Tag Archives: ABC

Brooksley Born: American Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc was a heroine of France for her role during the Lancastrian phase of the Hundred Years War.  She claimed to have received visions of the archangel Michael, Saint Margaret, and Saint Catherine of Alexandria instructing her to … Continue reading

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COVID-19: How Hollow Men Ended America – Without Even a “Whimper”

The American citizens’ belly-up acceptance of the government’s monumental violation of our constitutional rights is astonishing. Continue reading

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COVID-19: Pandemic or Political Power Mongering?

The 2018-2019 flu season sickened over 227 times and killed 6 times more Americans than this season.  Why is the government violating our civil liberties NOW?   Continue reading

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Justice for Marine Raiders! NOW!

What would you do if a drunken, steroidal bully spit in your face and began hitting you about your head and shoulders? I know what I would do – the same thing Marine Special Operations members did in Erbil, Iraq.  … Continue reading

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Dems Impeachment Hearings – Stalin Would Be Proud

Democrat Impeachment Hearings would make Stalin proud.   Continue reading

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In Defense of Thanksgiving – Part I

[In my continuing effort to combat the Left’s historical revisionism (or outright elimination) of Western Civilization in general and American history specifically, I provide the following original source in defense of the much maligned, uniquely American holiday of Thanksgiving.  In … Continue reading

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In Defense of Christopher Columbus

To stem the tsunami of historical revisionism I am providing an original source about Christopher Columbus’ voyage – a letter written by him. Continue reading

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President Trump “USA should never have sent troops to Middle East”! Continue reading

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Epstein’s Island – Is That Wrong?

Jeffrey Epstein’s Island – Is It Wrong? Continue reading

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Solipsisms of AOC’s Socialism – So Passe’!

Why is The Left so viscerally resistant to rational debate?  Societal Solipsism abounds!  French philosopher Rene’ Descartes created the concept.  George Orwell used it in his prescient book 1984. “Solipsism’s metaphysical position concludes that the world and other minds do … Continue reading

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Post-Birth Abortions vs. The Hippocratic Oath

The recent legislation passed by the New York legislature allowing mothers and doctors to murder their newborn infants after being born is a crime against humanity in itself.  The State of New York will prosecute someone who kills a pregnant … Continue reading

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Post-Birth Abortions: New York’s Nuremburg

  “Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, …and soon mould itself … Continue reading

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Pacifist Dave and School Shootings

      I met a pacifist last Sunday sitting next to me at the counter of Papa’s ‘50s Diner in Sierra Vista, Arizona.  I hadn’t seen him since the 17 year old waitress he worshipped left for other horizons about a … Continue reading

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California Needs Spanking

California is throwing another tantrum and should be spanked. As the parent, the federal government should administer the strap. It is more than allegorical. The United States gained the territory of California “fair and square” (more or less) in the … Continue reading

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Trump’s “Shithole Countries” – Right Again!

It so happens that in the real world there ARE shithole countries – literally and figuratively. My first experience with them was in 1960. My father was an Air Force air traffic controller and had been transferred to Germany. Family … Continue reading

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Clinton’s “Wall” and 9/11

I’ve struggled to write a book on the real reasons 9/11 happened – other than the obvious intent of the terrorists- since I finally read the voluminous 9/11 Commission Report a few years ago. It’s given me nightmares’ When my … Continue reading

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