Bastiat Berates Biden: Plunder Theory Personified

Claude-Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850): French economist, writer and prominent member of the French National Assembly described as the most brilliant (and understandable) economic journalist who ever lived.

CFB: “Joe, you and your cronies are really screwing up a good thing there in America!”

JB: “What do you mean, Fred? I give the people everything they want! What more could I do to make them happy?”

CFB: “That’s just it! You’re not making them happy! You’re making them miserable! Haven’t you read de Tocqueville?”

JB: “Who? How’s that possible when I give them so much money they don’t even have to work for it anymore? Isn’t that the Utopian goal?”

CFB: “Are you really that stupid or just that diabolically deceptive? Anyone with an inkling of history knows More’s Utopia was at best satire! I’m amazed at how ill-read you politicians in D.C. are. What an amazing difference in government it would make if any of you read just a few books on economic theory.”

JB:C’mon, Man! I’m a politician! I can’t think of a greater waste of time when we can make millions just by making phone calls! And who’s this ‘More’ guy?”

CFB: “So, the answer is the latter. Never mind. Joe, you and your kind give a veterinarian definition to the term ‘public service. You people never concern yourselves with the huge cost of government necessary for putting your utopian machinery in motion.” (see: How Democracies Perish by Jean-Francois Revel, 1983). Us here on the ‘other side’ continue to be amazed at the apathetic tolerance of the citizens with politicians like you. You and your family – though certainly not the only ones- grow personally richer by giving comfort and aid to avowed enemies of your own citizens – the very people you have taken oaths to protect and defend. In my day that was called treason and we guillotined people like you and your family in the public square. You’re stealing property that is not yours. How do you live with yourself?”

JB: “Hey, Fred! Quiet! That idea may catch on if anyone hears you! Besides, I’m the President of the United States! I have the power to do what I want!”

CFB: “Au contraire, my misbegotten misogynist. First, you’re exhibiting an extraordinary ignorance of (or disregard for) the Constitution that explains in detail your ‘power.’ Your ‘power’ is not really yours – it derives from the people.  Secondly, you and almost all your fellow politicians in both Parties have for two centuries forgotten that none of you ‘own’ anything. As I explained to my Assembly in 1848, you are under the mistaken impression that property is a right granted by law to you legislators.  This is as wrong as two boys holding hands (even in France!).
     Property is a Natural gift granted by Providence – not by manmade laws. Once you politicians realized you could get rich and stay in power by giving away property that is not yours (see: Horatio Bunce and Davy Crockett – a conversation wikipedia), their concept of freedom disappeared. Through the preoccupation and apathy of your citizens you and your ilk have very cleverly manipulated plunder of private property through legislation.  In Russia, China, and France that’s called Socialism.”

JB: “Shhh! Quiet! We don’t call it that! Voters don’t like it. We prefer to call it Progressivism. But, listen, we weren’t the first to go down that road. Eleanor Roosevelt told JFK ‘Isn’t it time for a little Socialism in Cuba’ when she convinced Kennedy to alter the CIA’s plan for taking out Castro thus guaranteeing failure. (see: Dagger in the Heart: American Policy Failures in Cuba by Mario Lazo, 1976).  And where do you get off accusing us in D.C. of plunder?

CFB: “Well, that’s what it is! Plunder is what you politicians have been doing for over two hundred years in your country – but it isn’t a new concept by any means. Your brand of socialist plunder originates back through Rousseau and Robispierre’s Reign of Terror way back to the Roman State whose economy was based on war, plunder, and slavery – much like your American economy is today. They believed the State is the supreme authority and source of all benefits to the people. That’s waaay out of wack with what your Founding Fathers had in mind.
     If your intent is to destroy the freedom of your fellow citizens and eviscerate the best economic system in the world (as imperfect as it is); the only system that has fed the world, yeah, sure, go for Socialism. But, citizens are human beings born with innate needs and desires. The primary one being free and acquiring property for survival. Your ‘Progressive’ system guarantees the wealthy will reduce affluent families to the ranks of the poor and decimate poor families through illness and starvation. Haven’t you learned anything from Stalin and Mao?”

JB: “Who?”

CFB: “Never mind.”

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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