Reagan Shows Trump What “Hell” Looks Like – Why Words Should Mean Something

Hamas called Trump’s bluff and got off scot free. Trump’s spontaneous, spurious diplomacy came back to bite him in the ass after demanding Hamas release all the October 7 hostages by Saturday or “All Hell Will Break Loose“. 

Trump’s failure to execute on that threat revealed a very important thing to Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un. Trump is squeamish when it comes right down to using military force. That’s BIG. Everyone and anyone who has ever  dealt with communists will tell you that the the only thing communists respect is force – the same with terrorists. 

Reagan knew this. Apparently Trump does not. Trump believes communists and radical Islam worship money like he does. They don’t. That’s a fatal flaw in national security. 

Trump made the world less secure by failing to fulfill his threat. 

It’s not like Trump avoids conflict due to his experience in the military or in Vietnam. Oh, that’s right. He managed to avoid that conflict altogether. 

I guess it should come as no surprise that the pampered son of a millionaire raised in the cloistered confines of the New York City elite is a pussy

Over the Christmas holiday I learned my great-nephew had been bullied at school. I immediately tried teaching him a few rudimentary rules of boxing. Self defense was a foreign concept to him. He became stressed. I asked his concerned mother why she was hesitant. “They’re just supposed to tell a teacher.”

Therein lies our nation’s greatest security risk. We’ve raised generations of pussies.

Seeing Trump needed more instruction on the intricacies of Statesmanship, Reagan left his golf buddies in Heaven to return once again (see: Reagan Tutors Trump on Tehran) on how to deal with national security threats – and the importance of keeping one’s word on the international scene:

Donald: “Ron! What are you doing back so quickly? Aren’t you enjoying your peace and quiet up in Heaven?”

Ronald: “It’s hard to enjoy Heaven when you’re making my country and the world less secure.”

Donald: “What do you mean? I’ve promised to make ‘Peace break out in the Middle East’ and I’m convincing Ukraine to give up 20% of its country so they can have a thriving business economy!”

Ronald: “You’re doing neither. You’re ‘out of the box‘ idea about making Gaza an economic zone equal to Dubai is dystopian. You’re sycophants should have told you that. You’re obsession with money and the “Deal” is compromising principles of freedom – and simple, human decency throughout the world.
     Like I told you before, money can’t solve everything! Ideologies are impervious to bribes! They may nod their heads and take your money but their agendas don’t change. This is what Kruschev meant when he pounded his shoe on his desk at the U.N. and shouted ‘We will bury you!” Communists (and Islamists) are going to destroy the West (America) and use successive American administrations’ Disney dystopian diplomacy using pre-negotiation concessions to do it. ”

Donald: “Sorry, Ron. I disagree. Everybody has their price. I learned that growing up in New York City and at Wharton Business School.” 

Ronald: “I feel sorry for you, Don. Being raised in a morally bankrupt bubble has really skewed your moral compass. In real life there are things more important than money. Our revolution against the Brits wasn’t just about a two cent tax. King George committed many atrocities against colonials for decades that justified fighting a war. Read Tom Paine’s The American Crisis and the reasons cited in the Declaration of Independence for heaven’s sake! 

Donald: “Hmm. I didn’t see a class on Ethics or History at Wharton. I didn’t even see anything on the American Revolution in high school. This is all so new to me!”

Ronald: “Don, listen to me. Listen to a few incidents that describe how President Ford and I dealt with the kind of threats you are experiencing: 
     On August 18, 1976, in the Joint Security Area of the Korean Demilitarized Zone, two U.S. army officers under the auspices of the U.N. command were hacked to death by North Korean soldiers while attempting to chop down a large poplar tree that was obscuring observation of Freedom Bridge
     In response, President Ford ordered the execution of Operation Paul Bunyan. (see: Korean Axe Murder Incident, wikipedia)  That tree was chopped down.
     On April 15, 1986, I ordered Operation El Dorado Canyon in retaliation for Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi’s terrorist attack in Germany killing several U.S. servicemen. We missed killing Gaddafi but we got close enough that he didn’t fuck with us any more. In fact, he provided intel on other terrorist groups giving Israel and us problems.
    Remember when I tested a microphone by saying “The bombers are on their way“? The reason that was so alarming around the world was because Gorbachev knew I was willing to actually do it. The “Star Wars” weapons system convinced them as well.  
    You see, Donald, it’s easy to threaten tariffs to get your way economically. It’s quite another to threaten to use force and then not do it. Nothing is more damaging to a nation’s security than cowardice.”

Donald: “Harsh words, Ron.”

Ronald: “Not as harsh as the death notifications to the family members of dead service members. 
     That’s what happens when you don’t keep your word. 

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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