Association of Archeological Literatii
( A Proposal)
- To rediscover and restore to public consciousness (and conscience) eternal Truths contained in books buried in history – or committed to the ash heap of political correctness – with the purpose of providing permanent solutions to recurring problems of humanity.
- To serve as voice for those “crying from the dust.”
- To counter the destruction of America’s historical narrative and the story of Western Civilization being committed by “Progressive” revisionists throughout the nation.
- To sift through the literary sands of time in search of Truth and Morality.
- To provide historical examples in hopes of avoiding similar recurring societal ills.
- To examine relevant history in every facet of civilization: Political, Military, Economic, Social, and Spiritual.
Current Board of Directors:
Hieronymous of Cardia (354?-250 B.C.)
Flavius Josephus (37 A.D. – )
Erasmus (d. July 12, 1536
Edward Gibbon (May 8, 1737 – January 16, 1794)
Sir Walter Raleigh (
Mortimer J. Adler (Dec. 28, 1902 – June 28, 2001)
Will & Ariel Durant
(Other nominees considered….)