Damn Diversity!

I tell ya every time I hear a Democrat speak I can almost hear the serpent in the Garden of Eden hissing “Ye shall not surely die!”  It should surprise no American that dissembling (duplicity in language) has the same origin with both Democrats and Communists.  When French Marxist Regis Debray was asked what would happen to Che’s proletariat revolution in Latin America if the people did not accept his Communist message Debray replied with a Cheshire grin “Dissemble! Dissemble! Dissemble!” Dissemble is another word for lie.  The Big Lie that originated in the Garden of Eden continues in many forms today but the one used most by politicians on the Left regarding border security is “America’s strength is its’ diversity!”  That’s a lie.  And like most lies it has a kernel of truth.  After all, the devil will tell you nine truths to have you believe one lie. 

 The truth is “diversity” has damn near destroyed the United States on several occasions.  During the Revolutionary War colonists loyal to Great Britain were called Tories.  After the war, President George Washington warned (prophetically) of political “factionalism” in his farewell speech.  Under the Articles of Confederation inter-state factionalism between states threatened our national existence (gleefully anticipated in Britain’s parliament).  The mayor of New York and the New York Tass – I mean Times- editorialized against ratification of the Constitution (not much has changed there!).  It was James Madison’s, Alexander Hamilton’s and John Jay’s counter editorials detailing the reason for each section of the Constitution that enabled its ratification.  Todays’ voters are hardly aware of (much less have read) The Federalist Papers – particularly No. 10 James Madison’s The Utility of the Union as a Safeguard Against Faction and Insurrection the most highly regarded of all American political writings

 We fought the British again in the War of 1812.  The same British troops who burned Washington D.C. to the ground sailed to New Orleans to capture the city controlling the Mississippi River and sever America’s economic carotid artery. The Brits sang songs mocking American weakness (due to divisiveness) completely confident of victory.  There was only one problem.  Andrew Jackson was also going to New Orleans to organize a defense of the city.  Andrew Jackson witnessed the Revolutionary War first hand.  As a boy he refused an order by a mounted British officer to fetch some water and was slapped across the face with the flat side of the officer’s sword.  General Andrew Jackson carried that scar to New Orleans. 

 Jackson’s plan for the defense of New Orleans required resources and manpower to build the famous breastworks on both sides of the main river approaching the city.  Businessmen were loath to contribute their precious merchandise to the cause and plantation owners sent their slaves to dig the trenches. Jackson responded by declaring martial law and publishing this: 

Who Are We?

Who are we?  And for what are we going to fight?  Are we the titled slaves of George the Third?  The military conscripts of Napoleon the Great?  Or the frozen peasants of the Russian Czar?  No!  We are the free born sons of America!  The citizens of the only republic now existing in the world!  And the only people on earth who possess rights, liberties, and property which they dare call their own!”

 While Jackson is ordering white businessmen and plantation owners into the ditches to dig with the black slaves, New England states like New York and New Jersey were holding a convention to consider seceding from the Union and rejoining Britain as a colony (like sanctuary states and cities today). Jackson’s letter (and his defeat of the British) is credited not only with saving the United States but unifying it – giving Americans the idea of being American.

 Factionalism’s (diversity) third threat to the United States was the Civil War.  The Civil War killed more Americans than all our other wars combined.  It was factionalism (diversity) carried to the extreme.  The war was over slavery – but slavery was about race.  And it was the Democrats who wanted to preserve it – and tried to destroy the nation to do so.

Today Democrats continue using “Diversity” to divide those who have chosen not to become one as Americans – and (again) risking the survival of the United States to do so.  This definition of “diversity” threatens to destroy America as surely as the disloyal factionalism from the Revolution to the Civil War.  Diversity is not America’s strength.  It is only one leavening characteristic among many in a free society.  The extreme, polarizing “diversity” we see emanating from Congress and the media will result in the same historical consequences (“Those who fail to learn from history….”) that destroyed Rome.  Diversity is not America’s strength – Unity is. 

E Pluribus Unum – Out of Many, One.  Motto of the United States 1752-1956.         


About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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