Kudlow’s Quest for Calculus: Why Harris Double-Downed on VP

On Fox Business’ August 6th show, former Director of the National Economic Council during the Trump Administration Larry Kudlow asked Joe Concha, author of Progressively Worse, “What’s the calculus politically in choosing a far-left VP candidate? Why would she have gone with the most Left-wing guy?” Concha replies “Historically the campaign strategy of Democrats is to campaign to the center then govern Left when elected.” 

     First, it is refreshing to listen to a media host with actual credentials addressing issues of public interest.  Secondly, the Democrats’ strategy to mislead the American electorate by campaigning to the center then govern to the Left rivals the hubris and hypocrisy of Harvard University

     The conduct of the Democrats baffles conservative media because it doesn’t understand war in its various phases as an extension of politics. The answer to Kudlow’s question is obvious. It has been mentioned many times by various media pundits but without pursuing  and exposing in detail the actual strategy used by the Democrats. That’s part of the GOP problem. The Democrat Left is waging war and the GOP is still playing politics.

They have asked multiple times “Who’s running the show?” without really wanting to know the answer. The bottom line is they fear the hard Truth.

     The key to understanding the Democrats’ strategy is to look at the classic Insurgency Pyramid. This strategy has been used successfully throughout history against conservative governments by Socialists from Stalin, to Mao, to Castro, the Ortega’s of Nicaragua, up to Maduro of Venezuela. The only U.S. president who understood how to counter an insurgency was – not Kennedy – but Reagan. He knew how to fight communist insurgencies without bankrupting the nation in the process. “Progressives”, Socialist- Democrats, Communists – all shades of the same ideology- use the same road map for eliminating political doctrines antithetical to theirs – the United States being the #1 threat. 

     With the victorious theft of the 2020 election, the Democrats’ attained the apex of the insurgency pyramid – complete control of the government. In true Leninist – Stalinist doctrine, the next step is to eliminate all internal enemies.  Hitler used the Reichstag Fire and the “murder” of Ernst von Rath, a German diplomatic official to justify expansion of power and persecution of the Jews. The Democrats exploited Jan 6th as a pretext to consolidate power and eliminate their enemies.  While doing this they “centralize” the economy making the State the only provider of benefits – Biden’s “Build Back Better.” The Democrats are even using name-calling type-casting as a weapon. Whereas Hitler and Goebbels called Jews “vermin”, Democrats caste conservatives as “threats to democracy”, “Hitlers”, and (OMG) “weird” with the precise intention of inciting the same riots Hitler instigated.

Democrats are a Freudian dream for neurotic projection

     The Democrats’ “lawfare” is not just a handy label for what they’ve been doing to Trump and other patriotic Americans. It’s a 21st century version of the 1966 Cloward-Piven strategy inspired by the Left’s insurgency bible Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky who wrote a front page dedication to Satan. 

     To answer Kudlow, the political calculus goes like this: The Democrat’s 2020 victory allows the radical Left to come out from the shadow government. Using the Democrat Party as their public front, they’ve coopted the Party and  are now in control. They’ve done this in many other countries throughout the last 70 years. It doesn’t matter who they pick for president or vice president. Those driving the ideology control the people who control the candidates / presidents. The “front” handlers in Biden / Harris’s case, are Obama, Pelosi, and Sanders. If that wasn’t obvious with how “Basement Biden” won then Americans suffer from massive psychogenic blindness. Removing Biden’s candidacy wasn’t a big deal to the Left’s real leadership because they can always find sycophants seeking power and fame – the poster child being Kamala Harris. She’s simply another simpleton they can control. 

There was no calculus involved with Harris choosing far Left Walz. It wasn’t her making the choice. Harris has never made a choice in her political life. She’s a ditzy, ingratiating sycophant. Her entire career has been driven by kowtowing to political elites who lead her by the nose. She and Walz are a continuation of the Left’s elites’ consolidation of power

     Remember, the vice president also serves as the President of the United States Senate. Historically, the VP rarely presides over the Senate except in the case of tie-breaking votes as well as a successor to the president. But, for a Party that specializes in historical revisionism, who can say how high and how far the Democrat’s Socialist lawfare will go? They’ve certainly shown no compunction in violating the Constitution thus far.

How much more will they “fundamentally change America”?


About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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