency tactics used by “people’s party” ‘progressives” for the last seventy years. I’ve participated in countering those for the last 30 years.  Pacificism does not work against totalitarianism.

Mao said,, “Politics comes out the barrel of a gun.”  That’s the policy that has always guided ill-disguised “progressives”.  Why do you think the New Black Panthers felt bold enough to use clubs at voting polls?  Because they new their back was covered by the Socialists in the White House and the Attorney General’s office.  Victory is within their grasp.  They won’t give up gaining control of the world’s wealthiest nation without a fight.  They are depending on the pacifist conservatives to remain so as they steamroll right over them.  That’s what happened to the Jews in WW II, the Hungarians (some of them) in the ’50s and every other government that remained cemented in peaceful methods in the face of totalitarianism.

I know because I have fought it on three continents. So I believe I’ve earned my place at the computer.

If the enemies of our Constitution have no limits to the amount of subversion, agitation, and outright force go to further their usurpation of our Constitution, we, like our Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence, have no recourse but to resist more actively.  The Constitution wouldn’t have been BORN without a military revolution.  [I hope it can be preserved without another one]  And, I hesitate to say, demonstrations supporting the Constituion within politically secured geographic areas of operation have less effect on the struggle than the flutter of butterfly wings on a hurricane in the Atlantic – [despite Herculean efforts to get the word out by local TP leaders].  That may be why the CCTP has difficulty gathering more than 10-15 attendees at meetings.  With a modicum of strategic thinking at the national level, more effective courses of action can be identified and utilized at the critical political nodes: 1. Congress, 2. key electoral college sectors, 3. state and local governments; 4. individual measures to boycott the MSM.  TPers need to start by voting with their pocket books by withholding their hard earned dollars from the major networks.  Yes, that means giving up the National Felony League whose players’ union prohibit testing for steroids. the highest paid players are felons who contribute to the welfare state by fathering children they have no intention of supporting.  Stop being a Roman spectator at the Colliseum!   I’ve been going through some withdrawal myself in that area but I’m protesting the MSM’s support -even guidance lately with the Dickerson Report- on how to “pulverize” the conservatives.  The most difficult problem for conservatives is that the ideological battle hasn’t hurt them personally enough to take an active interest in what their retirement accounts are invested in (a house of cards) nor to turn off the T.V. to really hurt the MSM whose lifeblood is infusing advertising into America’s IV of aural addiction.  A little research by enough people can create a strategic wound to the MSM, et al by attacking the critical node of finances.

Conservatives should still walk out on Obama’s State of the Union address with a printed manifesto citing his failures to preside over the nation.  A pacifist approach “not allowing [anyone] to let it become about anything BUT the Constitution’ has failed to understand the context of the Declaration of Independence and how the Constitution came about.       If the NTP doesn’t get more activist, it will become as irrelevant as the Republican Party.           The cost of freedom is higher that “being nice” or trying to convince our enemies to quit destroying our Constitutional freedoms.  Our Founding Fathers knew that when they signed The Document.  The question is: Who is willing to pay that price NOW?”  end of quote.   I add: Hedonism is the hardest of Man’s nature to combat.  It began when our society changed from a reading citizenry (conceptually attuned) to a visual and aural dependant citizenry (hypnotized by sight and sound with no thinking required).  It’s intellectual slavery.  The thing most destructive to a free society.


About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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