If you want to see what the U.S. will look like in ten years after Obama’s
Children Crusade, look at the Soviet Union in 1920. When Lenin took power, the Bolsheviks embarked on a series of experiments intended to stamp out that “bourgeois
excrescence” – the family. As a result of this policy, Soviet Russia began to fill with packs of pauperized, parentless, sociopathic orphans, desperate marauding packs of children, the bezprizornii. They lived by begging, thievery and worse. Those who survived grew up. The bands of marauding children became sociopathic packs of adults: brutal, uncontrollable, murderous, real threats.
Regardless of whether or not this outcome is intentional on the part of Obama’s string pullers, what is crystal clear is the Left’s attack on the American family – with the acquiescence of most in the GOP. Again, the U.S. is the only nation in the world showing an increase in population – not from natural childbirths but from legal immigration. So when the last few generations complain about having to support the baby boomers, ask them how many children they have. When you point a finger at someone there are always three fingers pointing back at yourself. P.S. I have four children.