Rush Limbaugh and the Military

Lt. General John Archer Lejeune

Like all media armchair quarterbacks, Rush Limbaugh lacks military experience. He avoided the draft by claiming a medical exemption for a pilodinal cyst. Pilodinal cysts are formed by groups of hairs and “debris” trapped in the pores of the skin of the upper cleft of the buttock, forming an abscess. In other words, Rush sat on his ass so long without properly cleaning it an abscess formed. This is easily fixed by an incision and drainage and can take anywhere from 2-3 weeks to six months to heal. Why Rush Limbaugh didn’t clean his ass in the first place well, I don’t want to know. More importantly to his listening public should be why didn’t he get it fixed so he could fulfill his duty as an American and serve in the military?

During a recent Rush broadcast he exulted in looking forward to coming to work every day since he was 16 years old. Rush’s megalomania camouflaged behind a thin veil of feigned self-deprecation is hard to tolerate at any time. So when Rush claims it a “blessing” to come to a job he loves every day – a job in which he sits on his formerly abscessed ass and reads the news from more intelligent and informed essayists- when 58,318 men and women’s names are written on the Vietnam Memorial Wall- his boast of being “blessed” rings hollow with me. It wasn’t a “blessing”. It was cowardice.

His avoidance of anything strenuous carries over to not getting a college degree (especially when students actually had to meet a classical curriculum standard). This is evident in his radio broadcasts both in his limited vocabulary and his narrow and shallow base of knowledge. He doesn’t know anything other than what he reads from others (RSS feeds). He basically reads “story time” for conservatives who enjoy the anger mongering adrenaline “rush” Limbaugh provides five days a week. He’s the radio version of Reader’s Digest (apologies to RD) for those who don’t like to read themselves and are guided by emotion. He serves a purpose by providing information the mainstream media will not provide but God help us if he is the needle on our moral compass. He’s not the Man in the Arena. Like all talk radio hosts, he’s the cold and timid soul who knows neither victory nor defeat – an opportunist that tapped into a monetarily lucrative vein of conservative American thought..

During the same broadcast (Friday, April 13, 2018 if memory serves) Rush shared being called upon at the last minute to be the substitute guest speaker (in lieu of SecDef Mattis) for a banquet by the Marine Corps / Law Enforcement Fund (MCLEF). This organization provides educational scholarships to family members of Marines and Law Enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. Without doubt this is a noble and worthwhile endeavor. Rush’s speech was about the (very real) danger America is in – and he’s 100% correct in that assessment. A Marine arose during the Q&A and told Rush “Hey! WE (the military) got this!” “Got WHAT” I ask!

A well-respected “Mustanger” (former enlisted) Special Forces general told us assembled officers at a Fort Bragg that “Anything above Major is political”. During my short time as an army officer I found that to be an understatement. The moral bankruptcy I saw in the military officer corps almost defies description. The avoidance of dealing with problems in order to get promoted, the kow-towing and genuflecting by the Pentagon before Congress in: 1) implementing gays in the military (“stepping out smartly to enforce it” – Commandant of the Marine Corps), 2) the emasculation of the military by feminists in Congress mandating females into combat and other occupational specialties in which they have neither the physical strength nor the psychological wherewithal to do the jobs; and 3) redefining National Security into the Defense Contracting corrupt motive for going into senseless and incessant wars makes one wonder “Got What?” All you’ve done is kiss Congress’s ass in implementing politically correct policies that have ripped the guts out of the military. What you should have done was RESIGN IN PROTEST. The public support would have been overwhelming. But no, your coveted careers came before the lives of the service members who have to execute Congress’s really FUBAR policies.
You don’t “Got this” because you never had it.

“We GOT this!”? My (non-abscessed) ass. What? Are you going to conduct a military coup against a feckless and corrupt Congress sometime AFTER the Justice Department feels it no longer needs probable cause or a warrant to violate attorney-client privilege? Or when the Second Amendment is completely abolished? When freedom of speech and religion are in peril? When activist judges issue judgements in direct violation of the law? When the IRS targets political opponents? Or when the Constitutional “constructionists” finally abolish the Constitution in toto? HEY! NEWS ALERT! IT’S ALREADY HAPPENING!

If anyone thinks they can depend on the military to “defend” the Constitution remember the survey conducted of Marine lieutenants going through infantry training at Quantico, Va. in which over 80% said they would fire on peaceable protestors if ordered to do so. Remember the army staff exercises in which they conduct offensive operations against the thinly disguised Tea Party – in direct violation of the Constitution. The military won’t lift a finger to kill the goose that’s buying their loyalty via defense contracts and fictitious disability exemptions.

No, you ain’t “GOT” this. For the last forty years when it has come down to choosing whether to fall on your swords to protect the military (some call that an integrity check) or your careers – you chose your careers. Besides, my fellow bragging Marine, it’s NOT YOUR JOB TO “GET THIS!” It’s the American citizens’ job. That’s why preserving the Constitution is so important…and EVERY Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

It’s also why the 13th Commandant of the Marine Corps, John Archer Lejeune, said he did NOT “have it” when asked by industrialists to lead a coup against the socialist policies of FDR. He was loyal to his oath to the Constitution. He also wrote “War Is a Racket” and lectured on that topic across the nation.

And, Rush, the Richest Couch Potato in American History, for you and your scuzzy ass, from all those who didn’t live to receive like “blessings” and from us who did – you’re welcome.

P.S. I neither want nor need your “thanks” for doing my duty – but I WILL accept your apology for you NOT doing yours.

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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