Arizona Teachers – Lenin’s Useful Idiots


Most public teachers remind me of radio talk show hosts. Their God Complex is fertilized by a knowledge base that is both extremely narrow and extremely shallow.

Colors have stood for something since the beginning of time. The American flag’s colors red, white and blue stand for the blood shed for our freedom, justice/truth, and patriotism (despite the politically correct, historical revisionist Google definition). The colors of the African National Congress – black, red and green worn by many “Afro-Americans” stand for black people who have shed their blood by or for the country (America or Africa). Black defense contractors wear black and red on Fridays to commemorate Blacks who shed their blood (for or by America-who really knows?). The Black Panthers always dress in black to symbolize Black Power. FemiNaziis wear pink vagina hats because it symbolizes…well, you can figure that out yourself. “#Red4Ed” came right out of Lenin’s handbook. Quite a deceptive double entendre.

For most of our recent election history the Republican Party was blue and the Democrat Party was red (in more ways than one). If anyone knows symbolism it is the media. As the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party they switched the colors in the last decade giving Democrats the more favored blue. Despite their denials they knew exactly what they were doing. They know Americans overwhelmingly favor blue. The mainstream media also knows how susceptible most Americans are to propaganda through symbolism. The mainstream media becomes more influential as the public education system continues their dumbing downward spiral. As FDR said “There are no coincidences in politics. RedforEd is no coincidence.

After sixty years and billions of dollars to improve education the unionized public educators continue refusing to teach proven, successful methods for reading, writing and critical thinking skills. (see “Why Johnny Can’t Read” and “Why Johnny STILL Can’t Read” by Rudolf Flesch.’t-read) Critical thinking is the enemy of the media, public relations (commercials), and the Democrat Party. While we pour billions into improving education progressive public educators are intentionally and systematically using those billions to: a. contribute to the Democrat Party, and, b. destroy generations of Americans ability to think for themselves. Rather than teach phonics – the building block of reading – public educators replace it with “interpretative reading” for a “collective understanding”. It’s why our youth have difficulty pronouncing two syllable words. Rules for pronunciation have been discarded. Abolishing societal rules is called anarchy – a prerequisite to revolution.

Historically red has symbolized communism. Also not coincidently red is the color of Satan. The genealogy of the color red with America’s progressive public education, communism and Satan is almost a straight line because the agenda of all three is the elimination of free will. Satan is also known as Master Mahan – meaning Father of All Lies. Can anyone who has been paying attention the last fifty years doubt the American people have been lied to by progressive educators (see Conspiracy of Ignorance: The Failure of American Schools by Martin Gross) and the world by communism (see The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression by several former communists)?

None of this – the color red, the “progressive” destruction of our youths’ critical thinking skills, or the public agenda of “for the kids” teacher strikes- is spontaneous, altruistic or coincidental. It was all laid out in Lenin’s guide book “What Is to Be Done” when communists were asking how to replace capitalism with world-wide communism. In it Lenin states the workers of the world have to infiltrate every facet of every country’s social, political and economic infrastructure (specifically targeting unions, the Negros, and other “liberal” organizations). And it has to be done through violence led by an elite leadership. Lenin mentions using the naïve,” intellectual elite” (he didn’t know our teachers!) of each country to spread the ideology of communism until their revolutionary goals are achieved – at which time these “Useful Idiots” will be disposed of. It happened most recently in Nicaragua but has happened in Cuba, Vietnam and everywhere communism or “Social Democrats” have taken power. America’s teachers’ unions (and especially Arizona Education Association “elite leadership” Union boss Joe Thomas and Noah Karvelis) are a major pillar of Lenin’s “Useful Idiots” subverting the moral and educational fabric of American society.

Teachers need to educate not indoctrinate. Remember the elementary school students who chanted “BaRAK HusSEIN OBAMA!” over and over? Examples of teacher indoctrination of our kids are in the thousands

“In terms of needed reforms in elementary and secondary schools we believe that improving academic preparation is only half the story. Many students emerging from these schools have also not developed norms, values, and behaviors conducive to assuming productive lives as responsible adults, let alone the ability and interest to focus on academic learning at college. While students today express very high educational learning expectations and professional ambitions they have failed to develop realistic understandings of the steps necessary to achieve their goals. The students have not formulated what the social psychologist William Damon calls “paths to purpose” – that is, moral grounding that anchors their ambitions in the tasks, behaviors, and practices required to achieve the ends they view as meaningful. Youth today have been unable to develop a sense of purpose in their lives not only because of general changes in parenting and the larger culture, but because schools have turned away from accepting responsibility for youth socialization and moral education [which parents surrendered to the educators casting their children into a moral void]. Elementary and secondary educational reform has focused almost exclusively on improving students’ standardized test scores. ‘Often squeezed entirely out of the school day are questions of meaning and purpose that should underlie every academic exercise.’ …’Our obsessive reliance on standardized test scores deters both teachers and students from concentrating on the real mission of schooling: developing a love of learning for learning’s sake- a love that will then lead to self-maintained learning throughout their lifespan.” (Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses by Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa, 2011, p. 126-7)

Additional Reading:

Endangered Minds: Why Children Don’t Think and What We Can Do About It by Jane M. Healy, Phd., 1990.
Left Back: A Century of Battles Over School Reform by Diane Ravitch, 2001.
The Conspiracy of Ignorance: The Failure of American Public Schools by Martin L. Gross, 1999.
The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today’s Students by Allan Bloom, 1987.

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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