ASS Director Robert Rowe Must Go!

Acting Secret Service Director Robert Rowe is aping his former D.E.I. brain- damaged boss in obfuscation and dissembling. He must go – resign as a colluder in the seismic snafu shooting of President Trump. Emphatic posturing on “principle” declaring “I WILL NOT RUSH into blah, blah, blah is a foil to delay, delay, delay Biding (pardon the pun) time to continue creating cover stories and a false narrative. 

Having a macho haircut and fomenting false bravado to protect his agents doesn’t cut it with incisive questions from the investigative committee – especially when his answers are evasive at best and lies at worst – deflecting blame for responsibility and trying to protect his job by typical bureaucratic CYA diatribe. His resume’ is amazingly brief for such an important position. It’s as if he was hired because of his limited law enforcement experience and mediocre education. “In April 2023 (Biden administration), he was appointed the Secret Service’s Deputy Director.  In this capacity Rowe was in charge of directly supervising the agency’s everyday protection and investigative activities

I ask Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) why Rowe’s admission, his basic job description and responsibility for ensuring such incidents don’t happen is not aprima faciecase for resignation? He didn’t rise to that appointed position by telling truth to power. No one in federal government does. On the contrary.

If Bethel, PA law enforcement was assigned to that roof and abandoned their post “because it was too hot,” if they failed to personally interdict Crooks when they saw him carrying a range finder (or even the rifle itself) minutes to hours from the time he shot Trump, if a local cop did in fact climb up and confronted the shooter on the roof and retreated without taking immediate action to prevent the former President of the United States from being shot, if there was any moment in which local law enforcement encountered the shooter and failed to take immediate action to prevent the shooting then they are no better than the Uvalde, TX cops who ran away from the school building when they were being shot at. Cops are paid to run toward the gunfire. 

But I can understand Pennsylvania law enforcement officials accusing Acting Secret Service Director (ASSD) Robert Rowe of “misleading the American people” by saying local snipers should have “looked left”  and spotted the shooter (CNN report dtd July 31, 2024 by Jeremy Herb, Scott Glover, Mjlie de Puy Kamp and Danny Freeman). 

ASS Director Robert Rowe’s solipsistic statement “local snipers should have looked left” is of the same insanely inane answer by former Director Cheatle’s “the roof was sloped” and he deserves to be fired or resign for it. That is D.E.I. thinking and needs to be rooted out of the Secret Service. That insulting comment is prima facie evidence of his collusion into the thinking that enabled the shooter to exploit the criminal negligence committed by the entire Secret Service chain of command involved in decisions affecting Trump’s security

Congress needs to cut through the D.E.I.-tainted layer of bureaucracy infesting the Secret Service in order to restore the agency’s legitimacy. It won’t be done by simply accepting the former director’s resignation. Every Secret Service bureaucrat involved in the decision-making chain should be fired or resign on the spot.  

The best way to restore ethics, the rule of law, and effectiveness in government agencies – including the Department of Defense – is to promote the whistleblowers who have been persecuted and had their careers ruined by the Good Ol’ Boy Network to the positions vacated by the exposed corrupt agency leaders. Who else knows the ins-and-outs of their departments? People who have risked everything to do what is right should be rewarded with appointment to the positions they confronted and suffered from. 

Did you feel the ground shake beneath D.C.?

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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