Kamala Queries Ho Chi Minh

Kamala, burdened by her past record, is unsure how to convince the American electorate she actually has the intelligence, experience and courage to preside over America. She summons Ho Chi Minh from the other side of the veil to give her advice:

K: “Uncle Ho, how did you do it?”

Ho: “Did what, Kamala?”

K: “How did you clinch the presidency of North Vietnam?”

Ho: “Isn’t your father a Marxist professor? He should be well-versed in communist insurgency principles.”

K: “Yes, he is. But he was too busy indoctrinating college students to pay much attention to me. My shrink says that’s why I laugh like a hyena- lack of self esteem.”

Ho: “Then where did you learn Marxist principles so well?”

K: “Well, I grew up in Oakland, California, attended Howard University and went to law school at UC Hastings College of Law.”

Ho: “Ah! All excellent nests of Marxist – I mean, (cough, cough) Progressive ideology. We’ve had great success infiltrating predominantly black communities and universities dating back to the ’60s. I remember our organization helping one professor “obtain” a book by a white, U.S. Supreme Court Justice titled How to Kill a Black Man. He had it prominently displayed on a book shelf behind his desk for all his students to see.”

K: “Wow! Uncle Ho! That was genius! Which Justice wrote it?”

Ho: “Kamala, Kamala! You really are naive! It was all fake! Ha! Ha! Our organization published it and other political fiction and distributed them throughout city and university libraries. It and our school textbook program have practically financed our whole insurgency to “significantly alter America.” Our biography of Che’ Guevara in particular is so popular his photo (cosmetically altered – he was in fact quite ugly) is displayed more often than pictures of Jesus Christ in Latin America!

K: “Didn’t any of them question what was being taught from that brilliant piece of fiction?”

Ho: “Well, one student told that professor he couldn’t find that title registered with the Library of Congress; so the professor failed that student and expelled him from college. We can’t have tender minds challenging our agents and agendas.”

K: “Oh, I agree 100%, Uncle Ho. We’ve done the same thing in our Administration during the COVID flue season with the help of Fauci and almost all of the mass media. The media were willing to go along for free. It cost billions to buy off corporations like WalMart and MacDonald’s. Did you use the media much in your rise to power?”

Ho: “Oh yes, my dear. We Marxists wouldn’t get anywhere without the help of the media. Lenin liked to call the media his “sharpest scalpel.” Yeah, If the media actually followed their own Creed there wouldn’t be a Marxist elected anywhere in the world!”

K: “But how did you use media in Vietnam? Wasn’t most of that population illiterate back then?”

Ho: “Oh, I followed Mao’s example and sent indoctrinated traveling theater troupes to every village in the countryside acting out Marxist-themed plays that discredited the legitimately elected government. It took awhile but it worked like a charm – the people being so susceptible to emotional negativitism. You have the equivalent in Hollywood. And you don’t even have to pay them! They produce world class disinformation that reaches a far larger audience that fake books ever could – especially since our primary and secondary teachers have done such a fine job of substituting ideology for actual education. If kids can’t read they can’t reason – and, like that expelled student, we can’t have the population thinking for themselves. Nancy Pelosi said it best “That’s OUR job!”
     To counter inconvenient truth, history, and a century of failed policies, do what famed French Socialist Regis Debray did. Debray was a front man for Che Guevara in South America. When a real journalist asked Debray what Che would do when the people discovered his Marxist agenda for South America would make their lives worse. Debray answered “Dissemble! Dissemble! Dissemble!”

K: “Oh, Uncle Ho. I have THAT down pat! My whole campaign is built on obfuscation! I’m amazed at how short American voter memories are and how gullible they are to advertising gimmicks like:

  • Loaded Words: words with strong association such as “chaos,” “equality,” “democracy,” and “freedom.”
  • Projection: falsely blaming the opposition of misdeeds you are guilty of. That’s been a highly successful favorite of communist candidates for decades. Your DNC has gotten really good at that. It puts the other guy on the defensive and, like they say, “If you’re defending, you’re not winning!” 
  • Name Calling: Comparing one candidate to another and saying it is weaker or inferior in qualifications or character. When you combine name calling with the vague “everyone feels this way,” its very effective in creating doubt in the opposition. Again, lying about how others feel about your opponent doesn’t matter. Because it is highly emotional, it works!
  • Glittering Generality: Using words that are positive and appealing but too vague to have any real meaning.
  • Testimonial: a candidate endorsed by a celebrity or expert who may or may not have any expertise in the subject. The important thing is to let the media create legitimacy of opinion in the crowds’ minds.
  • Bandwagon: The candidate tries to make you feel like everyone else is voting for that candidate and if you don’t vote for him / her, you’ll be left out.
  • Snob Appeal: the opposite of bandwagon; snob appeal makes the case that voting for a candidate makes the voter better or smarter than everyone else.”
  • Flattery: The candidate appeals to the voters by implying that smart/popular/rich voters vote for that candidate.
  • Plain Folks: The candidate implies that people just like you vote for this candidate – using mostly testimonials.
  • Emotional Appeals: the candidate appeals to voters’ fears, joys, sense of nostalgia, etc. Fear mongering is an integral part of our Marxist strategy – ignorant people are so fearful they’ll believe anything negative (whether true or false) and vote for whoever can calm their fears by promising all kinds of things to make their life easier.
  • Facts and Figures: manipulating statistics, research, or other data to make the candidate appear to be better than his/her opposition. Remember the phrase “Figures can lie – and liars can figure!”
  • Special Offer: the candidate offers financial enticements to get people to vote for him/her. This is really effective in deluding the ignorant into voting for you because very few voters have any concept of economics and don’t realize neither any political candidate nor the government owns anything of themselves.
         The government can’t give anything to anyone that it doesn’t first take from some other voter – usually from someone who has worked for it and deserves it to give to someone who hasn’t worked for it and doesn’t deserve it! The smartest economic philosopher who ever lived, Frederic Bastiat, called that legal plunder and communism. (google: Davy Crockett meets Horatio Bunce)

K: “But, how did you seal the presidency when a large part of your population saw through your “Democratic Republic” facade to your true Marxism?”

Ho: “Ah, yes. In that, you and I have something in common – though different in scale.”

 K: “What do you mean, Uncle Ho?”

Ho: “Well, in my case, once we controlled the voting mechanism guaranteeing victory, over a million people voted with their feet and fled south. In your case, your staff as Vice President voted with their feet by just quitting.
     I hope your opposition in the RNC leadership doesn’t wise up and start using our tactics!””

K: “For example?”

Ho: “Well, my dear, you scored big when you lied about foreign leaders, generals and the military disliking Trump. Using juvenile name calling is very effective with the less informed. Anything that appeals to the emotions – especially fear, anger and shaming.
      But! you better hope the RNC doesn’t put someone in charge who knows how to really conduct a counterinsurgency- I mean, CAMPAIGN!”

K: “How am I vulnerable then?”

Ho: “All they have to do is get anyone who’s worked for you as VP, Senator or prosecutor – basically 90% of everyone who’s worked for you throughout your entire adult life – to tell the American people how miserable they were working for you. If the American voter ever connects how terrible it is for you to be their boss with having you as their president your chances of winning the presidency are lower than whale feces at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. You will lose worse than Walter Mondale against Reagan in 1984.”
     But I wouldn’t worry your pretty little head, dear. It appears your Party has completely locked up control of the ballot process. It’s looking pretty good for a repeat of 2020. Your George Soros and the DNC have done a marvelous job of obfuscating the voting process changing precincts into “centers,” mutating absentee balloting beyond recognition, extending vote counting for weeks, and buying off judges and district attorneys. With the infamously slow judicial process in your country, your victory should be locked in. Pure, diabolical genius!” 

K: “But, OMG! I shudder to think what they would say – and there’s so many of them!”

Ho: “Well, there are ways of encouraging people to “change their minds” and not cooperate with the opposition.  Ask Don Corleone! It worked with U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts’ decision on ObamaCare in 2012. THAT was a big step toward Socialism.” 

K: “Hmmmm. Guess I’ll have to get the Clintons involved. They’re pretty good about making stuff like that disappear.” 

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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