It is a rare person who does not become proud and haughty when assuming high office, positions of popularity or authority. I remember reading an LA Times article back in the late ’70s comparing the narcissm of politicians and movie stars (ALL talk show hosts and TV anchors share this affliction as well). It’s the reason for the “imperial” mentality in Congress and the presidency……and in political appointees who consider themselves “perfumed princes”. There is a physical -almost a psychosexual- change that overcomes a lol of people when in an exalted position of power or around someone who is. I saw this metamorphosis occur frequently in the military when high ranking officers appeared and as a group of congressmen exited the White House after meeting with the president. The only thing missing from the crowd was throwing flowers in their paths. I admit to having the same feelings on occasion……but it was when I was a cop after a hot pursuit of an armed suspect and putting the cuffs on the maggot with my partner’s knee firmly planted on the maggot’s neck. THAT is real psycho-sexual satisfaction! Many mistakenly believe that the power and authority of position is who they are – almost a Divine Right mentality. Those not born to it (many generals “inherit” – or marry into -their rank) voraciously pursue the power and authority of the annointed. The Clintons are perfect examples. About ten years ago I walked into one political party’s office on the night of elections. There were some candidates anxiously fixated on the incoming results. I felt nauseated at the almost sulfur-saturating smell of political power seeking. Later, after publishing my book “Ten Years On the Line: My War On the Border” I was introduced to many politicians. It quickly became clear to me that they were interested in possessing the knowledge I had…..but, upon hearing from others that I should run for office, quickly considered me a threat to their coveted positions. That is why the Republican “establishment” is having such a hard time with the Tea Party. It is a true revolution not only against domestic enemies but against imperial power. Those who don’t appear awed – to “bow” in obeissance- in the presence of political power – are considered a threat or mentally deficient (ergo the ridicule of the Tea Party). As a CBP officer I remember conducting training in our only conference room at the most corrupt Port of Entry in the United States: Douglas, Arizona. A supervisor scurried into the room and told me we had to move out because Senator McCain was here. I said very loudly “Well, let him find another room! I’m a taxpayer and I’m using this one!” Sen. McCain and his sycophantic entourage was standing just outside the door. He walked in upon hearing my protest. He was not pleased nor was any of my chain of command. That “NCO attitude” eventually resulted in me receiving my RIF notice while busy in Mogadishu ……thank you very much Uncle Sam! Reminds me of a quote by ………”Since when have we Americans been expected to bow before our elected representatives?” . It is the reason Obama bowed to the Saudi king. One Muslim to another superior Muslim. Might be a reason why Obama’s popularity is still strong and Romney’s is not. It is not because they don’t feel Romney can’t “relate” to the “common” man. It is because Romney, in reality, doesn’t put on the air of the hypocritical mask of the “average person”. It is his moral and social cleanliness that makes the “masses” -the “useful idiots” feel uncomfortable. Romney doesn’t parade his sincere sterling character like the political pharisees. Most voters don’t know he gave all the money he inherited from his dad to charity and made his own fortune. Most voters don’t know Romney donated (that means volunteered) 17% of his gross income to charity. And they also don’t hear from the media that while conducting an important meeting as chairman of a corporation, Romney received word that an employee’s daughter had been kidnapped. He immediately ended the meeting and devoted considerable personal time and resources to successfully finding the little girl. As a Mormon myself I experienced the same suspicion from the special forces operational detachment I commanded. I was told by one legend-in-his-own-mind “if you just went out drinking and whoring around we would trust you a lot more.” And how many have heard the phrase “I don’t trust a man who doesn’t drink!” as I did many times in the military. I call upon all the dark spirits of the Okeefenokee Swamp to curse those who made my life hell for that. Obama exudes a likeable personna to the public not because he is like them. He, is more UNlike ANY American citizen -much less voter -than any other president. Those who like Obama do so because he tells them what they want to hear, looks presentable to the non-blacks (ergo both assauging the white liberals’ guilt and attractive to the image-worshipping media), and able to orate sufficiently. Ceasar did the same thing. By throwing both festivals and bread at the people, Ceaser led the government-addicted Romans slowly down to self-destruction with a flaxen cord around their necks. Ceasar had himself declared emperor and a god. Obama’s agenda for de-structuring the fabric of America is having the very same effect.
About Mike
Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer;
Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
Obama: Ceasar’s Narcissism
About Mike
Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";