I don’t subscribe to the local paper. I quit getting it when I noticed a “progressive” bent to the publication. Instead, about once a week I go to the Ft. Huachuca library to say hello to my good friends working there and to scan the week’s papers. That way I don’t help finance the “progressive” propaganda machine, I can socialize with friends I wouldn’t see otherwise since I retired, and see if I missed anything really significant in my cherished little burg. As usual I came across an interesting dialogue in the Letters to the Editor section regarding a book titled “Sexual Sabotage & Kinsey’s Crimes & Consequences” by Judith A. Reisman, Phd. I have not read the book – yet. It hasn’t been lowered to my level of budgetary parsimony yet. But I did read the critiques and comments and that makes it noteworthy. If as advertised this book should be in all true-Americans’ bookshelves – right next to Robert Bork’s “Slouching Toward Gomorrah”. Contrary to leftist drivel, “Sexual Sabotage” is a factual, informative expose’ on Kinsey himself and puts the lie to his “groundbreaking” social “research” that ignited the sexual revolution in America -oftentimes using Kinsey’s own “data” to blow holes in his theories. For those of us who believe in a right and a wrong, good and bad, very little gray in the middle, and refute the moral relativism responsible for so much of America’s misery today, I believe Reisman’s book is another arrow in our quiver. And If you need a few darts read the quotes below:
Quotes For Candidates: (I plan to make this a recurring item)
“The tree of liberty grows only when watered by the blood of tyrants” Betrand Barere, 1798. (Tyrants, may I remind, are leaders who rule by edict rather than by the majority)
“An idealist is a person who helps other people to be prosperous.” Henry Ford, on the witness stand, 1919.
“As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean.” S.T. Colebridge, The Ancient Mariner
“He slept beneath the moon, He basked beneath the sun; He lived a life of going-to-do, And died with nothing done.” J. Albery, Epitaph Written for Himself
“Their only labor was to kill time; And labor dire it is, and weary woe.” Thomson, The Castle of Indolence