I ran across a quote by Winston Churchill regarding Islam: “Islam is as deadly to man as rabies is to a dog”. One of my favorite anecdotal quotes from Churchill was allegedly uttered to a young socialite beauty at dinner one evening. She said “Winston, I like neither your politics nor your moustache.” To which Churchill replied “Not to worry my dear. You will come in contact with neither.”
I recentliy found an interesting article in an August 2012 locally published newsletter “The Christian News” at a local gun store (appropriately). The paper begins with several salient quotes from our Founding Fathers conjoining the dual concepts of acknowledging God as the source of our blessings and our right to resist tyranny. But it was the article “Two Enemies Are One” that I felt the need to share. The article shows the Islamic symbol of a crescent moon and a star on one side and the communist symbol of the hammer and sickle on the other. The article says: “These symbols represent America’s worst enemies – Islam and Communism. The crescent moon shape in both cannot be ignored. In a recent TV interview, former Palestinean Arab terrorist Walid Shoebat, now a Christian, stated his in-depth study of the Holy Bible, the Koran, the Hebrew language, and the Greek language (his first language is Arabic) has revealed to him that the symbol for satan is the crescent moon, and the mark of the beast is the creed of Islam.
Isaiah 14 in the Holy Bible gives the account of the fall of satan. In Hebrew, satan is called “heylei-ben-shacher.” “Heylei” in Stong’s Concordance (Hebrew word number 1966) means brightness or morning star; ‘O how you have fallen from the heavens, O shining (or morning) star (also Lucifer), son of the morning.’ In Arabic, however, ‘heylel’ is ‘hilal’ and means crescent moon.’ http://enwikipedia.org/wiki/Hilal_(god). Shoebat also believes it has been revealed to him that the number of the beast, 666, is actually the number which symbolizes the creed of Islam.
According to the Arabic ‘Science of Letters’ (or Abjad), ‘Allah has an abjad of 66.’ (http://www.spyoftheheart.com/misc/abjad_lecture.pdf) When the anti-Christ manifests as man, the third ‘6’ (the number of man) will complete the mark. To take the mark of the beast means to convert to Islam.
As for communism, many believe Karl Marx was an atheist. However there is much proof he first abandoned Christianity, then atheism, for satanism. His ‘goal’ in life (was) to dethrone God and destroy capitalism,’ and he exposed his relationship with satan in several poems. Saul Alinsky, a devotee of Marx, dedicated his book Rules for Radicals to the ‘….first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom.’ Interestingly, Barrack Obama studied and taught that book as a community organizer for ACORN in Chicago.
We have but one enemy masquerading as two. It is satan.”
I agree – and here’s why: 1. I believe the Bible. It’s words and meanings have been censored and mutilated over the centuries by power-pleasing and politically-seeking “scholars” but the message survives of Jesus Christ as the Son of God who lived and died on the cross for the sins of man; Even non-religious ancient scholars attest to the real, living man named Jesus who performed miracles like raising the dead (Josephus, et.al.); 2. Symbolism plays a critical role in the relationship between God and man. The Israeli’s flag symbol is not the Star of David by accident or whim. It is a combination of one triangle pointing upward to heaven and another pointing downward to earth (man). It symbolizes the communication between God and his children. Although many religious leaders adamantly proclaim the “heavens are sealed” and there is no more communication between God and his children, the Arab scholar above, Walid Shoebat, admits to feeling that communication when he states “his study (of the various languages and scripture) REVEALED to him” the significance of the symbols. In my opinion, personal revelation has been denied and exorated by paid clergy for centuries in order to preserve power and, oftentimes, lucrative employment. I am, by far, not the only child of God who has knelt in prayer seeking personal and fatherly guidance from an omniscient Father in Heaven……and received it in the promptings of that “still, small voice” of the Holy Ghost – God’s messenger. I wish everyone in the world could experience that feeling of pure truth. There is, as the Lord said, a real connection between truth and freedom (Ye shall Know the Truth and the Truth shall Set You Free). The only way man can be truly free is by seeking (and obeying) God’s eternal truths 3. My own scripture study has shown me that satan’s plan is to usurp -replace- God’s plan. He does this through various means (read the “Screwtape Letters” ) but they all involve destroying man’s ability to choose for himself – his “free agency”. It is man’s misuse of this freedom to choose that creates Hell on earth NOT a malicious or unforgiving God. Saul Alynsky, “liberals”, “progressives”, etc. , like power-jealous satanic advocates in all their forms are just tools and techniques for implementing satan’s plan. That’s the bad news. The GOOD news is the Savior IS coming! More bad news (for those who deny Him) ……..He is going to be REALLY, REALLY angry when he does! ………..and as a footnote related to free agency and the Republican National Convention: the RNC’s power elite who tried to change the rules so they could rid themselves of those ‘pesky” Constitutionalist Tea Party delegates off-season were doing the same thing Islam and Communism does – trying to eliminate freedom.
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