Kamala’s Budget: An American Holodomor

“A budget reflects nothing but politics. A budget is not only the whole of politics, it is also the moral code of the people. It is the mirror in which we see our biases, our vices and the spirit of begging that has infected all classes, the rich as much as the poor.” – Claude Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850), The Law, The State, and other Political Writings; 1843-1850; Peace and Freedom, p. 311

     Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris has never received either education or experience in economics – and it shows in her proposed presidential agenda. It’s common for those whose entire professional lives have sucked on the taxpayers’ teats. Her professional life has infected her with the common delusion that the government is responsible for all of society’s ills; it can solve all of society’s ills with money; and government bureaucrats are the only ones who know what those ills are.  According to Bastiat, that’s the definition of Communism.

     Former president Trump, on the other hand, attended the Wharton School of Business. Wharton is the business school of the University of Pennsylvania, a private Ivy League research university in Philadelphia. Established in 1881 through a donation from Joseph Wharton, a co-founder of Bethlehem Steel, Wharton is the oldest collegiate business school in America. The school produces a steady stream of top candidates for Wall Street firms and other finance-related institutions. Wharton ranks consistently higher than Harvard in all categories – especially in financial research.” – wikipedia  

     Americans have a choice to make in November: Kamala’s Communism or Trump’s Capitalism. The choice has never been starker to the electorate or more significant for future generations of America.

     Claude-Frederic Bastiat was a French economist and member of the French National Assembly.  He has been described as “the most brilliant economic journalist who ever lived” by economic theorist Joseph Schumpeter, Harvard professor, author of History of Economic Analysis and who popularized the term “creative destruction” coined by Werner Sombart.

     Bastiat was not only the most brilliant economist who ever lived his economic analyses are still the most understandable by the common man (of which this bonehead can attest). His uncanny ability to reduce complex economic principles to the lowest common denominator enables non-economic minded students of history to understand how a nation’s economy should be run.* Bastiat wrote shortly after the Revolution and confronted the destructive Liberal economic impulses of the New Republic government. His essays are more relevant today than when he wrote them one hundred and seventy-six years ago – a not uncommon occurrence with Truth in any realm.

     In a republic, the two sole responsibilities of government are to protect its citizens and to ensure the freest exercise of their God-given right to work and provide a living for themselves. When any government exceeds these by the only method it can – by taking from a citizen who has earned his benefit and giving it to someone who has not – it is engaging in legal plunder (communism).

     Kamala’s social agenda will continue to fail to protect American citizens on a seismic scale – the horrific consequences of which are only beginning. It will continue the erosion of the American narrative culminating in the disappearance of America as a nation.

     Kamala’s economic agenda is legal plunder on steroids – the consequences of which will breed want, weakness and war.

Bastiat on legal plunder / Communism:

“The basic test to determine if a government is Socialist is to ask does the law take property owned by some to give to others what they do not own for the benefit of one citizen at the expense of another citizen?”

“The personification of the State [Socialism] has been in the past and will be in the future a rich source of calamities [depressions] and [wars].

“It is radically impossible for the State to confer a particular advantage on some individuals who make up some of the community without inflicting greater damage on the community as a whole.”

“Our [politicians] are clever; they think of decreasing the number of those paying taxes while increasing the number of those being paid.”

“Having the State intervene to equalize wealth and level social and economic situations is to embark on the slippery slope to communism.”

“The State giving itself the mission of evening out profits and balancing wealth by taking from some without their consent in order to give to others, making it responsible for carrying out the work of leveling through plunder, this is definitely communism. Neither the procedures [“Build Back Better”] practiced by the government to do this nor the fine names used to adorn this idea change this.”

“This form of communism is truly dangerous in our time. Why? Because in this form we see it always ready to invade everything. One person wants the state to lend interest free [mortgages]; it cannot do this without robbing others of the value of their property. Another wants free education at all levels. That means at taxpayers’ expense. …another will not rest until the State has artificially raised [or controlled] the price of a product…”

“In general, economists are very distrustful of government intervention.  They see in it all sorts of disadvantages: a downgrading of freedom, energy, foresight, and individual experience, which are the most valuable bases of society.”

“Why has the State the right to guarantee the leveling of property by force? This right preexists in each individual. The right of legitimate defense – to employ force to repel attacks directed against individuals, their families and assets – cannot be challenged. Since it is within each citizen, this individual right can take a collective [community] form and make [community] force legitimate.”

“It is not enough to attack this crude and absurd form of communism. [It is necessary] to unveil and stigmatize this bold and subtle form of communism [legal plunder – forced economic leveling]. It has corrupted the proper function of government and has insinuated itself into some of the branches of our government and threatens to invade them all.”

“If you make the law an instrument of plunder [leveling equality: D.E.I.] in the interest of particular individuals and classes, each one would want to make laws to their advantage. There would be a throng at the gates of the Legislature, a bitter battle within it, anarchy in people’s minds, the wreck of all morality, violence in the institutions representing various interests, fierce electoral battles, accusations, jealousy, inextinguishable hatred, public enforcement of unjust greed instead of containment of greed, the concept of right and wrong obliterated from people’s minds just as the concept of justice and injustice is obliterated from their consciences, a government that is responsible for each person’s existence and that is bowed under the weight of such responsibility, political convulsions, and fruitless revolutions on which all forms of socialism and communism will be tried out. These are the scourges that corruption of the law making it the enforcer of equality will unleash.”

Kamala’s budget will result in:
     Oppressive taxation, inflation, the poor becoming destitute and the middle class becoming poor resulting in starvation, disease and crime – an American Holodomor.  
     Rationing of resources: gas, food, electricity – everything needed to maintain a decent quality of life.
     Increased debt and inflation will (again) be camouflaged behind another interminable foreign war
     A larger bureaucracy to collect more taxes including the further militarization of the I.R.S. against taxpayers.
     Continued mission creep of the Department of Homeland Security into a domestic national police force answering only to the government leader. 

     Electing Kamala Harris will turn America into Orwell’s 1984.  That should keep you up at night. 

*see the Reservoir Apologue in Bastiat’s “The Law,” The State,” and Other Political Writings, 1843-1850; Peace and Freedom, page 303.

See: The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression by Stephan Courtois, Andrzej Paczkowski, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Margolin, et al.; 1997 – all former dedicated communists who wrote the book to warn French voters of the consequences of electing a Socialist president. 

See also: The Laffler Curve

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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