America’s Autopsy: Overdose on the Heroin of Hedonism

Three months after the 2008 Obama victory I was driving to work at Ft. Huachuca, AZ.  I was driving down Brainard Drive alongside the runway enjoying the crisp, winter morning sunrise when I felt this almost overwhelming nausea in my stomach.  The “still, small voice” in my head shouted “Obama is going to be RE-elected!”  I wasn’t even thinking of politics at the time.  Now, I believe in the Lord’s admonition in James 1:5, but I also believe that epiphanies occur unconsciously as synergism between decades of experience and never-ending self education – kind of “pray like everything depends on the Lord (‘cuz it does) and work as if everything depends on you (“faith without works is dead”).  So, when this nausea persisted all the way to the office I approached an almost-equally conservative co-worker and declared with surprising confidence “Obama is going to be re-elected”.  My buddy, Rick, said with equal confidence “No Way!”  I’m not a betting man.  Well, I love to bet a soda on the truth of trivia or the definition/spelling of words but never cash.  I’ve worked too hard all my life to risk good cash money.  That’s why I detest the concept of Las Vegas and state lotteries (“You can’t WIN if you don’t play!”  Yeah, right.  BUT you also can’t LOSE if you don’t play either …..and which is more assured?)  So I was amazed when I blurted out “I bet you $100 Obama will be re-elected”.  Rick took the bet confident that Obama himself was the best guarantee he would win the bet.  And Obama proceeded to appear to be just that.  I was continually amazed at how Obama seemed to violate all tenets of Truth, Justice and the American Way almost every week.  Despite the mental masturbation of the conservative talk show pundits declaring “the trend toward Romney”,  I knew my optimism was based more on hope than decades of observing the “Slippery Slope to Gomorrah” of American demographics and attitudes.

Most post-election analysis blames the loss on inarticulate messaging to minorities and age groups, ineffectual campaigning by the Republican candidate, being out-spent by the opposition, and the media.  All are true to some extent but none hit the bullseye.

What I have been watching for the last several decades has been the domestic version of a subject I have spent thirty years studying and fighting: Insurgency.  The irony is that, in part,  Karl Marx has been proven correct in his assertion that the collapse of capitalism in inevitable.  Lenin added the necessity of an intellectual elite providing the leadership to the oppressed (ignorant) masses.  That’s exactly what happened – has been happening in the United States of America.  This was no accident.  It is just the final chapter in “The Long War” strategy created by Lenin and promulgated by such luminaries as Jane Fonda, her first husband, and Saul Alinsky known by the Shadow Government as the Susquehanna Agreement.  A reading of the Reports of the House Committee on Un-American Activities in the 1950s reveals the well-organized effort of the American Communist Party to overthrow the Constitution.  It contains a revealing testimony of the man sent from Moscow to the U.S. for the specific purpose of organizing the communist overthrow of the U.S. government.  His own testimony states he was most successful within the State Department  and the media.  Despite his deportation his ideological virus continued to spread in Hollywood, New York and D.C.  It would have sent a better message to his followers if he had been sent to the electric chair for treason.  Not long afterward the perennial American Communist Party candidate for president declared “I no longer need to run for president.  The Democrat Party has adopted all the principles of the Communist Party”.  Ronald Reagan warned of impending disaster in his speech nominating Barry Goldwater for president during the ’68 Republican National Convention.  It was prophetic and should be read in classrooms today.  It’s exponential manifestation was never more clearly exhibited than during the most recent Democrat Party National Convention in which God was booed and abortion applauded.

But communist subversion wasn’t the real reason for the collapse of the world’s last bastion of capitalism ….and individual freedom (the more important idea).  It was the spread of Americans’ “Jabba The Hut” attitude toward the American historical narrative.  It has been said by a French observer of American independence that we began the descent toward self-destruction at the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  Every insurgency has a historical narrative.  Italy’s was Pax Romana,  Radical Islam’s  the 7th century caliphate.  Germany’s the first and second Reich. In fact, one should read the book “The Fourth Reich” for similiarities.  America’s historical narrative is the Pilgrims, the Founding Fathers, the American Revolution and Manifest Destiny.  Once a nation loses its’ historical narrative – it’s national identity – it begins its’ “Rise and Fall of (fill in the name of a country).  The decline of America’s historical narrative began with the progressive movement within our education system.  This began in the 1800s and is well documented in books such as “Left Back: A Century of Battles over School Reform” by Diane Ravitch, 2000; “Endangered Minds: Why Children Don’t Think and What We Can Do About It” by Jane M. Healy, PhD., 1990; and “The Conspiracy of Ignorance: The Failure of American Public Schools” by Martin L. Gross, 1999.  The last author began his book with this insightful quote:

“Education is a companion which no misfortune can depress, no crime can destroy, no enemy can alienate, no despotism can enslave. At home a friend, abroad an introduction, in solitude a solace, in society an ornament.  It chastens vice, it guides virtue, it gives at once grace, and government to genius.  Without it what is man?  A splendid slave, a reasoning savage.”  – Joseph Addison, “Spectator” 1711.

That is why those forces inimical to freedom always attack nations’ historical narrative through their education and media systems FIRST.  Lenin declared disinformation his primary “scalpel” in his war on free agency.  Every successful insurgency begins by building its’ political base long before military action is attempted.  It begins by infecting the population with a sense of “perceived legitimacy” toward the “community organizer” who can supposedly provide services the State has failed to ensure.  Once a significant percentage of the population is convinced of the corruptness of the State and the virtue of the opposition, the people begin providing logistics, intelligence and sanctuary to the insurgent political leadership and operational cells. It is when the insurgent leadership has obtained this support from the population that victory is assured – the insurgency leadership begins running ideologically “pure” candidates for office and increases the number of candidates until local majorities are achieved.  This is the preferred strategy.   After that national elections are a foregone conclusion.  Abimal Guzman, leader of the Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) Maoist insurgency in Peru organized his political base (beginning in the Universidad del Altiplano) for ten years before his first attack on a government police station.  The Viet Cong were deeply entrenched among the Vietnamese population decades before the first American advisors arrived.   Regis Debray, French Socialist ideologue to Castro, Guevarra and Marighella, lamented the adverse effect technology had on the world Socialist movement.  He said Socialism’s strength lay in the power of person-to-person  conversion – the emotional orations from the public square.  What he failed to observe was the mind numbing effect of imagery over ideals.  For generations – I would guess since around MTV’s titillating appearance – our youths’ minds have been anesthetized with virtue-absent programming.  That’s another way of saying the advent of moral relativity destroyed their foundation for decision-making that would ensure the future of our civilization.

Good counter-insurgents know their enemy and how to attack their center of gravity.  As in any insurgency the center of gravity in America’s insurgency is the population.   THE POPULATION IS ALWAYS THE “KEY TERRAIN”.  That’s why insurgencies last so long and are so difficult to defeat.  The insurgents’ cancerous agenda has metastizided throughout the population and usually ignored by the State until its’ own existence is directly threatened.  I retired from the army during Clinton’s second administration.  During that time Ruby Ridge and Waco had occurred and militias were springing up around the nation.  During the trial of the Arizona Viper militia in Phoenix I saw an FBI spokesman asked the question “Why do you think militias are increasing in numbers around the nation?”  Of course he couldnt’ tell the truth on national television and admit that real Americans were fed up with the Socialist BS coming out of the Clinton Administration and Congress in general so he responded with the incredulous “We don’t concern ourselves with motivations of “fringe” groups.”  Yeah, right.

To effectively counter an insurgency an analyst must understand what is going on in several aspects of an area of operation – in this case America.  Someone probably got promoted by coming up with the acronym ‘PMESII” – Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure.

Political:    I believe our descent into self-destruction began with the deaths of our founding fathers.  They were the only politicians who were personally involved in the fight to establish the freedoms they sought and which we benefitted from for so long.  Yet even George Washington lamented the cost of the public feast he had to provide in order to get elected to the Virginia Assembly.  Those who won office provided the most beer.  The prime directive for politicians has always been to 1. get elected; 2. get re-elected, and 3. spend most of your time in office getting money to get re-elected.  This plays out in more insidious ways than one might imagine as I postulate in my next book “From 9/11 to Benghazi”.  The natural consequence of this paradigm is that politicians surrender principle for profit and political careerism.  And just how do these morally bankrupt politicians continue to get re-elected?  Their self-gratifying constituency re-elect them.  With no significant overseas or foreign cultural experience our Great Leaders adopt an ethnocentric foreign policy in which they actually believe democracy can be exported.  They forget -or never knew- that liberty has to arise from within…..and comes at great cost.

Military:    It has been said that the military is America’s great class leveler.  That is true to some extent – or was until affirmative action dictated qualified personnel be removed from promotion lists to ensure less qualified minority personnel were promoted. The military does have a class of royalty – generals who make general because they were either sons of generals (MacArthur) or married daughters of generals (Powell, Schwartzkopf, Petraeus).  It is such a common factor I think they teach a course on it at West Point.  Obviously the West Point credo “I will not lie, cheat or steal” has been forgotten since Petraeus’ resignation for adultery …”and other security matters”.  I have to wonder if this wasn’t “strategery” by the Obama administration since Petraeus was scheduled to testify about Benghazi next week.  It is not uncommon for competing careerists to hold “an ace in the hole” about a fellow officer/politician for use at a more opportune date.  I saw it happen in the 7th Special Forces Group in 1987.  An outstanding battalion commander refused to falsify a unit status report as “C-1” when it was “C-3” (nonoperational) so it wouldn’t trigger a congressional investigation.  Strangely, two weeks later he was relieved of command for an incident seven years previous that he had already atoned for.  Add mine and many others’ personal experiences trying to maintain quality training and personnel only to be fought by the chain of command and one comes to the obvious conclusion that the military -as the politicians- do NOT maintain their careers by solving problems or taking morally correct stands.  The final wound to the character of the military is Colorado Senator Pat Schroeder’s agenda of America’s military “reflecting society”.  Our military has devolved from “the meanest m____f____er in the valley to an international  paper tiger.  Read “Weak Link” and “Co-Ed Combat”.  Following the feminization of our military came, of course, the gay agenda that our military careerist leadership displayed Nuremburg defense strategy by “stepping out smartly” to enforce.  This year the Pentagon conducted its’ first Gay Pride parade.  The next step for the GLBT constituency is to demand equal representation on promotion boards as a minority.  Watch.  It will happen.

How has this destroyed our military?  The strategic question ALL our politicians (Bush, Jr. included) are ignorant of….and our generals either ignore or have forgotten….is “Who has the moral high-ground?”  In a day when morality is scoffed at it still remains the seminal question that needs answering prior to sending our children into combat.  There are three levels of planning and anlysis to fighting a war of any size:  Strategic, Operational and Tactical.  Our troops are winning tactical victories in Afghanistan and did so in Iraq by killing our enemies.  Once our military finally listened to someone who had read history they began having operational successes using proven counter-insurgency principles.  We have done that because of our unmatched technology in weapons and IRS capabilities. But the reason Iraq and Afghanistan will inevitably return to pre-deployment chaos is because none of our political or military planners asked -or answered – the strategic question “Who has the moral high ground?”  Read the book “Fighting the War of Ideas Like a Real War”.  The whole world knows we kneejerk deploy troops for America’s material benefit.  And that’s just the moral bankruptcy of our foreign policy.  That doesn’t include the military’s internal moral bankruptcy.  Field grade to general/flag ranked officers committing court-martial offenses are allowed to retire at their current rank while lower enlisted are busted in rank, dishonorably discharged or sent to prison for the same to prison for the same offenses.  This does not include the massive marriage fraud (marrying both American citizens and foreign nationals purely to qualify for the Basic Allowing for Housing that can be in the hundreds and thousands of dollars per soldiers in addition to their basic pay – then living totally separate lives or “open” marriages) practiced by both officers and enlisted.  A local restaurant Cafe’ O’Le’ is filled with waitresses practicing this.  This fraud alone – given a “wink and a nod” by the chain of command- costs the American taxpayer hundreds of millions of dollars.  Eisenhower warned us of the dangers of the “military-industrial complex” during his exit speech.  Defense contracting fraud costs taxpayers billions.  When we go to war to ensure high salaries God help us.  It doesn’t create warriors, it finances mercenaries.  There is a small, hard core of patriotic, Spartans in the military but they are much the minority.  As I’ve written repeatedly, we need more Tsun Tsu and less beltway banditry in our foreign policy.  One of Tsu’s paradigm’s was “Victory must be assured before battle is engaged.”  By not attaining the moral high ground before the battle we lose the moral high ground (the perceived legitimacy) in the eyes of the populations we are sent to “liberate” and in the eyes of God.

Economic:  George Romney, Mitt’s dad, was an amazing American.  Most do not know the extent of his contributions to this country during war and peace.  When he retired from public office he was asked what he thought of the American electorate.  He said “Americans don’t act until it is too late……then they over react.”  Ronald Reagan’s ’68 speech was a clarion alarm warning of the direction of George Orwell’s “Big Brother” government.  Even when Reagan did become president and tried reducing government, Congress refused to cooperate in any meaningful way.  When he tried to abolish the Department of Education and return tax payer money to the states, the states didn’t want it!  They didn’t want the responsibility – or the accountability.  Our government’s efforts at dictating our every act began with the establishment of Social Security and the IRS and has culminated -so far- in the IRS’ monitoring of ObamaCare.  What we are seeing is the real-life events portrayed in Ann Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”.  Just as in biblical times the majority of the people ignore the prophets to their destruction   Reagan said there would come a time when parents would have to explain to their children what the American idea was.  Ann Rand said there would come a time when Americans would ask “Who is John Gault?”  That time is now.

Social:  The social aspects of the American insurgency are reflected in our public schools, universities, state and federal courts up to and including -now- the U.S. Supreme Court… well as almost all churches.  During the ’69 Democrat National Convention, Chicago raided an apartment where the leader of the Black Panthers was living.  In those days Black Panthers openly declared war on white America encouraging blacks to kill cops, campaning for a separate black America (like they live today) and “Burn, Baby, Burn” down American cities.  The police gave the FBI a treasure trove of documents to exploit in the counterinsurgency of the ’60s.  Among the documents were several letters from the Subterfuge Department (H- I believe) of the Soviet government giving technological and operational guidance to the Black Panthers.  One of the documents told the Panther leadership “If you can not achieve Socialist objectives through revolution, go underground and achieve our objectives by coopting yourselves into the system.”  The fall of the Berlin Wall and access to the East German intelligence files has only proven  the strategy’s continued use since the ’60s.

Much ado has been made on “conservative” talk shows about America being a Christian nation.  Really?  Churches during the ’70s and ’80s began moderating their doctrines in an effort to boost congregations.  This backfired.  The people looking for answers to the most important questions in life: Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going when I die? didn’t find the answers in mainstream churches who responded with “it’s not for you to delve into the mysteries of God”.  Paying clergy to tell you what you want to hear so you can put on the appearance of religion without actually having to change your behaviour became the religion du jour.  During that time it was common to hear “A Bible! A Bible! We have a Bible!”  (in fulfillment of Isaiah) yet now there are probably over twenty English printed interpretations of the Bible by mainstream clergy gerrymandering the scriptures to avoid pricking consciences.

The feminist movement promised American women the moon if they burned their bras and left home to be equal with men.  I had the opportunity to attend a whole semester of Organizational Behavior taught by internationally-renowned organizational consultant Stephen Covey.  I still have the notes from the class.  We gave him four – four – standing ovations ….male and females!   One of the adages I remember him saying was “There would be no unions if there were no bad employers, no feminist movement if there were no bad husbands.”  I agree but disagree to some extent.  From personal observation I have seen great employers (and good spouses) betrayed by dishonest, greedy, selfish, employees /spouses.  But the alluring promises of feminist “freedom” enabled by the “pill” and abortion was a two-edged sword.  It lured men and women into prioritizing material things over the fundamental foundation of society….the family.  When good families started breaking up, the following generation refusing to have children or putting them off until they had bought all their furniture, cars, etc.  …..then having a token single child for appearance’s sake, the American Ideal began crumbiling at its’ base.

Information:    As in any insurgency targeting the “hearts and minds” of the population,  a program of disinformation through the media is essential.  Lenin called disinformation operations his “primary scalpel”.  We have certainly seen that during this election.  As any good disinformation campaign, the recent media’s assault on a person of sterling character was unprecendented.  But a good propaganda program also identifies the target audiences’ biasis and prejudices and exploits those to great effect – as we saw against Mitt Romney.  To the surprise (not mine) of Karl Rove, et al, several million fewer  “evangelicals” voted in this presidential election than in 2008.  I was always entertained that evangelicals -especially within the “Bible belt” were in such a quandry deciding whether to vote for a black man or a Mormon.  At least they didn’t plug this Mormon candidate for president full of bullet holes like they did the last one.  It didn’t start with this campaign.  Governor Huckabee, of Clinton’s Arkansas, engaged in such religiously biased character assassination during the 2008 nominee campaign that I’m surprised he has the gall to appear on T.V. and speechify about religious tolerance.  It was Huckabee’s -and others’- campaign of false religious calumny that gave us McCain the Moderator to run against Obama.  The morning of the election I ate at Denny’s for breakfast.  While waiting for a seat I sat beside a man from Ohio.  Broaching the political situation to him he responded “It doesn’t matter.  They are both the anti-Christ!”  I asked him –  cordially – three times how Mitt Romney could be the anti-Christ and he refused to answer all three times.  I didn’t remind him that the official name of the “Mormon” Church is “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints” (and that as one walks into the Museum of Antiquities in Tel Aviv immediately to the left there is a stone dated at the time of Christ that has the church’s name at that time as…….”The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints”.  Nor did I mention that the full name of the scripture is The Book of Mormon:  Another Testament of Jesus Christ and that it mentions the Savior many more times per page than the King James version of the Bible  This is another fulfillment of biblical scripture:  “Those that have eyes will not see, will have ears but will not hear”.  This not only applies to being tolerant of another’s religion but to life’s truths in general.

I attended a bible symbolism seminar at the University of Southern California  while I was going to grad school at Cal State L.A. in the late ’70s.  The scriptural professor (a non-Mormon) was explaining the meaning of the Book of Revelations.  In it he identifies the colors of the horses of the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse.  Red was for a dispensation of war, Black a dispensation of disease and famine (the Black Plague).  I don’t remember the other color but the “Pale” horse symbolized Truth.  He said that this, the last dispensation, was symbolized by the “pale” horse of Truth because this would be a time in the world where truth would be assailed and the challenge for God’s children would for them to be able to identify true versus false principles to guide their lives.  Many have said for decades we are now living in a time where “good is called evil and evil good” in fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy.    The reason the horse is “pale” is because  truth and virtue would be tainted by false and destructive lies regarding how to live a good life.  Incidently, he included the explanation of the “Peace” sign worn by the radicals and many unsuspecting sycophants — even today.  During the Roman persecution of Christians the faithful communicated through symbols.  The “fish” decal on cars is one of those symbols indicating the person bearing this mark is a Christian.  One would have to know the sayings of the Lord to understand the symbol “I will show you how to be preachers of men”.  No sooner had the fish symbol become popular than the “Peace” sign of the ’60s appeared.  It was a perversion of a Christian symbol.  An upright “Y” symbolized another christian had been crucified.  An upside down “Y” symbolized one of the Apostles had been crucified (Paul?).  The circle around the inverted “Y” symbolized the Savior had been crucified.  This was an intentional disinformation campaign by the LSD/pot-smoking Socialist Timothy O’Leary to spread his “God Is Dead” ideology.

America a Christian nation? ………eh, not so much.  Pride goeth before the fall.

Another of these lies is “victimless crimes”.  This lie used to be the mantra of only the Useful Idiots of American Socialism/Progressivism.  Now the U.S. government is abetting the lie by ordering Border Patrol agents to not arrest illegal aliens.  Another involves drug use.  Was it three states that passed “Medical” marijuana use on November 6th?  As I mentioned in my book, it is my belief that the U.S. government is abetting the introduction of drug use into the American population.  But Americans are voting for it.  In my  book I stated the DEA has granted immunity to the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel in order to facilitate a single distributor for when drugs are legalized in America.  With Obama’s re-election he will not only have “more flexibility” to allow Russian hegemony throughout Europe and the Middle East, I believe he will order the DEA to not prosecute marijuana drug smugglers the same as he ordering BP agents not to arrest illegal aliens.  And who’s going to stop him with Eric Holder as the Attorney General?  The weight limit for prosecuting drug smugglers when I left the border in 2006 was already up to 500lbs!

Infrastructure:  Nothing has corrupted the infrastructure of this country more than the unbridled domination of unions and organized crime.  During WW II the mafia-infiltrated unionized dock workers actually went on strike -refusing to load critically needed war supplies to our troops in war torn Europe – until exorbitant demands had been met.  This exploitative technique has been copied since in the form of the world’s largest trash hauler and a major insurance company.  The trash hauler started out as a mob-owned local New York/New Jersey company.  It began expanding by burning competitors trash trucks and beating the drivers.  Once it had enough “capital” it started buying influence through campaign contributions and receiving government contracts domestically and internationally.  The mob has done the same money laundering with a well-known insurance company …..which refuses to allow an independent audit of its’ claim to save customers 20% in 20 minutes.  And its’ involvement in the clothing industry has been well-known for half a century.

What is not controlled by organized crime is controlled by unions – and increasingly minority dominated union chapters both commercially and within the government – minorities who put race ahead of citizenship.  Legitimate businesses are now in a state in which they are being told by financial wizards not to hire more than 20 people!

Those are the PMESII factors as I see them in the American Insurgency.  What is the common denominator in all of these?  It is that the American people…..the KEY TERRAIN… the insurgency against the Constitution – have enabled all of these factors to occur through man’s natural tendency toward hedonism.  Hedonism is defined as the doctrine that pleasure and happiness is the sole goal in life; a way of life suggesting the principles of hedonism.  No other population in world practices that life style more than Americans.  In the ’80s I read a couple of volumes of Gibbons’ “Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire”.  I started underlining passages and dog earing pages where Roman and American cultures were engaging in like conduct that similiarly indicated impending doom.  It got to the point that I was marking almost every page.  Americans spend hundreds of billions of their earned income on pornography, make-up, Halloween candy, buying “Christ”mas presents before Thanksgiving (practically rioting on “Black Friday” to observe Christ’s birthday) that threaten near bankruptcy or soaring credit card interest in preference to living within their income and having the family eat meals together around the table.

To mimick Lenin’s “What Is to Be Done?”,  I was asked the same question by a concerned citizen in the WalMart parking lot just yesterday.  The good news is historically most insurgencies fail.  But…..they all failed because they failed to achieve and maintain the MORAL HIGH GROUND in the contest against the State.  What happens when the State itself does so……when the population – the KEY TERRAIN abdicates that seminal principle for maintainig a stable culture?  Our politicians betrayed us during the ’86 alien amnesty act.  It wasn’t Reagan’s intent to allow over a million aliens to enter this country ANNUALLY.  Nor to allow them to sponsor their families to immigrate as well.  So the million number mentioned by David Beck in NumbersUSA is actually probably 2/3ds more than that.  No nation can sustain its’ identity with such a policy.  This doesn’t include the fact that immigration inspectors don’t bother to verify “visitors” from Mexico are actually living and working in Mexico any more.  The Ports of Entry are simply sieves for the demographic gerrymandering by careerist politicians.  In the ’90s Money magazine ran an article titled “Financial Tribalism” in which white, financially capable Americans were moving out of the big cities -especially California- to a Phoenix-to-Boise corridor to avoid the crime and property devaluation caused by the influx of illegals and corrupt public management.  Because of all of these PMESII factors and those articulated in Robert Bork’s book “Slippery Slope to Gomorrah”, the odds of a successful counter insurgency are slim to none.

So, my fellow concerned Americans, mark your calendars November 6, 2012 and put it in your scrapbook as the day America was destroyed without firing a shot.                Again to mimick Lenin, “What is to Be Done?”  Restore God in our lives.  Live the commandments.  Re-establish the nuclear family.  ………I can hear Satan -and much of America – laughing in derision.

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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