COVID-19: How Hollow Men Ended America – Without Even a “Whimper”

“Those citizens who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” Benjamin Franklin

The American citizens’ belly-up acceptance of the government’s monumental violation of our constitutional rights is astonishing.  Freedom of assembly, of religion and of free speech are being denied every American citizen as is Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  The Pursuit of Happiness, most Americans don’t know, was defined by our Founding Fathers as the right to earn a living. Proffering an IRS check to salve the enslavement is bribery and insulting.  It is also supremely Socialistic.  It reminds me of what communist party hacks used to do to school children: “Pray to your God for candy” When none arrives they tell the children “Pray to Socialism for candy.” And the other Party hack hidden on the roof tosses candy down to the gleeful children.  That’s the American citizen today.  That’s our government today.  That’s The Big Lie.

The power mongering politicians’ draconian abuse of arbitrary authority is the most egregious since King George V.  Do you think our ancestors of 1776 would have tolerated being told by the government to stay “locked down” inside their homes (“You MUST STAY INSIDE!  WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! WE HAVE TO SAVE LIVES! BUT WE ALL BUNDLE! -maybe not the last one), stand in a certain spot, can’t visit your loved ones, social gestapo calling rat lines to report violations, and most of all TO CLOSE DOWN OUR BUSINESSES?.  Where’s the civil disobedience?  Where are the (peaceful) mask burning protests?  If the anarchists can burn the American flag with impunity free-born American citizens can burn a symbol of the Socialistic tyranny we are undergoing now! Where’s the anger at the gross lack of common sense and proportion? Americans of all races, creeds and colors should be jamming the jails like Birmingham of the ’60s because we all ARE in THIS together.  If we let this power grab by elected officials slide by it will only get worse.  They seem to forget that the only power they have is given them BY US.  To infringe our rights they need permission from US.  Arbitary Power was the overarching issue our Founding Fathers revolted against – yet here we are being denied freedom of movement and freedom to earn a living without a peep from us who hold the real authority.  Shameful.  Just Shameful. To paraphrase the words of SSGT. Barry Sadler in his song Garratrooper, “[America] ain’t hardly worth going to war for any more.”

“Hollow men” have ended America as my generation knew it because a free society requires an informed and educated electorate (Federalist Papers).  That hasn’t been the case for forty years I don’t care how many degrees you have.  You can thank the National Teacher’s Union (NTU) and the National Education Association (NEA) for that.  While politicians have poured billions upon billions of OUR money into education (actually into the unions who siphoned it off to the Democratic Party) “Johnny” STILL can’t read or do basic math. 

“20% of adults believe the sun revolves around the earth.  More than 2/3s of Americans over the last two decades are unable to identify DNA as the key to heredity.  Nine out ten Americans do not understand radiation and what it can do to the body.  This level of scientific illiteracy provides fertile soil for political appeals based on sheer ignorance.” – Susan Jacoby, The Age of American Unreason, p.xviii. 

The reason intelligence is important is because anyone who CAN read and access the internet will (or used to before the PC police got to the CDC) find that the statistics for COVID-19 don’t justify the hysteria! Before the CDC was “urged” to devote reporting numbers of tests (since the actual infection/mortality numbers didn’t justify the panic) as a diversion, the number of infections and deaths were well below the previous years flu season. 80% of this years reported cases were “under investigation”. The Big Lie is nurses are being told to attribute many deaths of the elderly to COVID-19 because there is federal money (your money) to be had!  If the TRUTH wasn’t being banned by the media real flu cases would be a fraction of the “official”.  Once the government stepped in to provide “relief” you could bet your lost paycheck the numbers would skyrocket.  The manipulation of information by media pressure is nothing more than subversion of our economy and the constitution.  This is not coincidental. This is a masterful stroke of the Left using “Clower-Piven” on a national scale.  

“Propaganda is an art form.  It has just one objective: to conquer the masses.  Alluring people into an idea so in the end they are captivated by it, and can no longer free themselves from it.” – Paul Joseph Geobbels, Hitler’s Chief of Propaganda

“…legislation since this period has followed this course: rapidly multiplying dictatorial measures have continually tended to restrict individual liberties, and this in two ways: regulations have been established every year in greater number imposing a constraint on the citizen in matters in which his acts were formerly free, and forcing him to accomplish acts which he was formerly at liberty to accomplish or not to accomplish at will.  At the same time heavier and heavier public and especially local burdens have further still restricted his liberty by diminishing the portion of his profits he can spend as he chooses, and by augmenting the portion which is taken from him to be spent according to the “good pleasure” of the public authorities.” – Herbert Spencer, The Individual versus the State 

“Prejudice consists in having an opinion before examining all the evidence.  Without doing so most people are totally convinced – but still wrong.” – Haldane

“You can be sincere and still be stupid.” – Dostoevsky, The Idiot.

“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” – John F. Kennedy

“For if men are denied the right to express their own opinions, reason is of no use; the freedom of speech may be taken away; and, dumb and silent, we may be led, like sheep, to the slaughter.” – George Washington, 1783

In T.S. Eliot’s 1925 poem “Hollow Men” he describes his characters undergoing a journey – physical and spiritual akin to Dante’s Inferno down to Hell.  That’s where our Hollow Men politicians are taking us.  The poem ends:

“This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but a whimper”

So for those who feel secure because you have a gun locker full of weapons and ammo…HA!  “The security of the future of this nation depends on the religious education of our youth.” – George Washington, 1783.  Where’s your family bible?


About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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