The Kilmead-Trump Interview: Biden Part 2?

Brian Kilmead‘s February 21 2025 interview of President Trump sounded eerily close to the Biden interview that doomed his 2024 candidacy – only a difference of degree. 

Is Trump losing his mind  or is it just his first failing encounter with real politik that exposes his Achilles heel?

Trump’s manner of speech has always been problematic. You can tell a lot about a man’s character by how many “I”s and “Me”s he uses in conversations. It’s as if a pocket of a few phrases  -always including himself- can answer every question and solve every problem.  

Trump’s near melt-down in response to Kilmead’s reminding Trump it was Putin that invaded Ukraine is revealing. Kilmead couldn’t get Trump to shut up and listen because Trump didn’t want to hear it. Trump would have had to listen to why he was wrong.

Is Trump on the autism scale?

“A high functioning autistic (HFA) is someone who excels in specialized fields, such as technology or art, but struggles with daily social interactions or sensory processing.  An HFA possesses good language skills, average to above average intelligence, and the ability to perform daily living activities independently.” – (; “What is High Functioning Autism?

Granted Trump has been a successful businessman – many high functioning autistic megalomaniacs are- but there is no denying the office of the President of the United States requires geo-political acumen and, so far this term, Trump hasn’t shown any. The Abrahamic Accord his first term apparently fell apart shortly after he left office – probably because his bribes to the Arab countries were cut off. (see: Reagan Tutors Trump on Tehran this site)

Being butt hurt because Zalynskyy didn’t accept a rare minerals “deal” just shows how thin skinned his business suit is; how fragile his New York City bubble is. 

Or is that the definition of a megalomaniac
     “A megalomaniac is a pathological egotist, that is, someone with a psychological disorder with symptoms like delusions of grandeur and an obsession with power. Used more informally for people who are convinced of their absolute power and greatness.” –

“The Russians attacked BUT Putin didn’t have to attack.” Qualifying a declarative statement with a “but” means you are justifying bad behavior with moral equivalence. “Moral equivalence” began to be used as a polemic term-of-retort used as an indictment against foreign policy that appeared to use only situation-based application against widely held ethical standards. Parties often urge both sides to conduct a ceasefire and negotiate their differences. However these negotiations prove difficult because both parties believe they are morally superior to the other and are unwilling to negotiate on the basis of moral equivalence.” -(see: Jeane Kirkpatrick, The Myth of Moral Equivalence, January 1986, Vol. 15, No. 1, Imprimis )
     For example, many in the Western media attempt to create moral equivalence in the conduct of Hamas’ massacre of October 7th with Israel‘s right to self defense. 

Trump is creating the same moral equivalence for Putin’s murderous invasion of Ukraine. 

Trump told Kilmead during a commercial break and off mike (Kilmead proudly broadcast in fawning delight) “My loyalty is not to your network (Fox). It’s not to your producers. My loyalty is to you the person!” Understandable considering who runs Fox but to make a public point of it is so kindergarten its scary. 

Does Trump like Putin because he allowed Trump to build a hotel in Moscow, some other pre-existing business relationship,  or because Trump’s business myopia is tunnel visioned on the much vaster and lucrative sources of wealth inside Russia’s eleven time zones?

Working with a corrupt foreign leader hasn’t stopped Trump’s business enterprises before. 

Most importantly, Trump appears totally clueless about Communism – and about Putin’s expressed agenda to regain all of the former Soviet Union’s territory. Or he doesn’t care which means he is a political agnostic. This mind set is very dangerous for the security of America and the world but very advantageous and exploitable for Putin – and China.

Remember, shortly after Trump’s first election, on April 6, Chinese President Xi had dinner with Trump’s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law, Jared Kucher (son of real estate mogul, frequent Trump contributor – and former Democratic donor – and convicted felon Charles Kusher who was pardoned by Trump then appointed ambassador to France) and within a day had unprecedented monopoly rights to sell Ivanka brand jewelry, bags, and spa services.  Despite Ivanka Trump’s declaration she was not going to be involved in her father’s politics she had an office in his White House and negotiated more monopoly rights for her brand with the Japanese Prime Minister.” (see: Trump’s Daughter meets Chinese president, receives Chinese Trademarks, MSNBC, April 18, 2017; by Steve Benen)

Not even Hunter Biden had an office in his father’s building (though Jill apparently did). 

What a “Deal.”  Such nepotistic, financial shenanigans by the average citizen would automatically be grounds for denial or cancellation of a Top Secret security clearance due to the potential for compromise or susceptibility to blackmail. 

If Trump has no ethical compunction about pulling a “Big Guy” deal for his daughter – despite strong advice to the contrary by Richard Painter, White House ethics legal advisor under G.W, what other “deals” has he done since that blatantly violates conflicts of interest?
     Does exchanging a Russian citizen convicted of financial fraud in prison in the U.S. for a moronic elementary school teacher, Mark Fogel, who was busted by the Russians for bringing marijuana into their country count? When Trump was asked what he gave in exchange for Fogel, Trump flippantly said “Not much.” The ripped off American investors may disagree – again (see: Trump‘s first term pardons: Google).
     Calling Fogel a “hostage” is an insult to the real hostages taken against their will in Israel – and pure political theater at the expense of victimized U.S. citizens.

Every Russian president since Kruschev has been a former Director of the KGB (now FSB).  It’s Department K – Disinformatziya not only gaslights Western governments and media with false westernized, Democratic-loving personas of their own Presidents (Gorbachev, Putin) but conducts in-depth personality profile analysis of every American president. 

Putin knows Trump’s strengths and weaknesses – and is playing Trump like a Stradivarius.

Zalynskyy knows Communism first hand. He sees very clearly how Putin has exploited Trump’s business blinders in a web of disinformation. Any leader of any former Soviet bloc country would say the same thing in the exact same words. 

“They wouldn’t talk – they wouldn’t be talking at all if it wasn’t for ME.”
     It certainly isn’t uncommon for nations still at war not to talk to each other – especially when one country still has bombs dropping on its capital killing innocent civilians. Duh!     

When Trump speaks he automatically reverts to phrases praising himself that frankly, this citizen is tired of hearing.

It echoes Kamallah’s “I was born into a middle class working family.” It’s reminiscent of Dustin Hoffman’s conversations with Tom Cruise in the movie Rainman

Give me specifics on how Z could possibly have negotiated with Putin. That would have been like FDR blaming Churchill for Hitler’s invasion of Europe because he didn’t negotiate a “deal.” Oh, wait! They did negotiate a deal – which Hitler proceeded to violate. Which is exactly what Putin plans to do.

Frankly I’m sick and tired of hearing about Trump’s “Deals” when we face an intractable communist threat of world domination that has never changed – nor will it. Just as Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran have never wavered from destroying Israel.

More Disney diplomacy:
thinking out of the box solution for Gaza” is novel but it also utopian (see definition of Utopia) which means Trump isn’t dealing with political reality. 

“Wasted trip to Ukraine. Wish I had never sent the envoy.” 
     Trump was most upset with Zalynskyy because Z turned down a lucrative rare earth metals deal. Again, money over principle. 

Both Trump and his Secretary of State Rubio look almost as naive and gullible as Antony Blinkin – totally out of their element against the communists – just like every other U.S. administration except Reagan’s.  

“It’s a war that never should have started. His men are being decimated” – yet Zalynskyy’s soldiers and citizens have stopped the Russians. Ask them what they think of Trump’s “deal” with Putin.  

“The buildings are all collapsed because he [Zalynskyy) didn’t negotiate with Putin.”  Wow. Tell that to the British who survived the Blitz. Or the Polish, Romanians, Czechs, etc. who were bombed by the Nazis in ’39. Or Pearl Harbor survivors. 
rump just doesn’t understand that not every problem in the world is amenable to money. His experience in business domestic and even internationally has insulated him from the ideological conflict between the two Super Powers. 

Biden’s problem was obvious – Alzheimer’s

Trump’s problem may not be as obvious – but potentially more dangerous.

Biden doesn’t have a god complex. He’s just a selfish, corrupt politician like most others. 

Trump’s ego is offensive – and ultimately counter productive.

It’s the unnecessary source of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

see: Trump’s favorite song: “I Wanna Talk About Me” by Toby Keith. Because, underneath the political posturing with “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood, it appears by his own words “It IS all about ME.”

Megalomaniacs are clever emotional manipulators that way.

About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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