The recent ad blitz from IHeart Media, Inc. boasting of “Integrity” and “Trust” conjures up Shakespeare’s scene in Hamlet, Act III, Scene ii: (to paraphrase) “Methinks, thou doth protest too much!”
IHeart Media, Inc.’s efforts to hide their monopoly of the commercial marijuana market from the public seem to be unsuccessful resulting in their present effort to restore an acceptable image to the listening public. This is much like “don” Goodell’s NFL’s campaign to restore the loyalty of patriotic fans after thrusting WOKE ideology down our throats and now to convince us that gambling on pro football is socially acceptable.
We are assuredly in prophetic times when Good is being called Evil and Evil is being called Good.
When a business has to spend millions of dollars boasting of its “Integrity” and “Trust” ad nauseam it begs the question whether its’ conduct conforms to its claims. The commercials’ glittering generalities are fat with brag but provides not one scintilla of credible evidence.
Instead, IHeart Media, Inc. relies on the successful Nazi propaganda paradigm “Tell a Lie often enough and people will believe its true.” IHeart Media, Inc. believes – like every Useful Idiot of the Left’s propaganda machine – that if they flood the airwaves portraying themselves as icons of integrity often enough the listening public will believe it. This is a common strategy in both the media and literary worlds.
The hypocrisy of IHeart Media, Inc. and the counterfeit conservatives sponsored by IHeart is in espousing conservative hyperbole out of one side of their mouth for 31 minutes with 29 minutes of commercials endorsing the overwhelmingly debunked Pfizer COVID 19 vaccinations (by the appropriately convicted felon Martha Stuart no less) out of the other side of their mouth. Other messages endorse CBD products promising relief from every malady as if consumers have not had any other recourse for the last hundred years that are neither brain altering nor psychosis-inducing. Claims to the contrary notwithstanding, it is a poorly regulated market and THC content has a wide range of “error.” Not to mention the subliminal influence of psychological innuendo.
Self proclaimed conservatives sponsored by IHeart Media, Inc. collude in this deception and bare their counterfeit bona fides by taking money from IHeart to earn a paycheck over principle – The very definition of hypocrisy.
IHeart Media, Inc., in conjunction with the Left, is actually engaged in a Social insurgency with the goal of destabilizing a functioning society through the legalization of a mind altering drug.
Pfizer, through IHeart Media, Inc., is spending hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars to fight the tsunami of scientific evidence exposing the greatest hoax committed against humanity in the history of the world.
IHeart Media, Inc. is proxy for Pfizer, the government’s COVID agenda, and the equally subversive effort to legalize marijuana. It should use the more accurate message – and well-known oxymoron – “We’re from the government – and we’re here to help you.”