Sierra Vista, Arizona’s Proud Pedophile on Display

CPT Underpants

“Hey! Little boys! Wanna take your picture in my underwear?”

Cardboard cutout of CPT Underpants facing four feet from childrens’ reading table -Sierra Vista, Arizona library


CPT Underpants Teaching Points:

Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants: The Fourth “Epic Novel”

As you read, remember that symbolism is everything in propaganda.

  1. The book begins on page one stating “there were two cool kids” who had a “mean, old principal who was very mean to George and Harold.

Teaching Point:

  1. Immediately establishes an adversarial relationship between young boys and a male principal.
  2. the dialogue is below most male youths’ expected reading level.
  3. spelling errors (misteak) and sloppy print connote the “way to write” to readers.
  4. bad behavior is cool.


  1.  “All the ‘experts’ (his quotes) had their opinions about George and Harold. Guidance counselor Mr. Rected (as in rectum) thought the boys suffered from A.D.D. The school psychologist, Miss Labler (as in labia) diagnosed them with A.D.H.D. And their mean old principal, Mr. Krupp, thought they were just plain B.A.D!”

Teaching Points:

  1. “experts” in quotes connotes doubt as to the qualifications of the adult guidance counselor, school psychologist and principal. If their qualifications are suspect why respect them? The author weaves subliminal messages like this for adults throughout the book.
  2. A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. are the most mis-diagnosed behavioral illnesses in America. They and the drugs used to treat them have become society’s developmental crutches by parents who either don’t have the time, inclination or just plain don’t care to stand firm against their children’s misbehavior. ALL children will test the limits they are given. A good parent will maintain high disciplinary standards in spite of the tantrums. Multiple studies have shown for decades that the more firm parents overwhelmingly raise the best children into responsible adults. The overwhelming majority of young school shooters are children of liberal, permissive parents who felt they shouldn’t monitor their children’s behavior.
  3. again, as in #1, immediately establishes the male adult authority (principal) thinking the two boys are “just plain B.A.D.” In reality, NO principal thinks any child is “just plain bad.”

III. Every adult is fat with dome-shaped heads. (copying the “Conehead” aliens of Saturday Night Live)

Teaching Points:

  1. dehumanization of adults. This is in keeping with the National Education Association (NEA) and National Teachers Association (NTA) trend in children’s literature and youth-focused media to replace real-looking humans with cartoonized people or to replace them totally with weird-looking animals. Two Christmases ago I went into Home Depot and asked where all the nativity scenes were. The cashier replied “Oh, they’ve all been replaced by Sesame Street figures!”
  2. In true Leninist fashion, their efforts at removing or rewriting American history and Western Civilization from education is another topic.
  3. Principal has large, sharp teeth with a demeaning name, Professor PoopyPants becomes an elementary school science teacher as a last resort after being laughed out of Harvard and Yale because of his name, three pages show class laughing at principal because of his name. “Professor Poopypants was running out of money, and there was no place left for him to turn.”(p. 51)

Teaching Points:

  1. teaches young children to a. laugh derisively at different names,
  2. disrespect adult figure at the head of a class,
  3. be afraid of male principals (if there are any left in America).
  4. portrays once highly respected Ivy League universities as immature and irrelevant.
  5. portrays elementary school teaching as employment of last resort.


  1. Anal fixation (including a gerbil innuendo): Changes other people’s names from normal names like Mr. Krupp, Benny, to “Professor Pee-Pee Poopypants”, “Boxer Shorts”, “Pied Pooper”, “”Lumpy Pottybiscuits”, “Loopy Pizzapants”, “Poopsie Chucklebutt,” “Chim-chim Diaperbrains”, “Booger”, “Fluffy Toiletnose”, “Cheeseball Wafflefanny”, “Tiny Toilet of Truth”, “Chuckles Jingleberry McMonkeyburger and his wife Stinky”, “Chunky Q. Burgernose University”, “Miss Anthrope”,

Teaching Points:

  1. Undermines school authority figures (and adults in general) by showing it’s OK to call them derogatory names.
  2. The not-so-subtle anal fixation rampant throughout questions the motivation of the author (and his perverted psyche) in writing these books. Freud would say Dav Pilkey was fixated at his infantile anal stage. Not something we want young male readers to emulate.


  1. Pranks” – PC Code for Bullying: “Changing school marquis to “Please Don’t Fart in a Diaper”; rigged teachers’ lounge refrigerator to explode with pasty foam packaging pellets that stick to the teachers – “making teachers look like a group of giant, evil snowmen”;

Teaching Points

  1. It’s OK to “prank” (harass, disrespect, bully) teachers – and to laugh about it while being idolized by other students for their bad behavior. A destructive way to seek popularity.
  2. provides inappropriate “prank” ideas for young male readers to model.
  3. portrays teachers as evil.

VII.  Mr. Fyde, the science teacher, goes crazy (due to the students’ harassment) and quits. “…leaves for the greener pastures of The Piqua Valley Home for the Reality-Challenged

Teaching Points:

  1. Adults / Teachers are crazy and out of touch with reality.
  2. Adult reality is ridiculous.
  3. Believe in infantile, rude, disrespectful fantasy.

The Bottom Line:

  1. The Captain Underpants book series is “semi-autobiographical”
  2. The books are the author’s anal-fixated, adult temper tantrum toward authority figures.
  3. The book’s message: Believe and act like the author Dav Pilkey.

Final Question: Is this what you want your children reading, learning and modeling?    “Censorship” has been redefined by the Progressive Left as moral relativity and infers parents, teachers and librarians cannot interfere with the moral education of their children and students. Nothing could be further from the truth. No nation can long endure without a moral code. I encourage you to join the fight against the destruction of society’s moral compass. Let your city officials, school board members and librarians know of your disapproval to the objectifying of adult authority figures and “pranksterism”. If you don’t, “adult- world reality” will smack your immature, adult children in the face with serious legal consequences.

RecommendationThere is a plethora of wholesome, moral, entertaining, and informative youth reading material out there if one makes the effort to find it.  Trouble is much of it is “older” and librarians and teachers are sending good-but-dated books to the shredder (a subtle subterfuge of American culture). Wholesome books can be obtained if demanded by the public.  Your children will be better humans and citizens for it                                 

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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