Baffled GOP Denounces Dems “Coup” – Wrong Again!

The GOP leadership remains baffled when it comes to countering the Dems strategy to “significantly alter America.” The latest red herring hook they’re biting on is claiming the Democrats conducted a “coup” against Joe Biden by pressuring him to withdraw from the 2024 presidential campaign. It wasn’t a “coup.”

     Words mean things because how they are used results in actions and consequences – especially in politics. Using correct terminology is critical to not only achieving a desired outcome but in countering that effort if it is not in our national interests. If there is a threat to our constitution (and there most certainly is) we must understand exactly what kind of threat it is, how they are conducting it and how to counter it. 

     Oxford Dictionary defines a coup d’etat (literally “a strike against a state”) as: a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government. What the Dem machine did to Biden was none of that. It may have been relatively “sudden” to the public, but the powers-behind-the power certainly had such a contingency plan filed long ago knowing Biden’s feeble-mindedness. They’re frankly amazed they were able to sell him to the gullible American voter for so long. With the undeniable cat-out-of-the-bag fiasco of a debate – perhaps intentionally staged or incredible strategic stupidity, Biden’s days were numbered in single digits.

      To successfully counter a coup the government must immediately arrest the coup plotters and imprison or execute them. On very rare occasions, coup plotters are exiled. To counter what the Dems have been doing requires a much more complex response. 

     Removing Biden from the 2024 campaign was not a coup. It was simply the replacement of one puppet for another. They both serve the same master: the public one being Obama.

     January 6th was not an attempted coup or a revolution. It was a spontaneous protest against the corruption by the Dems of the legitimate electoral process. The Jan 6 protestors weren’t even legitimate counterinsurgents. They knew they had been cheated but didn’t know how to go about rectifying the fraud other than through public protest. That rarely changes governments. But it was a symbolic beginning – like the Boston Tea Party. 

     One thing the Dems do well is project their crimes against their opponents. Regis Debray characterizes it as dissembling – . But even their theft of the 2020 election with basement Joe was not a coup. It was the most successful insurgency in the history of the world – completed without firing a shot just as de Tocqueville and Lincoln predicted.

     Now, if the Dems act according to character and repeat their successful 2020 insurgency strategy in 2024, and American citizens rise up and forcefully overthrow the illegitimate government of Kamala Harris, that would be a legitimate revolution. The similarities between King George III’s oppression and today’s Dems is stark. So is the final remedy. 

       The odds of that occurring – much less succeeding- are fewer than Trump’s odds of surviving to occupy the Oval Office.

     Contrary to the GOP’s fundraising mantra, 2024 is not the most important election in our history. 2020 was. And we lost.

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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