Association of Archeological Literatii

Association of Archeological Literatii

( A Proposal)


  1. To rediscover and restore to public consciousness (and conscience) eternal Truths contained in books buried in history – or committed to the ash heap of political correctness – with the purpose of providing permanent solutions to recurring problems of humanity.
  2. To serve as voice for those “crying from the dust.”
  3. To counter the destruction of America’s historical narrative and the story of Western Civilization being committed by “Progressive” revisionists throughout the nation.
  4. To sift through the literary sands of time in search of Truth and Morality.
  5. To provide historical examples in hopes of avoiding similar recurring societal ills.
  6. To examine relevant history in every facet of civilization: Political, Military, Economic, Social, and Spiritual. 

Current Board of Directors:

Hieronymous of Cardia (354?-250 B.C.)

Flavius Josephus (37 A.D. –  )

Erasmus  (d. July 12, 1536

Edward Gibbon (May 8, 1737 – January 16, 1794)

Sir Walter Raleigh (

Mortimer J. Adler (Dec. 28, 1902 – June 28, 2001)

Will & Ariel Durant

(Other nominees considered….)


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