GOP’s Ballot Harvesting: Poker Politics

California GOP Chair Jessica Millan Patterson recently spoke on Fox News about the GOP plan to win in November: 
     “We made sure we were ballot harvesting” “Playing by the rules given us,” “boasting of the highest turnout in 2020” “This is going to be critical for us if we are going to win.”

     She uses the metaphor of a football game in which the GOP is now playing “in all four quarters.” It’s the wrong metaphor but, even if it was correct, the GOP will still lose in the final minutes of the fourth quarter. Why? Because they are playing in their opponents home field with bought and paid for referees. In a tied game, the refs are going to find any reason to toss the flag and throw the game. 

     “We made sure we were ballot harvesting!” Copying a tactic of their opposition – presumably without registering illegal aliens, criminals who’ve lost their franchise, and the dead – reminds me of Kamala coopting Trump’s tax proposals in reverse. That alone will guarantee failure by the GOP.

     “Playing by the rules given us.” Does it require explaining that playing by the rules of your opposition is a fool’s errand? Instead of trying to restore the integrity of the ballot system to voting at local precincts vs. “voting centers” and same-day voting same-day counting, the GOP is jumping into the cesspool of a deeply corrupted, deeply mutated ballot system. Ballot  harvesting is not “the rules given us.” Ballot harvesting Democrat-style is a subversion of the electoral system that worked in 2020. The GOP is copying the terminology when in fact it is just an accelerated effort to register voters – something they should have done in 2020.

     “This is something we started doing in 2020 with great success“! Uh, Biden won California by a wide margin in 2020. Bragging of receiving the most votes than in previous years is like bragging about coming in a distant second in a marathon. Ballot harvesting GOP-style in 2024 will only result in the GOP coming in a less-than-distant second place in November 2024. 

     Why? Because the GOP is not ballot harvesting like the Democrats are ballot harvesting.  The GOP is simply “getting out the vote” with a coopted catch phrase. Democrats are ballot harvesting by sucking up every breathing person to vote – regardless of eligibility. That’s one reason the GOP will lose.

     The other reason is the GOP doesn’t understand the election is not a football game. Like the rest of America’s preoccupation with gambling, the GOP, whether they know it or not, is playing political poker. 

     The GOP’s “ballot harvesting” is the poker version of showing your hand to the player across the table. “Playing the first quarter” is tipping your opponent with what cards you have. Boasting of the “great strides” the GOP is making in the vote tally early on only allows the opposition to stack the deck against them when they are called on November 4th.

     CAGOP Chair Millan’s confidence in a “no October surprise” will ring hollow once the GOP tally is in (“shows their hand”) and the Democrats know exactly how many fraudulent votes to stuff in the ballot boxes, truck them in after the polls close, and trash ballots marked “R” – the poker version of dealing from the bottom of the deck. 

     Just like they did in 2020.

     I don’t understand how the GOP can be so optimistic when they have done nothing to dismantle the interstitially corrupted electoral system.

     Playing football while the “rules given them” apply to poker will result in the GOP losing the “pot” –  the “stakes” being our constitutional rights, freedoms, and our economic and national security. 

     When you play by the “House” rules, the House always wins.


About Mike

Former Vietnam Marine; Retired Green Beret Captain; Retired Immigration Inspector / CBP Officer; Author "10 Years on the Line: My War on the Border," and "Collectanea of Conservative Concepts, Vols 1-3";
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