President Obama and the deceased (it took long enough!) former leader of the Palestinean Liberation Organization (PLO) Yassar Arafat share eerily similar political personnas. Prior to the United Nations legitimizing Arafat and the PLO they were responsible for many of the most heinous terrorist attacks committed not just against Israel but around the world. Let me explain a little bit of Middle East history. James Michelin, a Nobel Prize-winning author wrote in his book “1947” something that every Israeli and every fair-minded person knew. Immediately after receiving recognition as a legitimate nation by the U.N. Israel faced annihilation by every bordering arab country. Fighting odds of 70-1 the Israelis won the right to exist by fighting for it. But a little known fact has been lost in the historical revisionism of Jew-haters around the world. In preparation for impending war, Israeli soldiers drove loudspeaker-mounted Jeeps through arab villages asking them to stay! They promised the Arabs that if they simply would not take up arms against Israelis, they and their homes and businesses would not be touched. Instead, in typical Arab fashion, many left the State of Israel succumbing to the siren promises of the Arab leaders to leave: “let the arab armies drive every “Jew dog” into the sea then they could return and take all the possessions of their former Jewish neighbors. Well, the decision to leave turned into what, in military terms, is called a “gross tactical error”. Israel kicked Arab ass in what has been justly described as a miracle. But what happened after the war? Did the Arab leaders adopt those they made empty promises to? Did the Arab leaders coopt their displaced Arab brothers into their own society? Acept them as fellow citizens? No. They’ve kept them in refugee camps for over sixty years for the express purpose of maintaining an exploitable grievance against the despised Jews. Thus was born the Palestinean “issue”. I don’t know how Arafat became the leader of the PLO. I saw him interviewed on TV shortly before the U.N. recognized the PLO. I don’t know if he was drugged or actually the ignorant bastard he appeared to be. He could not recall any information contained in the Palestinean constitution of which he was alleged to have been the driving force in creating. My guess is he simply was more willing to murder his opposition than they were. Since then he bilked his own people out of billions of dollars for his own benefit. At one time he was reputed to be the wealthiest man in the world. That’s easy to do when Jew-haters around the world are donating billions every year to your “cause”. That’s why his wife sued the PLO for his Swiss bank account after he died. So, how does this relate to Obama? As a “community organizer” in Chicago, Obama rose through the infamously corrupted Chicago political machine by exploiting the citizens’ perceived grievances. Mentored by a communist in his youth (read “The Communist” by ), he had the requisite doctrinal education to enter the community organizing brotherhood. Gang members call this “jumping in”. Recognized by the higher ups as one who “looked good” on camera, he was washed and annointed to be a political figure piece for the Left ideologues who were too far left to run for office themselves (i.e Saul Alinsky’s – read his “Rules for Radicals” whose introduction praises …….Satan). He attended the University of Chicago through a blend of Affirmative Action and political connections with an academic record as vaporous as his birth certificate and Harvard where classmates and professors say he had “the worst academic record in the history of the institution”. That’s saying a lot considering a new freshman at the most esteemed ivy league universities can literally create their own curriculum. As president, Obama’s hidden agenda is to maintain the inner city “refugee” camps by redistributing the wealth of the middle and upper class in the suburbs to the generational welfare class who created their own urban blight. His solution to the economic “war” is to maintain the status quo by providing “Obama bucks” to the urban “palestineans” at the expense of those who fought for what they have. The New Black Panthers’ incredibly brazen prevention of whites voting at the polls, Eric Holder’s protection of the NBP, and Move On’s efforts to subvert the 2012 elections are America’s equivalent of the PLO. Obama’s class warfare is no different than Arafat’s exploitation of the Palestineans.
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