Trump’s Ukrainian “Treaty of Versailles and “Peace in Our Time”: Disney Dystopian Diplomacy

“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” – Churchill, 1948:

Trumpty Dumpty
Sat on a wall. 
Trumpty Dumpty
Had a great fall.
All the “King’s” horses
And all the “King’s” men
Couldn’t put Trumpty
together again.

Trump was quite correct when he said “There’s a lot of really stupid people running the government.” It’s quickly becoming obvious those “really stupid people” include  members of his own administration who are either ignorant of history (most likely) or are “failing to learn from history.”

 Trump, his Secretary of State, his appointed diplomatic sycophants and the fawning media suffering from Terminal Trump Euphoria are dooming Americans to serious historical “repetitions.” Their incestuous, money-motivated relationship with Putin, a communist dictator (a real dictator) who is just one in a long line of virulent anti-capitalists sworn that communism and capitalism cannot exist on the same planet is driven by Trump’s belief “I can work with Putin” dystopia. Better presidents than Trump tried and failed.  

Trump et al are proving something else. “The only thing we learn from history is that  we [American politicians] learn nothing from history.” – George Hegel. 

It was the Ally’s demand for war reparations – being paid back for the cost of WW I – that threw Germany into an economic depression that enabled Hitler to exploit Germany’s population for reclaiming their prior glory with the Third Reich leading to WWII. During the post-World War I London Conference (after the Treaty of Versailles) England and France were of a mind to grant Germany very generous conditions but FDR sent a State Department flunky to the Conference with such a profanity-laden letter denigrating the agreement they abandoned debt forgiveness and instead demanded full repayment. This cast Europe into economic decline and Germany into a sustained depression. This set the conditions for Hitler’s rise to powerfinanced by American industrialists.
     (See: Trading With the Enemy: An Expose’ of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949 by Charles Higham, 1983;  and The Great Deformation: the Corruption of Capitalism in America by David A. Stockman, 2013.)

Trump is “desperately “ trying to bring this war to an end.” “…so everyone can walk away.” – Senator Cynthia Lummis, (R-Wy), 28 Feb 2025. 

The sheer moral bankruptcy of  Senator Cynthia Lummis’ asinine statement – of America walking away from an illegal invasion of a democratic country, the genocide of hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children, the kidnapping of over 100,00 children and other assorted crimes against humanity is mind boggling. 

No amount of Zalynskyy bashing by Trump or conveniently ignoring the facts by using The Left’s tactic of disinformation will erase the facts about Ukraine

Has America become that crass? That idolatrous of the Almighty Dollar? Or is it just Trump’s jaded ego and elitism?

Senator Cynthis Lummis, another Trump sycophant with Terminal Trump Euphoria,  is echoing British Prime Minister Chamberlain’s “desperate” negotiation with Hitler just to have a treaty for public consumption. The famous photo op return from Munich with Chamberlain waving a treaty with Hitler that wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on will be repeated in the Oval Office when Trump shows off his “Deal” with Zalynskyy

Chamberlain‘s desperation to sign any “Deal” with Hitler to “avoid war” resulted in Hitler being convinced Europe would go to great lengths to not fight. Thus began World War II.

The Trump Administration is affected by the same unrealistic myopia that afflicted the Allies up to and during World War IIThe North Pole Syndrome – in which they bent over backwards to disbelieve any bad news -(however obvious) that conflicted with their Disney Dystopian Diplomacy (my term).  (see: How Democracies Perish by Jean Francois Revel, 1983) 

Trump’sdesperation” to sign a “Deal” with Ukraine and his secret negotiations with the Russians in Saudi Arabia and now in Turkey only convince Putinlike Hitler – that Trump will go to any length to not fight. And Trump’s ‘Deal’ will have the same result as Chamberlain’s – at a minimum it will seal the fate of Ukraine to a subsequent invasion and dominance under communism. The first fallen domino under Putin’s dream of restoring the Soviet Union

Why hasn’t the “transparentTrump administration kept the American public informed on the Russian demands being made in Turkey

Putin is telegraphing his future intentions by the “unacceptable” demands he is making in Turkey, i.e. more Ukrainian territory, a reduction in the size of the Ukrainian military, no NATO peacekeepers (they make nuisance speed bumps), and a voice in Ukrainian elections

Trump calling Zalynskyy a “dictator” and complaining of no elections is a desperate clutch at salvaging his own bruised ego- only those with Terminal Trump Euphoria would swallow. Zalynskyy was elected with over 84% of his electorate – MUCH MORE THAT TRUMP RECEIVED. The Ukrainian government just authorized Zalynskyy to continue as president without elections until the war was over – in direct rebuttal to the monetarily myopic Trump

Schmoozing with the Russians in secret in Turkey is making Trump look like the dictator – not Zalynskyy

Trump is like the married guy who sexts his girlfriend late at night while his wife is sleeping next to him. 

Trump is not revealing the Russian demands in Turkey for the same reason he said “Nothing much”  when asked what he traded for that dope smoking elementary school teacher idiot. Or, similarly,  his secret pardons given for political gain in his first term in office.  It would be unacceptable to the American people and take the sheen off Trump‘s graven image

Did you see the YouTube video of the Ukrainian soldier tearing his American shoulder patch off his uniform? That should tell you what the Ukrainian people think of Trump

Trump’s  treaty with Ukraine is not a “Deal” it’s Extortion

Trump is turning Secretary of State Rubio into a bag man traveling the world taking Trump’s “cut” from countries for the price of protection

Trump’s foreign policy looks like the opening scene of the Godfather in which Don Corleone has favors whispered in his ear (Putin) in exchange for a “favor” in return some time in the future. 

Trump, in true mafia fashion, is making Ukrainean offer Zalynskyy can’t refuse.”  

That may be how things get done in New York City but it’s a real shitty way for the beacon of freedom to run international diplomacy. 

Trump is not doing this for America – or to “stop the killing.” If he’s sincerely doing it to stop the killing he’s delusional if he thinks rewarding Putin with his ill-gotten gains will stop the killing. If Trump believes that then Trump doesn’t have what it takes to be President of the United States. 

He’s doing it for the “Win.

Trump’s ego and ignorance of communist doctrine will have devastating effects internationally and make the world a dangerous place for democracies. 

What a legacy to have. 

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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