Fifty years from now, or whenever “Barry’s” college transcripts are finally released and he is discovered to officially be the dope-smoking, ignorant, Leftist politically annointed, U.S. citizen poser he really is attending college as a foreign student, there will be a book written with the above title. But not for the reasons discussed by true Republican conservatives, all the Tea Party and Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Their assumptions questioning his citizenship are hitting the target but not the bullseye. Yes, his proffered birth certificate is an amateurish attempt at what we call in the counterintelligence field as “backstopping” (creating fake, official documentation to provide cover for an agent). That is obvious to anyone who has spent their careers examining birth certificates. In the immigration field it’s called Documentary False Claim to U.S. citizenship – or Title 10 U.S. Code, 212(a)(6)(C)(ii). I wish I had a dollar for every time I typed that on a criminal file. There is another reason that Obama is not a U.S. citizen. It is something that female immigration inspectors excel at over male inspectors for one biological reason. They are mothers themselves. Inspector “mothers” are better at sensing whether a baby actually belongs to the woman bringing the baby into the United States. Neither the media nor Americans in general realize the extent of international baby smuggling. To an immigration inspector the pattern of Obama’s entry into the United States is classic. If an adult foreigner can not enter the “big welfare check in the sky” – the United States- then they will pay handsomely a not-so-handsome white, female, American citizen to travel as a tourist to your country, participate in a sham marriage -or not- and bring that person’s favorite son back to the United States as her own…..for a very handsome fee. At airports -like Hawaii- it is exacerbated by the half-century long airlines’ cum State Department’s coercion on the immigration service to give only cursory inspections to incoming passengers. If all the illegals suspected of entering the U.S. by airplane were properly vetted by inspectors there would be one third the 18 million illegals present in the U.S. Instead, inspectors are told by management things like “just get ’em through! The wait time (passengers waiting in line) is ____minutes long!”, “Don’t FUCK (their word and emphasis) with the 7As” (foreign students…yes, all the 9/11 hijackers), etc. If inspectors at airports actually conducted legitimate inspections the airlines would go bankrupt paying out-of-pocket for return seats. So,when the white woman arrived at the airport in Hawaii and claimed U.S. citizenship for both her and her “son” -Barry- there was pre-exising institutional pressure NOT to closely examine the black baby as hers. The international baby smugglers know this and exploit it. They may advertise under the guise of match-making or child adoption. Obama’s “mother” gave up custody of him shortly after returning to the U.S. – to black “grandparents”. The natural mother-son relationship was really non-existent. The alleged mother was simply following the child’s biological father regarding education, residence and custody. How can this be proven? Well, DNA would resolve it but the mother was conveniently cremated shortly after Obama was elected president……i believe it was AFTER she died -again, conveniently, soon after he was elected president. But DNA can be linked through any remaining personal articles from the woman (strands of hair in her brush, etc.) for decades after her demise. Another possible avenue for investigation is the alleged mother’s income during that time…tax statements, credit cards, bank statements, etc. for any sizeable deposits during the time of their arrival in Hawaii. In the meantime, as a former CI guy, I consider Obama’s election to the presidency our domestic enemies’ greatest coup in The Long War. It shouldn’t come as a surprise once President Hillary (when her husband was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office) kicked the FBI agent responsible for background investigations out of the White House (read “Unlimited Access” by Gary Aldrich) While you’re at it, see the movie “2016: You May Like Obama But You Don’t Know Him” as well.
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