The American Automobile Association has joined the PC PR crowd in their recent TWO commercials:
1. depicts a newspaper boy dancing down his route’s street throwing newspapers helter-skelter to subscribers homes – not only breaking windows but – apparently – with enough force uncommon in today’s youth of that age to penetrate inside the living room to destroy a glass encased knick-knack shelf.
2. Depicts a bored housewife deciding to go some place exciting for vacation and the family excitedly preparing to leave when, HORRORS! , they can’t go because their car has a flat tire.
In both asinine cases the male role models (both minorities) are depicted as helpless until one calls to either pay for the broken picture window or a AAA truck comes to change the flat tire.
In the real world (at least when I was growing up and had a paper route), the male home owner would have been out of the house in an instant grabbing that boy by the scruff of the neck and calling the police. The “flippant” paper boy would have been charged with criminal damage and ordered to pay restitution and serve community service – plus an apology to the homeowner.
I don’t know how to address the issue of a husband/father who doesn’t know how to change a flat on his own car. His man card should be cut in half because apparently his testicles have already been removed.
Snoop Dog’s Solo Stove Smokeless Fire Pit: The advertising industry is going full court press to turn America and Americans – especially the young – into a Snoop Dog Society. When advertisers think promoting such a morally bankrupt, social derelict as Snoop Dog as someone to emulate in buying a smokeless fire pit, they must have hired the same transgender mental deficient that sunk Bud Light into the abyss of alcohol consumption. Snoop Dog teased his idolators into thinking he was quitting smoking marijuana when in fact he was releasing a new promotion ad for a smokeless fire pit – simultaneously promoting the use of marijuana in the commercial.
How despicable does one have to be before the general public turns its back on him? Lacing his ad with not-so-subtle inferences to marijuana (I’m “BLUNT!” in big, bold letters) and “giving up ‘SMOKE’) is the most jaded commercial yet.
I wonder if iHeart Media, Inc. – the streaming radio company that always seems to come up with hundreds of millions of dollars from somewhere in the nick of time before going bankrupt – is funding this slick double entendre commercial to further brainwash their susceptible demographic into smoking marijuana since iHeart owns controlling interest in both national magazines promoting legalization of marijuana (High Times and Weed). After purchasing controlling interest in High Times, the iHeart executive told a reporter “It was a way to get into the marijuana market without the general public’s knowledge.”
I wonder if the SEC and the DEA would be interested in tracing the financing iHeart Media, Inc. and the campaign to legalize marijuana to its source? I bet its south of the border – and just south of Baltimore, Maryland.
I hope Snoop Dog’s Solo Stove goes the same direction as Bud Light.
I found a 1932 3-cent Thomas Jefferson stamp on an envelope among my deceased father’s belongings. I looked up its value online. On eBay that stamp had asking prices of between $200 – $4,000 dollars. On the same stamp was advertised “4 for 20 cents.”
P.T. Barnum said it best: “There’s a sucker born every minute.”
Roof Maxx:
“Think you need a new roof? Think again!”
“The New Way: At a savings up to 80% over replacement, a Roof Maxx roof rejuvenation treatment is guaranteed to strengthen and extend the life of your roof by five years per treatment. With repeated treatments every five years, you can extend the life of your roof up to 15 years.”
I’m not a math mensa by any means but using just simple multiplication it would seem like one would at least be spending the same amount of money on “repeated treatments” as you would for a new roof. Kind of like continuing to make repairs on your old clunker car to avoid buying a new – or even a good, used newer car.
But “the rest of the story” as Paul Harvey used to say is revealing. I recommend reading the Better Business Bureau complaints online ( Maxx Roof LLC complaints) as well as the multiple Maxx Roof reviews online.
McDonalds’s “$5 Meal Deal”:
McDonald’s was a major player in the COVID corporate cabal that enforced the draconian quarantine violations of every Americans’ civil rights. As a reward for colluding in what The Great Barrington Declaration calls “The greatest hoax committed against humanity in the history of the world,” McDonald’s was allowed to stay open when hundreds of thousands of mom and pop private restaurants were forced to close. It was a colossal case of George Orwell’s Animal Farm satire on Socialism in which “All animals are equal; but some are more equal than others” – a corruption of capitalism which continues to this day (see: David A. Stockman’s The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America, 2013; 768pgs.)
McDonald’s CEOs post-COVID price gouging apparently came back to bite them in their corpulent asses. After tripling the cost of a Big Mac meal to around $18, customers apparently discovered Wendy’s long-standing $5 Biggie Bag. I laughed aloud watching the McDonald’s CEO feebly explaining their offer of a $5 meal as “showing we care about our customers in these hard financial times and want to provide value to them” when he colluded in the price gouging. His real motive was to recover a shocking loss in market share to Wendy’s. His hubris and facility for fabrication qualifies him for political office.
I terminated my decades-long relationship with McDonald’s when they raised the price of an Egg McMuffin breakfast meal from around $6 to over $11 and quit accepting completed review codes for an additional free egg muffin. I felt like McDonald’s had set the hook then was drawing in the line on customers who had formed a breakfast tradition with them – just like drug pushers get their customers hooked with a “free taste” then increase the cost of a fix. I wasn’t going to play that game and instead adopted Wendy’s $5 Biggie Bag lunch.
A few weeks ago I decided to try out McDonald’s $5 Meal Deal. What I was given didn’t deserve the title of “meal.” When the employee hurriedly slid my tray in front of me I laughed out loud at what I saw. The whole meal occupied less space on the tray than a napkin. I didn’t know they made buns smaller than “small.” The same with the meat patties. I didn’t know chicken nuggets could get smaller and taste even more like cardboard. The FDA really needs to exam them for actual meat. McDonald’s even served the fries in a sleeve smaller than small – and definitely not packed to overflowing like they used to and how Wendy’s does routinely.
I sat their musing at what lay before me. An image of a little girl’s Barbie kitchen formed in my mind. I envisioned Barbie serving Ken this miniature meal – and Ken demanding a divorce!
McDonald’s “$5 Meal Deal” is neither a “meal” nor a “deal.” It is insulting for McDonald’s to serve such a miserly and paltry portion of poor quality food to customers.
[See also: Memo to Brian Kilmeade’s “Show Me Evidence of Corporate Price Gouging!” this blog site]
Spokesman “Huckster” Huckabee, who has a perpetual hunger for attention far exceeding the public’s interest in him, and his wife tout this method for falling asleep almost as beneficial as the Fountain of Youth – and equally fictitious. The “Huckster” ad claims Relaxium has been “sleep studied, tested, and trusted!” It’s none of those.
– the personal (paid) testimonials are exemplary in their extremism: One hen-pecked looking husband leans forward and proclaims “Headaches! Nightmares! GONE!” Maybe if he divorced his domineering wife he wouldn’t need Relaxium.
– The other couple are obviously in great need of the money if you gauge their extreme testimonies: “I DON’T KNOW HOW WE EVER LIVED THESE 30 YEARS!” “I’M TELLING YOU THIS IS THE REAL DEAL!” (which, by stating it, means it isn’t); and, touching his knee affectionately, “I KNOW my husband in a different way!” That last comment makes me gag every time I see it. The thought of that bullish-built woman occupying the same bed as me…excuse me, I just had something come up in my throat. She seemed to infer Relaxium gave her husband such a good night’s sleep it was better than Viagra!
The Facts:
1. “American Behavioral Research Institute LLC, maker of the sleep supplement Relaxium, agreed to pay $925,000 in civil penalties and costs, as well as make restitution specifically to California consumers through a class action case already arranged, the District Attorney’s office said on Tuesday.
An investigation by the California Auto Renewal Task Force found that the company did not properly disclose to its customers that their subscriptions would be automatically renewed after a trial period.” – Bay City News, September 10, 2023
2. Truth in Advertising on May 16, 2022 called Mike Huckabee’s Relaxium “A Lullaby of Deception.”
3. Many –many– more negative reviews can be found by casually perusing the internet.
It’s amazing to me that iHeart Media, Inc. continues to allow such a deceptive and falsely advertised product on its’ service provider. But then, iHeart Media Inc. shouldn’t be expected to have a high level of integrity when it tried keeping its’ intent to dominate the marijuana market from the consumer public.
Immuno 150:
Aside from all the incredible, evidentiary medical stuff cited below, I suspect the name of the product has nothing to do with the number of mortality increasing ingredients. I’d bet your next pay check Ol’ Elmer picked that number because that’s how old he looks (he’s “89”)! He must have the same plastic surgeon as Ol’ Joe B. Both look like they’ve been exhumed after massive amounts of formaldehyde infused during the embalming process. Yet, this old man can say with a straight face that he “can do anything!” with a wink at his wife. Really?
Ol’ Elmer‘s 82 year old wife proves his point by adroitly exiting a golf cart without falling down and extracting a golf club out of the bag without boinking herself in the face. Bravo! It doesn’t show her teeing off. She then demonstrates her physical prowess by kicking a soccer about 20 feet – not actually playing soccer. Awesome! Even unmedicated, un-supplemented Joe Biden could do both those. But I wouldn’t bet my paycheck on that.
After reading the scientific evidence below, one wonders how Ol’ Elmer and his wife aren’t in prison for attempted manslaughter! Where’s the DEA? Where’s Congress in closing this potentially fatal loophole? Oh, my bad! They’re protecting their campaign donors.
“Immuno 150 is a nutritional supplement sold by a brand called Exceptional Health Products (ECH). The brand claims that this supplement provides “Everything Your Body Needs” and that it can support health, energy and happiness. It is worth noting that the doses of some of these ingredients are very high and may be unsafe to take for extended periods of time:
- Vitamin E in listed at a dose of 60.3 mg. – or 402% of the Daily Value. A medical review published in the Annals of Internal Medicine journal reports that high dosage vitamin E supplementation may increase all-cause mortality.
- Vitamin B12 is included at a dose of 600 mcg, which is 25,000% of the DV. ECH has failed to prove taking such high doses for extended periods is beneficial or safe.
- Copper is included at 111% of the DV. A 2006 medical review found that high copper blood levels were associated with increased mortality rates.
A National Center for Biotechnology Information study published by the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force concluded the following:
“Vitamin and mineral supplementation provides little to no benefit in preventing cancer, CVD, and death. Perhaps for those individuals who consume an unhealthy diet and are unwilling to make dietary changes, multivitamin use may be beneficial. But for the majority of otherwise healthy adults we haven’t seen much evidence that spending money on multivitamin or multimineral supplements is worth it.”
Regarding Immuno 150 herbal ingredients: “The doses of these ingredients are incredibly low in most cases. The entire “Herbal Complex“ only contains an active ingredient dose of 31 mg., which equates to an average ingredient dose of 2 mg.
Flaxseed Powder is listed as a daily dose of 3mg. A medical review published in the Nutrients Journal found the only effective doses cited were 25,000 mg. per day and 50,000mg per day. This review found that to be beneficial to human health the Immuno 150 dose would have to be 10,000 times higher.
Immuno 150 also contains Titanium Dioxide as an active ingredient. This ingredient is banned for use as a food additive in the E.U. due to toxicity concerns.
Overall, we aren’t convinced by the potential for Immuno 150 to improve human health and we don’t recommend the supplement due to the inclusion of titanium dioxide.” – Illuminate Labs, Immuno 150 Review: Are 150 Ingredients Too Many? Calloway Cook; May 22, 2023.
Roman Ready: “Roman is men’s healthcare simplified.” Photos: Erectile dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Men’s hair loss, Genital herpes, Testosterone Support, Cold Sores, Stress Relief! Do men still fall for this snake oil? If men would get off their asses and go to the gym regularly, tone up and lose the beer bellies they seem so proud of they might be able to get it up at the appropriate time! Or maybe I’m missing the obvious and men can get pregnant? It sure looks it! Exercise is as magical as Viagra in improving sex – without raising your blood pressure to heart attack levels. If men would actually talk to their partners and tell them how they feel and what they like about their partner during the act they would be amazed at the impact of verbal stimulation on performance – yours and hers! The best sexual stimulant for women is (first) communication (it is for men too even if the boring “strong, silent type” won’t admit it). As far as stress relief….well, if you haven’t figured out Nature’s way of doing that by now, a pill can’t help you. And, just a thought, try taking a shower every now and then.
This commercial -like many others hyped by iHeart Media, Inc.– pushes the envelope on decency (much less accuracy) with crass advertising sliding society toward Gomorrah sponsoring counterfeit conservative talk show hosts.
Jim Gaffigan: A Dark Place – mocking passengers’ panic in a plane about to crash. I can’t think of anything less funny or more morbid. Yet the crowd laughs hysterically. What kind of society have we become?
Puffin Drinkwear: coats for cans? a pocket for the tab? I thought comfort animals were for the emotionally crippled, pity seeking partiers. Are coats for cans the next comfort crutch? Now that’s virtue signaling! If you let any beverage sit around long enough to warm then some dip chewing ol’ boy should spit it your can.
Busy Baby Mat: “allows you to let your baby be part of your social action.” I raised four kids. When they were babies they went with us and dominated our social action the entire time. Especially during the “everything goes on the floor” phase. The baby in the commercial is obviously not the “mother’s”. Blue eyed baby with brown eyed hispanic mother? I don’t consider giving a baby a diversion at the table being part of your social action. None of the women at the table paid one bit of attention to the baby during the entire commercial. They actually looked uncomfortable with it at the table. Probably afraid the baby would take attention away from them – which it did.
Jury Duty: mocks and demeans the already demeaned process of being called up for jury duty. It’s a slander on one of our most critical responsibilities as citizens and of our legal process. Just one more slap in the face of America’s institutions by Hollywood.
The Daily Cannon: Nick Cannon on AMP: zero socially redeeming value. glorifying the mutation of the English language used to articulate nothing meaningful. A total waste of brain power.
Game Face Grooming: Beavis and Butthead laughter when an idiot intentionally steps on a smashed ice cream cone lying on the sidewalk – then wiggles his toes to ensure it smears on the side of his shoe. New Balance should be ashamed they let this moronic enterprise use their shoe. Perfect product for the metro-sexual East Coasters timidly identifying as male.
Crunch Cup: intentionally spilling Captain Crunch cereal on the table to justify combining cereal in a tube within a cup of milk so they (allegedly) combine inside your mouth. Sounds like a recipe for an emergency Heimlich Maneuver. How much cereal are you going to spill trying to pour cereal from the box into that small tube within the cup? I can see the user trying to drink dry cereal flushed down his throat while driving to work. A recipe for disaster as if texting while driving wasn’t enough.