A few years ago I attended two movies with one of my sons and young grandchildren: Transformers and Spider Man. I left Transformers before the end of the movie. Transformers‘ plot appeared innocuous but the deafening sound and prolonged violence was too much for me. I wondered if it was too much stimulation for 3-7 year olds. I saw Spider Man in a theater in Oceanside, CA. The theater boasted of seats coordinated with the sound and movement in the movie. The seats were as excruciating as the cardboard straws were distasteful; blasts of air into my ears, my seat jolting and turning with every deafening sound. I couldn’t help thinking Hollywood is trying to compensate lack of a plot for visual, auditory over-stimulation and wondered what the effects on young children would be. The deafening sound, the kaleidoscope of glaring colors during sustained scenes of violence can’t help but deaden the young’s minds to normal sensory input. Desensitizing young minds creates a lower tolerance for boredom and therefore the urge to seek greater stimulation in Life. Sociologists call that behavior risk taking. It manifests itself in many forms including drug experimentation and use, acts of violence against society, etc.
Those movies are relatively mild after discovering a Lego game in which Mind Control is the main objective. Interestingly, both Lego’s Bionicle01 and the two movies above (and others like them) are created by DC Comics.
I stumbled across Lego’s Bionicle01 while searching for a Wikipedia article I had used as reference for one of my previous blogs “Masks of Psychosis are Real“. Strangely, the Wikipedia article I found in March 2021 “Mask of Psychosis” has been supplanted with multiple scholarly articles comparing the wearing of COVID masks with psychosis – a connection I made in my blog. The original, very ominous article regarding the actual Mask of Psychosis can’t be found.
As far as I can make out, Lego’s game Bionicle01 is a “fantasy game” with a bizarre plot involving a mixture of Maori vocabulary with players acting out characters possessing alarming powers. I found this site so obtuse in describing its mission / goal/ I wondered if it was a website established to enable coded messages to be exchanged between n’er do wells. I couldn’t determine if that was true (not being a cryptologist) but it’s home page is certainly confounding enough to qualify as one. Here is a list of the powers players can adopt:
Illusion – Creating illusions that can fool all five senses in others,
Inducing dreams and nightmares in beings who are asleep
Projecting illusions of alternate timelines or possible futures
Unleashing mental blasts of energy that can cause death to anyone nearby.
Having limited mind control; unable to direct a being to do anything against their morals
Telekinesis – Controlling and moving objects by mental force
Telepathy – Detecting and reading nearby minds
Transmitting the thoughts of one being into another being’s mind
Masking one’s presence from other beings
Unleashing a Psionics Nova Blast
Creating a severe mind-damaging mental shock, causing the minds of all surrounding beings to burn out and fall unconscious
Detecting illusions and hidden beings.
Temporarily masking memories
Influencing the temperaments of other beings
Swapping minds with other beings;
Consuming the dreams of other beings
This list sounds like a cornucopia of mental illnesses found in DSM-5.
Q. Many of these “powers” sound like the attempts of the Biden administration and their weaponized agencies to dissemble the Truth on American society. Is DC Comics trying to convert our children into solipsistic Democrats? …………I’m joking…….sort of .
Psionic “relates to the practical use of psychic powers or paranormal phenomena.” – Google dictionary. Bionicle01 takes Psionics nuclear. One can’t help wonder what devastating effect this popular “fantasy” game is having on the mental health of a whole generation. It begs the question how many young mass shooters are influenced by this and “games” like it where controlling and killing others is the objective (Dungeons and Dragons induced two Ft. Bragg soldiers to attempt the murder of general officers in the 1990s).
DC Comics and Lego appear to be stimulating their young audiences into a sense of mass adulation with visual and auditory overload. This can induce some fragile minds seeking higher stimulus culminating into anti-social activities.
Lego’s Bionicle01 is not Harry Potter.
See: Sergei Chakotin’s “The Psychological Rape of the Masses: The Psychology of Totalitarian Political Propaganda, 1940.
See also: “Masks of Psychosis are Real” at www.LigonClanLaw.com (dated 05 May 2021).