Believe it or not “Occupied America: A History of Chicanos” is the title of the “mostly widely used Chicano studies textbook in America”. God help us if it is. I bought the book from the discount rack at Hastings book store…..and still paid too much for this piece of Marxist trash. I’m not exaggerating when I say “Marxist”. The author, who I believe through statement analysis is a bitter, Socialist, homosexual projecting his inadequacies at America’s successful capitalism, literally seethes with hatred for “Euroamericans” and America. I’m not going to list the leftist bullshit he espouses as “history” for “Mexicans”, “Latinos” and “immigrants” here (that is grist for a book I plan to write in the near future). I’ve studied Marxism, Maoism, and all the other forms of communisms for the last thirty years. This propaganda rag that passes for academic scholarship reminds me of the “agi-prop” published and taught at the Patrice Lamumba University outside Moscow. That is where selected, promising and aspiring socialists from around the world were brought for political indoctrination into the communist vision of utopia. A mistake a lot of people make in comparing communism with “utopia” is repeating the tirade “Well, PURE communism would be great for everyone!” Wrong! “Pure” communism would still forcibly take away individuals’ free agency or choice in the minutest of daily affairs. They are confusing communism with the biblical example of the city of Melchizedek where they practiced the United Order. Under that system everyone participated willingly for the benefit of all. Many societies have tried to emulate it over the millenia and all have failed. They’ve failed because every one of them has omitted the key factor: worshipping God and obeying his commandments. But back to the frustrated Leninist author. The title itself sets the tone for the books perspective. I promised myself I would read every page no matter how onorous. I love reading to the point I often go without eating or sleeping. This book was the worst reading experience of my life. Instead of savoring good literature I felt like vomiting. The author lauds every militant “organizer”, activist and politician whose agenda is to disrupt, destroy and discredit the United States of America. He praises Castro, Che Gueverra’, and Saul Alynsky who wrote “Rules for Radicals”.and whose introduction gives credit to Satan – the original revolutionary. Folks, we Americans are in very big trouble. This book has been used to indoctrinate young hispanics in tax-supported public schools across the nation. It teaches them nothing but hatred for the “euroamerican”, white oppressors who built this nation into what -until recently (with the election of another militant “organizer” as president) – was the greatest nation on earth. I kept a 1996 newspaper letter-to-the-editor from the Tucson Daily Star (appropriately) from a reader who complained about the Tucson School Superintendent’s Leftist proclivities. Along with his comments was a picture of the school superintendent sitting at his desk …..with a large poster of Che’ Guevarra on the wall behind him. Last year the Tucson school board was told by the Arizona Attorney General that if they didn’t stop the “devisive” Hispanic “ethnic studies” program they would lose several million dollars of state education (taxpayer) funding. The Leftist indoctrinated students and their agitator mentors raised hell at the school board meetings… the point of having to call the police in to clear the room. “Occupied America” was only one of the Hispanic Studies textbooks. The others, I’m told. contained the same type of racial, leftist hate-mongering. The Arizona State Supreme Court, surprisingly, upheld the Attorney General’s decision. This Leftist infection of young, Hispanic American minds has been going on for at least four decades – as has the same message for “Afro-American Studies”. A young black man who works at the library on Ft. Huachuca seems to enjoy engaging me in conversation – and always brings up in not-so-subtle ways how the white man keeps the black man down. He told me his business law professor at his college – an all-black college of course- told the students there was a video of an interview with a white judge in Texas regarding the murder of a black man. The professor told his students that there is a book in the shelf behind the judge titled “How to Convict A Black Man”. I said “REALLY? Let’s look it up on and the Library of Congress! (that has a record of every book published in the U.S. since the late 1800s). Well, imagine his suprise when we couldn’t find it. The book doesn’t exist. But that is just another example of the lies being taught to agitate minorities into militant, revolutionary hatred toward “euroamericans”. across our nation. When you add all ethnic churches like Reverend Wright and Louis Farakhan’s -and they are by far not the only ones – folks, it is undeniable what a black preacher said back in the ’80s: “We ARE in a race war. Whitey just doesn’t know it yet!” …..And, oh, by the way. All this “compassion” for the children of illegal aliens who have “lived here all their lives”? Bull Shit. The world they’ve lived in is one in which, for the most part their parents are neither willing to learn themselves nor insist their children speak English or assimilate into the American culture. There ARE exceptions. When I worked on the border I knew one single, hispanic mother who moved away from Nogales, AZ to get her son out of the school system that taught everything in Spanish (very common in border states). Each of my four children saw Hispanic students saying the Pledge of Allegiance … Spanish….to Mexico on a daily basis. The hispanic community is not solidly united politically despite the pontifications of political pundits. Like Islam the Latino culture consists of individuals of varied opinions. The tragedy is that both groups have been kidnapped by extremists bent on destroying everyone’s freedom.
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