Memo to K.T. McFarland: Let Ukraine Win!

Ms. McFarland, 

What the F#$k do you know about war? Ever been in combat? Ever served in the military? Ever even studied war? That would be a “No.” Your career has been on the sidelines of military – and barely there at that as a speechwriter? Are you kidding me? 

So your sycophantic, puppeteering as an expert opining on Ukraine is laughable. 

For an administration whose mantra is “Winning! there is a lot of  cowardly defeatism where it counts.

Reagan would not have tolerated this. His hostages were released the same day he took the oath of office. He told the communists to tear down the wall – and they did. This administration’s first test against the communists is to reward them for invading a free, democratic country by keeping occupied territory and stabbing the Ukrainians in the back by calling their elected president a “dictator.”

Trump is treating Putin’s invasion of Ukraine like a contract dispute between corporate and labor. Piss poor diplomacy. 

On Fox Business 22 Feb. you said “It is the best of all deals for U.S. to have US businesses on the ground because Putin won’t invade if US companies are on the ground.” Your ignorance grossly underestimates Putin’s desire to restore the former Soviet Empire. You’re naivete’ is betting the lives of American businessmen and risking having to put U.S. troops on the ground to protect those businesses (or react to their seizure by Putin).

I wouldn’t expect a pro-abortion, night-shift typist, assistant press liaison, speech writer to offer much rational advice on whether Ukraine can win their war or not – despite your academic forays at prestigious universities (did not complete your Phd) and unaccountable rise to assistant security advisor to Flynn. You are no Jeanne Kirkpatrick.

Reminds me of AOC‘s inexplicable rise to power. 

I guess “winning” means anything for a buck.  Principle, morality – and freedom – be damned. 

Spoken like a true National Chamber of Commerce lobbyist – who abetted our open borders. 

How crass for a representative of the U.S. government to say a free people should be happy to have U.S. businesses in their country while their country is occupied and they are dying to keep what they have. That’s the epitome of an ethnocentric Ugly American.

When Reagan told the Soviet Union to “tear down this wall!” it inspired occupied Eastern European countries to rise up and throw off the yoke of communist oppression. 

Trump can tell offensive media to “get out!” of his press room but he can’t tell the Russians to get out of Ukraine.  I guess it follows when he says “all Hell will break loose” – and it doesn’t for Israeli and American hostages but can’t threaten the Russians who have massacred tens of thousands of Ukrainian men, women and children the same way.

Reminds me of a playground bully who scares the defenseless but backs down when confronted by a kid who can defend himself.  

Why? Because Trump and Putincan do business together?”

In case you and the Administration have forgotten, Putin is a communist. Communists lie. They will say anything to get what they want. I’m surprised more in congress don’t realize this considering how good they are at it. Kindred spirits I guess. Communists don’t call it lying. That call it “dissembling” – or more accurately “Glasnost.” (for the real origin of Glasnost see Pacepa’s Disinformation, 2013.  Gorbachev laughed at how the West totally missed the correct definition)

You also said “Ukraine is never going to win this war so they should be happy they will have a thriving economy.”  It’s a good thing Winston Churchill didn’t listen to Parliament (including half the Royal family) and seek an “honorable surrender” to Hitler so they could have “a thriving economy” under Nazi occupation. That is, after the mass executions and collectivization of private property decimated the population and its resources.  Ukraine and Georgia went through this before under Stalin. It coined a new term: Holodomor.

The people of Ukraine have voted for the “deal” they want with their lives. They want the Russians out of Ukraine. They’ve sacrificed everything to achieve that goal. Flippantly declaring in public that Ukraine is never going to win is the height of defeatism in the face of such herculean sacrifice. 

You are shaming America in the eyes of the world. Putin and Xi now know that the way to get their ideology pandemic is to appease the business interest of this Administration. 

Might as well replace the torch of freedom on the Statue of Liberty with a dollar sign. 

Because America apparently worships the god of Mammon

Our Founding Fathers are vomiting in their graves. 

One thing for sure is Ukraine will never stop fighting as long as Russians occupy Ukrainian soil. Unlike you and your kind, there are things worth dying for. Even a ceasefire won’t stop the fighting because the Russians will violate it with provocative, piecemeal attacks until they develop a propaganda program justifying their invasion of the rest of Ukraine

If you or anyone in the current administration knew anything about fighting communism you would know that is their modus operandi

Maybe Union General Tecumseh Sherman should shout in your and Trump’s ear to explain how to fight a war. Note: key word here is fightnot surrender

Why isn’t Trump imposing the same sanctions on Russia he did in his previous term and the same he imposed on Iran? He could kill two birds with one stone.

Wars are won and lost with logistics. If Trump really supported Ukraine he would strangle Russia economically until Putin could no longer support deployed troops and had to withdraw from occupied Ukraine

Putin’s withdrawal is critical for three reasons:
     1. By international law Russia committed an illegal invasion of another sovereign nation’s territory and is in the process of committing genocide. How would Americans feel if China occupied our Eastern seaboard and continued bombing the rest of the United States while massacring U.S. citizens by the thousands? 

     2. Putin needs to be defeated and punished or his conduct will be the de facto new norm in Europe

     3. The Carpathian and Crimean Mountains form a natural defensive, early warning barrier against another Russian invasion – a strategic barrier not afforded by Russia’s occupation of eastern Ukraine where a violation of a cease fire would have Russian troops speeding across the steppes into Kyiv before Ukraine and the international community could react. Those mountains are the only thing that can guarantee a real cease fire — and perhaps another invasion.

Otherwise, inevitably, UNpeacekeeping” forces will be required – and we saw how well that works in Mogadishu. 
Much of the Ukrainian rare earth minerals are in Eastern Ukraine. How are you going to put U.S. businesses on Russian occupied Ukraine soil? Or is it the Trump Administration’s intent to reward Putin by letting him keep those rare earth minerals in addition to the majority of the world’s strategic minerals already in Russia

The Ukrainians have the Russians at a standstill and all they need is a coordinated attack with all the weapons systems they asked for to push Putin back into Russia where he belongs. The Ukrainians have shown with their blood they are willing to pay that price. 

They should be given what weapons, intel, and logistics they need to accomplish their mission. 

If Trump allows Putin to stay in occupied Ukraine, Trump will never be the greatest president in the history of the United States. He will be just another scalp on Putin’s totem pole
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been so badly handled as to make this observer wonder if it hasn’t been by design just to benefit the Political-Military-Industrial Complex.

Particularly, under an administration famous for the “Art of the Deal.” 
Stop fretting about money.

Act like a Statesman and stand up for principle for once! For human dignity! For democracy!

Help UkraineWin!” 

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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