“There are three things you need to know” about Fauci and Garret Lewis.
The counterfeit conservative talk show host Garret Lewis recently – but repeatedly- spent hours castigating Fauci, Pfizer and the CDC for promoting – nay, pressuring- the public to take into their bodies products that haven’t been or insufficiently tested. Lewis rages at the injustice of persons and institutions using their influence to invade our bodies with these untested and tested-and-proven damaging products. He often quotes studies whose scientific findings irrefutably conclude they don’t work. He brands with a hot, moral iron those who continue in their official positions “just for the money.”
His “outrage” is laughable when one considers who pays his salary and how he makes his money. iHeart Media, Inc., sponsor of radio station KNST 790AM, is a mysterious media “influencer” who always seems to find a source for hundreds of millions of dollars just as it (frequently) teeters on the brink of bankruptcy. It has attempted to hide its’ goal of monopolizing the marijuana market in the United States with its’ purchase of High Times and Weed magazines. (see: iHeart Media, Inc. the Bud Light of Broadcasting dtd 2023/07/19; and The Hypocrisy of iHeart Media, Inc.: Sponsor of Counterfeit Conservatives? dtd 2023/03/14).
iHeart Media, Inc.- sponsored commercials are saturated with products that promise the moon and deliver an empty consumer wallet.
Garret Lewis, the still-proud New Yorker, former bar tender-turned-“conservative” commentator exhorts his listeners to “follow the science!” He earns extra money endorsing the same questionable products through his personal endorsement of commercials. Let’s “follow the science” starting with a small one:
- Kombucha: A Mayo Clinic article titled “What is Kombucha tea? Does it have any health benefits?” by Katherine Zeraftsky, R.D. L.D. reports “there are few valid medical studies of kombucha tea’s role in human health. And there are risks: stomach upset, infections, and allergic reactions. Kombucha is often brewed in homes under unclean conditions (overseas) making it likely bad bacteria can grow. When the tea is made in ceramic pots that have lead in them, lead poisoning has occurred as acids in the tea cause lead to leak from the ceramic glaze. Pregnant or breastfeeding women or others with weakened immune systems should avoid kombucha tea.
- An International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science article dated December 2020 finds “Various benefits to human health are attributed to kombucha. However, most of these benefits have been “studied” only in “experimental models” with the absence of scientific evidence in human studies.”
- Franck Carbonero, a microbiome scientist at Washington State University-Spokane said “We don’t know if it does anything. All kombucha drinks contain ethanol. Producers intentionally ferment the tea longer to increase the alcohol content. Most kombucha is marketed as nonalcoholic; that means it falls under the federal 0.5 percent alcohol by volume threshold. Anything more becomes regulated. Because of the way kombucha is fermented or is stored, the alcohol content can increase exponentially even after it hits the store shelves. The United States Department of the Treasury’s Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, which oversees the beverage alcohol industry found nine out of thirteen (69%) kombucha producers to be “noncompliant.” The shifting levels of alcohol in kombucha can pose a problem for pregnant women, children, and individuals with liver disease, pancreatitis or recovering alcoholics.”
- The bottom line -as in every other advertised product- is:
- The science shows the product doesn’t work as advertised.
- The product has serious, adverse side effects.
- Garret Lewis uses his name to influence listeners to buy products that either have no real benefit or the probiotic benefits can be found in a host of other natural products at the grocery store, etc.
- Garret Lewis doesn’t warn his listeners of the high potential for serious, adverse side effects – because he doesn’t care. He’s being paid to sell the product.
- And that puts him in the same company as Fauci.
Other similarly questionable products and services promoted vigorously by Garret Lewis include:
- CBD products
- QC Kinetics “Regenerative Medicine”
- Summit Male Medical – crassly boasting “carrying a concealed weapon you might have to register” and “concrete takes 8 hours to harden, we shorten that….”
Garret Lewis raves about using CBD products personally. I would expect nothing less from someone from New York or California – populations obsessed with trying to cheat Mother Nature with untried, unproven products appealing to their vanity and hope for eternal youth.
None of the three are quality controlled. The CBD market is a façade and a sham orchestrated to subliminally prepare a specific demographic of the population to stay stoned and become psychotic. The extreme length at which some will go to “stay young” is shown in customers’ willingness to let a complete stranger inject an unregulated solution into their veins in hopes of feeling better (QC Kinetics and Summit Male Medical) – to “just help you get through the day.” And you complain about COVID inoculations?
None of the above are scientifically proven to provide any real benefit. All three advertised results can be achieved with a little self-discipline through exercise and diet – making better choices in activities and food at enormously less expense.
There’s no difference between Garret Lewis going to these snake oil salesmen and the IV drug users camped outside his KNST 790 AM office. Both are seeking artificial means to deal with reality. The addictive psychological effects are the same. The adverse physical effects are different only in time.
So, Garret Lewis, you are of whom Benjamin Franklin was referring as he related a conversation he had with a French socialite: “My dear, would you sleep with me for ten thousand francs?” he asked. “Why, Mr. Franklin, I believe an accommodation could be made!” she blushed. “Would you sleep with me for ten francs?” he responded. “Mr. Franklin! What do you think I am? A whore?” she cried. “Madam,” Ben replied, “that has already been decided. The only question remaining is of price.”
The three things Fauci and Garret Lewis have in common are: 1. both are megalomaniacs requiring constant adoration by the public; 2. both keep aggravating and mitigating information from their public, and 3. both will say and do anything for money.
And Garret Lewis did get a COVID-19 inoculation – despite his public protests. Which also makes him a coward.